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 Flipping through the Bible.  Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”

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Presentation on theme: " Flipping through the Bible.  Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”"— Presentation transcript:

1  Flipping through the Bible

2  Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”

3 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the L ORD is to be praised.  Proverbs 31:30

4  Queen of Beauty

5  Rebuilding the House of the Lord  Opposition

6  Party  Queen Vashti ◦ Beautiful  Need a new queen

7  Young Women  Esther ◦ Israelite  Favored  Made Queen

8  Mordecai  Guards plotting  Esther  King saved

9  Honored  Mordecai would not bow  Plot to destroy the Israelites  King agreed

10  Mordecai distressed  Esther tried to help  Mordecai asks Esther to go to the King  Penalty of death  Prayer

11  What is your request? Even up to half my kingdom, it will be given to you.  Dinner with Haman too!  What is your request? Even up to half my kingdom, it will be given to you.  Dinner again, Haman too!

12  Haman planned to kill Mordecai  King reading the chronicles  Mordecai needed to be honored  King asked Haman how to honor someone

13  “Queen Esther, what is your petition? It will be given to you. What is your request? Even up to half my kingdom, it will be granted.”  Petition – Life  Request – People

14  Haman killed  Mordecai given Haman’s position  Israelites could defend themselves  Success and safety


16 1. God Created the World 2. Man Fell in Sin 3. God Flooded the World 4. God Spread the Nations 5. God Made Promises to Abraham 6. God Tested Abraham

17 7. Jacob Becomes Israel 8. Joseph led Israel into Egypt 9. Moses brought Israel out of Egypt 10. Commandments weren’t followed, so they wander 11. Joshua led the armies of Israel 12. Judge Gideon leads the army

18 13. Ruth shows God can use anyone 14. Saul first king of Israel 15. David – A man after God’s own heart 16. David sinned and was forgiven 17. Solomon the King who had it all 18. Idols were worshiped, Israel is split in two

19 19. Elijah shows God’s Power 20. Isaiah showed the future 21. Jeremiah gave last chances 22. Daniel showed that God was with Israel in exile 23. God helped rebuild His temple 24. God used Esther to save the Jews


21  Pawsitive Note


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