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Parkview Elementary School Jaime Harris Karen Strandt-Conroy USE OF INTEGRATED DATA TO MAKE DECISIONS WI PBIS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2015 Parkview Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Parkview Elementary School Jaime Harris Karen Strandt-Conroy USE OF INTEGRATED DATA TO MAKE DECISIONS WI PBIS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2015 Parkview Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parkview Elementary School Jaime Harris Karen Strandt-Conroy USE OF INTEGRATED DATA TO MAKE DECISIONS WI PBIS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2015 Parkview Elementary School: 2014 School of Distinction: PBIS 2014 School of Merit: Academics 2015 School of Distinction: PBIS 2015 School of Distinction: Math 2015 School of Merit: Reading



4 LEARNING OBJECTIVES ●Increase understanding of use of data in RtI and Multi-Level System of Supports ●Data Analysis Teaming (DAT) ●Organized data leads to efficiency in making decisions ●Data, Problem Analysis, Intervention s ●Shared experiences ●Our journey ●Your take-aways

5 DAT ASSUMPTIONS ●Teams work together to access and analyze student data and set measurable goals ●The make-up of your team is critical ●Be prepared o Tie the DAT to your school/district goals/initiatives o Use same framework and take notes on form

6 WHERE WE STARTED... ●Researched best practices with DAT (2008)-Joseph Kovaleski & SIRF a-based/teamprocess a-based/teamprocess ●Grade-level meetings (2011-12) o 3 times a year o grade-level teachers, principal, specialist, psych o Came to meetings without discussing data as a leadership team o Data in excel and in AIMSwe b


8 WE STARTED TO LEARN... ●Began designating current teaching staff to become specialists in various areas (math, reading, behavior) ●Formed a School Improvement PLC ●Making the DAT and outcomes part of action plan ●Met before DAT ●Began showing videos to help us reflect

9 HOW WE GOT BETTER... ●Create agendas ●Use of eduCLIMBER ●Integrate academics and behavior ●Whole day meeting twice a year; half day in winter ●Create a visual representation of how state requirements, district mission and building goals are all tied together


11 UNIVERSAL DATA (SLOS) 1.Start your DAT looking at grade charts following the closing of screening window 2.Create/Review Principal SLO (Fall) o This helps model the process and what they will do to help the school 3.Create Coaching/Interventionist SLO 4.Go to Reading/Math Classes and have teachers make their SLOs


13 INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS (TIER 3) ●Start by identifying students based on the data with names covered up. ●Then ensure that most intense students have an intervention plan o Sometimes staff have a hard time moving on until you address the most challenging students ●Determine who needs what and with who? o Create intervention plan o Intensive students receive small group/individualized intervention daily with specialist o Interventions must match the student need


15 TARGETED INTERVENTION (TIER 2) ●This should stay as a small group ●Determine who needs what and with who? o Create intervention plan o Targeted students receive small group/individualized intervention three times a week with classroom teacher


17 REVIEW SLOS, STRATEGIES & LOGISTICS ●Review all SLOs-including special education and interventionist (reminding how SLOs will address the needs of all students ●Review the Strategies (what they’re going to do) and Logistics (what they need so they can do it)

18 IDENTIFYING STUDENTS FOR BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION ●Consider administering behavioral screeners ●Identify students based on agreed upon thresholds o We use minors and problem-solving incidents ●Determine appropriate interventions using Student Intervention Matching checklist

19 INTERVENTION DAT MEETINGS ●Eliminates problem-solving meetings ●Discuss progress on each student systematically and take notes ●Spend no more than 20 minutes per student o Usually from 2-10 minutes especially when progress is evident o Is the student making progress? o If not, why? (treatment integrity/fidelity) o Should we continue intervention or make changes?

20 WALK-AWAY TIPS FOR DAT ●Administrator must lead! ●Admin, specialists, psych sometimes assume responsibility if progress isn’t evident ●This shows that we’re working together and we make plans to support the teacher based on the data ●Know your staff and how to address potential conflicts ●Some must-have resources ●RTI Applications by Matt Burns-Volume 2 for Decision-Based Making and Volume 1 for Interventions ●PRESS intervention and assessment guides out Minnesota for Reading Research

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