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Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Acuity STAR 5.1 Self Directed Introductory Level User Training Version 5.1b (December 2010)

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1 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Acuity STAR 5.1 Self Directed Introductory Level User Training Version 5.1b (December 2010)

2 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario STAR is an acronym for “Staff Tracking & Activity Reporting” STAR is a custom developed Internet Web Application. The Company: Acuity Software Inc, Ottawa Ontario The Program: STAR v5.1 (Staff Tracking and Activity Reporting)

3 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario Acuity has many customers using STAR across Canada and now in the United States. The data for each medical school is kept completely separate, but all schools are using the same basic program, with some University-specific modifications.

4 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario  Record all activities once in STAR and only in STAR.  Report the activities many different ways using STAR. (CV, CDP, MBR)  When logged into STAR, the database can be updated live.  STAR Users can export MS-Word Doc CV’s from STAR. (UWO Standard CV, APCV, APTD, Etc…)  STAR Users can export MS-Excel Reports from STAR. (By pressing the “To Excel” button on the Data Grid Screen)  An STAR database updated at least once per month is a Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry requirement.

5 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario Personal Data Menu: Personal Data Summary Page (Personal Information about the Faculty member, including picture if desired) Appointments Page (Members and Secretaries can only View these pages – Contact the Dept Superuser for updates) Addresses Page (Include the Primary Office Record, and a Home Office record only if desired) Education Menu: Education Page (Formal Education such as PHD, MD, BSC, Etc…) Other Specialized Training Page (Internships, Residency, Fellowships, Etc…) Research and Scholarly Activities Menu: Research Endeavours Page (A brief narrative of a faculty members research interests) Grants Page (For any industry or non industry grants, or clinical trials, be sure to add as much detail as possible) Publications Page (For any original research publication, such as Journal Articles, Books, Book Chapters, Etc…) Presentations Page (For any non-teaching presentations, be sure to include the geographic scope) Teaching Activities Menu: Program Teaching Page (For any teaching in the Schulich Medical school UME or PME Programs) Clinical Teaching Page (Any teaching of Students, Residents or Fellows within the context of patient contact) Service and Administration Menu: Administrative Committees Page (Any role for any committee will be sub-grouped by scope) Other Noteworthy Activities Page (for activities which do not fit anywhere else)

6 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario  Use the Firefox Browser instead of Internet Explorer  Approved by LHSC Helpdesk (No Cost, No training)  URL:  Firefox features: A built In spell-check, Highlighting  Add Months to Publications, Presentations, & Grants  Allows reporting by Academic Year  Only add months from 2006 & forward (you department may have specific criteria)  4 Different types of CME events  Attending (Maintenance of Certification – Section 1)  Role in Conference Attended (Maintenance of Certification – Section 1)  Presenting within Schulich (Program Teaching)  Presenting outside Schulich (Presentations)  What Dates to Enter:  If the event happened on a single day - put the same date into both Start Date and End Date fields.  If the event happened several times during the year – put academic year start and end dates in STAR  If the Buttons disappear in the Data Grid  Check to see if the double scrollbars are offset  If you enter a record and do not see it in the data grid:  Check to see if you have data filters set prohibiting you from seeing all data records.

7 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario CONTENT WINDOW PANE  We look at the data summary through the “data grids” (spreadsheets)  Data is not editable on this screen. (Use the Edit Button)  Columns of Data can be turned on or off. (Using Grid Columns)  Data can be sorted based on any column heading. (Date, Citation, Etc)  Be Careful of the Double Scrollbars and the Filters

8 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario  Data is only editable on this ‘Data Form’ page. (A Simple Web Form)  Changes are not saved until the ‘Save’ button is clicked.  Add or change data fields from the top down (Best Practice)  Use picklists whenever possible (Avoid ‘Other Specify’ where possible)  Other details field does not print. (from any page)

9 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario  Export to Excel  located in the four button stack  This feature allows the user to export the grid viewing pages to an excel file so that the data can be sorted and manipulated using the advanced features in excel.  Bulk Edit  located just above the data grid  Allows the user to edit multiple records simultaneously  Speeds up data entry.  Saving and cloning  located beside the save button  Speeds up data entry  Can speed up data entry when used with bulk edit  Especially helpful for publications / presentations  Publication Import  located in the four button stack  Enables fast entry of long lists of publications  Call Star Super User or Faculty Admin if you need assistance

10 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario  Customized reports currently available: (.rtf)  UWO Standard CV (All Academic Content)  UWO AP CV (Academic Promotions Curriculum Vitae)  UWO AP TD (Academic Promotions Teaching Dossier)  Other Reporting Also Available:  Excel Reports (By pressing “To Excel” Button)  UWO Standard CDP Supporting Docs (Coming Soon)  Link to Common CV (Coming Soon)  Link to One45 Teaching Effectiveness (Coming Soon)  Department Specific MBR (Coming Soon)  Bio Sketch (One page career description)

11 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario Helpful Documents (talk to your super user)  Department Specific Reference Guide for STAR 5.1 (Dec 2010) Available from your Superuser What’s New in STAR 5.1 Quick Reference Guide Detailed Data Entry Guide Glossary Troubleshooting Tips  Example UWO Standard CV (Doogie Howser) Available from your Superuser or from the STAR website Examples of every STAR page Instructions within each section where to put this data  Monthly Update Form Available from your Superuser or from the STAR website

12 Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry The University of Western Ontario FIRST LEVEL SUPPORT  Documentation available from the “Help Menu” in STAR.  Look for the “Help for this Page” link  Field level explanations on all pages via “ ” Icon. SECOND LEVEL SUPPORT

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