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Aquafadas Fixed Layout Reading Experience for Comics, Children Books, Table Books. BooksMagazinesEnterpriseComics.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquafadas Fixed Layout Reading Experience for Comics, Children Books, Table Books. BooksMagazinesEnterpriseComics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquafadas Fixed Layout Reading Experience for Comics, Children Books, Table Books. BooksMagazinesEnterpriseComics

2 Agenda 1. Who we are ? What we do... 2. The AVE Format The motivations ? Improving readability of FL documents : Comics, Table Books,... Advanced FL Documents (including epub3) Use cases - Demos Challenges - Our dreams for epub3 The crazy stuff !

3 Aquafadas in a nutshell

4 - French Startup (2006) - Tool makers : - Digital Comic Book Store (> 2500 books) - Digital Publishing Solution : from authoring (ID and Quark) to cloud-based-distribution and app building - Designed a very rich, fixed layout format : AVE - epub3 friendly : FL and reflow export from InDesign CS5+ Aquafadas... in a nutshell Video/Animation software html5 authoring digital comics authoring + platform digital publishing MotionComposer

5 Aquafadas... customers

6 Aquafadas today, 6/7/2012 - member of IDPF for a few weeks only, but... Delighted to be able to share our experience, maybe even inspire you and help working on the epub3 standard...and beyond

7 Format

8 AVE Format Why ? ?

9 AVE Format Back in 2007, no standard Fixed Layout, Image-friendly format Experiment with immersive reading UI Experiment with resolution/screen independant solutions Control the reader UI Propose Reading Cinematics Support enrichment layers, including enrichments by the community

10 AVE Format - the origins Layers root layer = original doc each layer describes a processing on the root layer, or additional content to composite rendering by a dedicated reader

11 AVE Format Original content (en) iPad cinematics by Aquafadas iPhone cinematics by Aquafadas Localization (jp) Interactivity / multimedia enrichments.........

12 AVE Format iPad cinematics by Bob Localization by Bill (fr) Free Digital Comics Authoring Tool

13 AVE Format - the vision Collaborative authoring Community building New artistic expression No copyright/rights infringement New economy

14 Reading Comics Who wants to pinch, pan and zoom ?????

15 Animated reading (small screens) Scenes : to extract images Shots : to animate paths transitions : to animate paths

16 Page reading The standard approach : panel Views (Comixology, Amazon)

17 AVE Comics - Page reading (1) Aquafadas approach : Scenes, shots and ideal_text_zoom Scenes : represent an area of the page that needs to be displayed at least once as a single entity. Can be polylines Shots : represent linked zones (progression) of the page that need to be displayed in sequence when the scene is not entirely visible or when zoom factor < ideal_text_zoom

18 AVE Comics - Page reading (2) Dynamic reading path : on- the-fly adjustment when user zooms Scenes : the viewer will attempt to show as many scenes as possible that fit in the viewport given the zoom factor Shots : the viewer will zoom into a scene to view shots when the current viewport means that the current zoom < ideal_text_zoom Adjust to User / Tired / Viewing impaired Minimizes Moves Make sure it is readable / Guide the unexperienced reader

19 Demos Comics

20 Improving readibility for Table Books PDF background Enrichments in overlays Guided reading Reflow User chooses the zoom factor > accessibility Redon - AppStore - (c) RMN - Grand Palais

21 Demos Guided Reading

22 The crazy stuff ! Advanced FL

23 All content in the following demos has been created by designers and does not involve any hand-written code

24 Use Case 1 : Controlling the reader Image Animation Button Button Button Button Button Button Control the UI Control the Navigation Make document hierachical

25 2 Use Case 2 : Non linear books 122.1 2.2 2.3 3 Has become a fairly ‘standard’ in the magazine world Story V1 Story V2 Credits Remove the navigation between pages Add buttons from the 1st page to launch different versions of the book

26 Mix styles in a single document : Magazines/Books Open a different reader inside a reader

27 Fixed Layout Epubs : challenges handling animations in spreads handling sound effects in spreads Animation Sound

28 Conclusion

29 Adaptative Guided Reading is a great way to improve readability of books, including comics, as well as a way to improve acessibility of FL books eBooks can be more than books...without requiring any coding. Designers/Publishers/Individuals can great content. Aquafadas wants to contribute extending the possibilities of FL epub3 when it comes to comics, table books, children books Aquafadas continuously improving epub3 support in its tools. Aquafadas will soon introduce Aquafadas Digital Factory, an easy to use workflow portal for epub3, digital comics creation from images, PDFs,...

30 BooksComicsMagazines Aquafadas Contact - Matthieu Kopp -

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