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Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue.

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Presentation on theme: "Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue 12September 30, 2012 Three Views of Self While we see ourselves in a certain way, others may view us quite differently. Our Creator knows us with absolute accuracy! Our View of Ourselves Five times in the book of Proverbs, Solomon speaks of those who are self-deceived. He describes how some are perceived in their own eyes. They view themselves as wise (3:7), or as always being right (12:15; 21:2), or clean (16:2), or pure (30:12). But they are looking into reflections of self- deception. One can only have a correct perception of himself when he looks into the mirror of God’s word, and does not forget the imperfect image he sees (Jas. 1:23-24). Paul cautions us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought (Rom. 12:3). How Others View Us Even when we do our best, there are times when others will view us negatively. Not even Jesus was exempt from negative criticism (Jn. 8:41, 48; Mt. 12:24). By way of contrast, some are seen as paragons of virtue when they are just the opposite. Sports stars are applauded, when some of them are moral trash. Even some preachers are elevated beyond the status of their character. Saul, Israel’s first king, began his administration in a reign of glory and was deemed better than all others in Israel. The women composed songs to celebrate his courage and victories (1 Sam. 9:2; 18:7). But he became a major character disappointment. God’s View of You Paramount is the Lord’s view of us, for he does not merely observe the externals; instead, he sees the heart (1 Sam. 16:7; Jn. 2:25; Acts 1:24). In Jesus’ day, the Pharisees were notorious for their religious theatrics. But in Matthew 23 Christ peeled off their hypocritical hides, exposing to the bone their self-centered wickedness. An enlightening study can be made by investigating the phrase, “in the sight of God” (found 19 times in Scripture). For example, those who are pretentious in one way, but act in quite another, are an abomination “in the sight of God” (Lk. 16:15). Let each of us soberly reflect upon these different analytical views.

2 CONTACT US Julington Creek Church Of Christ 1630 State Road 13 N. St. Johns, FL 32259 Phone: 904-230-3332 Or, Denny Freeman @ 904-703-2277 Email: Website: GATHERING TIMES SUNDAY Bible Classes --------------- 9:30 AM Morning Worship --------- 10:30 AM Evening Worship ---------- 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Classes --------------- 7:00 PM GOD’S GRACE IS AMAZING! C. V. Alexander – Currently confined to home. Cindy Lindsey – Recovering from surgery. Ellie Taylor – Cancer treatments. Dorothy Summers – Still not feeling well. Althea Hall, Lynn Johnson’s mother, was able to come home from the hospital. Prayers WEDNESDAY NITE BIBLE CLASS: Material is on front bench. Teachers: various men. SUNDAY SERMONS: AM – The Point of No Return Reading: Acts 24:24-27 PM – SONG SERVICE LADIES BIBLE CLASS: Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM at Ina Putnal’s. See Betty for more information. PowerPoint slides are available for viewing/download on church website. SUNDAY AM CLASS: Romans 4. Teacher: Steve McCain. FALL GET-TOGETHER: at the Vogels on Saturday October 27 th @ 4:00 pm. GOSPEL MEETING: For those who enjoy being with brethren in other congregations – the Danville church will have preaching by Bob Waldron Sept 30-Oct 5. Details are posted. SONG SERVICE: We are scheduled to worship the Lord in song tonight. Shelly Rogers will be leaving us soon – Wednesday night will be her last time at Julington.

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