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What makes “A Woman of Excellence”. Her life is an example of a life that God has filled with himself and has the out-working of His character in every.

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Presentation on theme: "What makes “A Woman of Excellence”. Her life is an example of a life that God has filled with himself and has the out-working of His character in every."— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes “A Woman of Excellence”. Her life is an example of a life that God has filled with himself and has the out-working of His character in every area of her life. We can be women of excellence too, by being clothed with Jesus Christ, and allowing His likeness to permeate every area of our lives. May our lives be a true reflection of Jesus Christ Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised! Proverbs 31:30 Precious Lord, help us see, True beauty is found inside. When we develop godly Character, And are clothed with Jesus Christ. Sunday 1 Thank God for Marieke, who has returned to work with the boys in the shelter at Khayalethu. She will also assist them with school work as she is a qualified teacher. Monday 2 Thanks to YFC partners and friends who attended our AGM, and continue to support our work. May God richly bless them. Tuesday 3 Thank God for the media exposure of the work of YFC projects in Pietermaritzburg and Durban. Wednesday 4 YFC is extremely grateful to Incredible Connection for the generous donation of 2 laptops and a colour printer. Thursday 5 Pray for Lauren Pattison who arrives today to spend 3 months with Khayalethu. Pray for her as she settles into the project, that she will quickly build strong relationships with the staff that she will work with. Friday 6 Pray for the Khayalethu Outreach team as they try to build relationships with the boys from the France area, that they will be aware that home and school are important for them and their future. Saturday 7 Pray for Elke, as she spends time doing research with the Change Agents. She is doing her Social Work masters, and has returned to South Africa to do this. Sunday 8 Pray for Martine as she settles in Empangeni, that we will find a good way to use her skills and communicate with her, even though she is at a distance from us. Monday 9 Today we celebrate “Women's Day” may we remember the many women who make a difference in the lives of children and youth. Tuesday 10 Pray for staff in projects as they spend this month planning for 2011, in order that we get our budgets ready. Wednesday 11 Pray for the Change Agents who will host parents meetings, that they will be successful in fostering good relations between children and parents. Thursday 12 Thank God for the successful teachers workshop that took place and was facilitated by an organisation called Bobby Bear. Friday 13 Pray for the project coordinators and internship coordinator as they meet to devise a strategy and work plan for the Internship Programme for 2011. Saturday 14 Pray for programmes that take place at the community centres, that it will go well and also be of great benefit to the children. Sunday 15 Pray for God’s favour on funding proposals sent and work in progress. Yfc/kzn prayer calendar …august2010

2 Monday 16 Thank God for the staff of YFC/KZN, who are dedicated and work hard, often with little recognition. Pray that they will find affirmation in all that they do. Tuesday 17 Pray for four young girls that were placed back at school last term at Swapo, but they have all stopped going because of various reasons like pregnancy and disobedience. Wednesday 18 Pray for the spiritual growth of all interns and that those who do not have a relationship with Christ will establish one. Thursday 19 Pray for the family of a girl in the Outreach programme who died as a result of HIV/AIDS. May God comfort her family in their time of loss. Friday 20 Pray that the 2 nd year interns will find suitable courses for their studies. Saturday 21 Pray for the Khayalethu community team that will be hosting a workshop in the Masukwana area on parenting skills that it will be a success. Sunday 22 Thank God for the successful camp that took place at L’Abri for the girls in the Intensive Intervention programme, it has made an impact on their lives and they were able to deal with their past experiences. Monday 23 Thank God for the sewing project started by the Marmalade Mums and ladies of Hayfields Baptist Church. Tuesday 24 Thank God for the fabric books donated by Capital Curtains. Wednesday 25 Pray for healing for a girl in the Tennyson House shelter who has head injuries that she may recover physically and emotionally. Thursday 26 Thank God that the trainings in the management course have gone well and staff have shown great enthusiasm. Friday 27 Pray for the Educators camp that will take place at L’Abri, that the aims of sustainability and good programme management will be successful. Saturday 28 Pray for a youth workshop that will take place today in the Swapo community. The topics that will be discussed is self destructive behaviour and teenage pregnancy. Sunday 29 Thank God for the Change Agents team who continue to make a difference in the lives of youth in schools. Monday 30 Thank God for the increase in individuals wanting to sponsor children’s educational needs. Tuesday 31 Thank God for the opportunity the Change Agents team has to go to Germany for an HIV/AIDS Production. Pray that young German lives will be touched and that the preparations will go well. Becoming A Woman Of Excellence A woman of excellence, Is what I long to be. Filled with your godly wisdom, So it is part of me. A woman of integrity, No matter what I face. Standing up for righteousness, And for your saving grace. A woman that will never, Compromise the faith. With what the world may offer, But will keep the narrow way. A woman who loves Jesus, And will only follow Him. Gladly to give up the world, So His light can shine within. Lord this is my earnest prayer, As a daughter by your grace. Grow in me these qualities, As I walk with you in faith. Yfc/kzn prayer calendar …august2010

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