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Feel Empowered with Ad Hoc Reports Tim Borntreger, Director of Client Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Feel Empowered with Ad Hoc Reports Tim Borntreger, Director of Client Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feel Empowered with Ad Hoc Reports Tim Borntreger, Director of Client Services

2 Agenda Introduction to Ad-Hoc Reports Database Views & Table Joins Creating Ad-Hoc Reports Questions

3 Introduction to Ad-Hoc Reports

4 Ad Hoc Reporting is Self-Service Build reports yourself; no need to rely on IT resources Reports grow as your organization grows No more static pre- defined data snapshots Allows for an enhanced interactive end user experience

5 The Right Tool Will Give You… Real-Time Analysis Self-Service Business Intelligence Client Management Insight Optimized Decision- Making

6 Understanding the Tool Rich Reports and Dynamic Dashboards Great Looking 3D Charts, Flexible Grids, Visual Grouping Summaries, Subtotals, Calculations, Formats Flexible & Dynamic Smart Filters Interactive Linking & Drill- Downs Exports to All Popular File Formats Click To Zoom In

7 To Sum It Up! Ad Hoc Reporting allows companies to have the access it needs to the data it manages in a user friendly interface.

8 Understanding the Data Structure To get the most out of Ad Hoc Reporting you need to have a sound understanding of databases How relational databases work How data is stored, i.e. Text, Decimals, Date, Bits How foreign key relationships work How table JOINS work How to properly present data as more than just a list Many free resources can be found on the Internet to help better understand databases

9 Understanding the Data Structure It is also important to know YOUR data Take time to learn the ClientSpace tables and how they are structured Learn how each table can relate to another table Learn what fields belong to which table The more intimate you become with your data, the more powerful it becomes and the more powerful YOU become

10 Database Views & Table Joins

11 What is the Purpose of a View Views are pre-built data relationships Data Aggregation Hide columns in tables Use functions and manipulate data Performance Simplifies JOINS for frequently accessed tables

12 Primary Keys & Foreign Keys Primary Key (pk) A column that uniquely identifies a row/record in a table. Foreign Key (fk) When you have a column in a table that stores the Primary Key of another table. Column names don’t have to be the same but they have to have the same values.

13 Table Joins Linking Tables and Views together is done through Table Joins Inner Join Left Join Right Join

14 Inner Join pkFruitListIDFruitName 1Apple 2Grape 3Banana 4Orange pkColorListIDColorName 10Red 20Green 30Orange 40Purple pkMyFruitIDfkFruitListIDfkColorsID 100110 200120 400210 500220 600430 Fruit Color AppleRed AppleGreen GrapeRed GrapeGreen Orange Results A B Inner Join between My Fruit (Left) and Colors (Right) Tables Records from the left table will be returned only if there is a match to the right table.

15 Left Join Fruit Color AppleRed AppleGreen GrapeRed GrapeGreen Orange Banana Left Join between My Fruit (Left) and Colors (Right) Tables Records from the left table are returned regardless of whether or not there is a match with the right table. Null is returned for the right table if there is no match. pkFruitListIDFruitName 1Apple 2Grape 3Banana 4Orange A B Left Join Results pkColorListIDColorName 10Red 20Green 30Orange 40Purple pkMyFruitIDfkFruitListIDfkColorsID 100110 200120 400210 500220 600430

16 Right Join Fruit Color AppleRed AppleGreen GrapeRed GrapeGreen Orange Purple Right Join between My Fruits (Left) and Colors (Right) Records from the right table are returned regardless of whether or not there is a match with the left table. Null is returned for the left table if there is no match. pkFruitListIDFruitName 1Apple 2Grape 3Banana 4Orange A B Right Join Results pkColorListIDColorName 10Red 20Green 30Orange 40Purple pkMyFruitIDfkFruitListIDfkColorsID 100110 200120 400210 500220 600430

17 Dataform Specification Report Assist with learning tables Help find related information that may cross several tables. Provides Element Types to aid in report building

18 Creating Ad-Hoc Reports

19 Add Report From the Ad-Hoc Reporting Module click the Add button Start with the end in mind and do some analysis What fields are needed? This will determine your tables. Work through the tabs starting with the Data Sources Preview often and then Save

20 Data Sources Tab First, pick the table or view that represent your primary data best Second, join additional tables using Primary & Foreign Key relationships Optionally, use the Control Icons to Delete or Insert lines

21 Fields Tab Select your fields Manage how the data should look and feel Easiest to use the Quick Add button

22 Filters Tab Filters help exclude unwanted data Operator value vary based on the Filter Field Be selective about using auto- populated values Filters are cascading Check Blank to include null values Check Param to include this field as a parameter in the report view

23 Preview Tab Preview after adding some fields Preview often Its easier to find mistakes

24 Save Report & Outputs Save Report If you like your work so far; don’t forget to Save. Click the Save button. Give the report a name and select a Category. Report Output Options Print (PDF) Created a Web Page for printing Save a SQL Statement Export a CSV Export to OpenOffice Export to Excel Export to Word Export as an XML file Export as Rich Text File

25 Run Report in Viewer Mode Design Button Hide Filters Add Field Delete Field Update Results Button Add, Delete, Modify Filters

26 Fields Tab: Advanced Field Settings Column Group Hide this field Sort (z-a) Expressions: AVG, CAST, COUNT, DISTINCT, MAX, MIN, SUM, LENGTH, ROUND Examples [FinanceChargePct]/100 [LastName] + ‘, ‘ + [FirstName] COUNT(DISTINCT OrderID) AVG(Freight) Bold & Italic Justification Subtotal Function Click the Gear icon to access Advanced Field Setting

27 Summary Tab Used to summarize data from the Fields tab If using the Count function, use a primary key or a required field

28 Chart / Chart 2 Tab Trend Pie Plot Bar Funnel

29 Gauge Tab Charts measure what is done Gauges help measure what’s not done

30 Misc Tab Here you can edit the Report’s: Title Description Header Footer Set Report- Level Security User must have access to all data to be able to run the report

31 Style Tab Further adjust look and feel of report Color selection Print Options Preview Options Visual Group Styles Section Ordering

32 Ad-Hoc Security Loosely Connected to Clientspace Security Structure. Ad-hoc Profiles Report Level Security

33 Drilling Into Reports

34 Report Drill Down Methods Standard Method (Novice) 1.Used to drill down using a matching value to the value clicked. 2.Can pass one filter. 3.Filter parameters DO cascade from report to report. URL Method (Advance) 1.Use to drill down using keys or some other value that is not the value being clicked. 2.Can pass multiple filters. 3.Filter parameters DO NOT cascade from report to report.

35 Standard Method Demonstration Identify your “Main Report” & “Sub-Report” On the Sub-Report: Choose the Drill Down Key. On Main Report: Choose which Sub-Report to drill in to Choose the style of the Sub-Report

36 URL Method Demonstration For Example: ReportViewer.aspx?rn=Report+Category\Report+Name &p1value={6}&p2value={7} rn is the category and report name path. Use + for spaces. p1value means that we want to pass the value from the field on line 6 to the first filter parameter on the report that is being drilled in to. For example p2value={7} would be we want to pass the value from the field on line 7 to the 2nd filter parameter on the report we are drilling in to.

37 Drilling Into Forms & Records

38 Linking to Dataforms Any Dataform + /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID={ProjectID}&Pr ojTypeID=XXX&FormID={RecordID}&action=edit + XXX represents the ProjTypeID (aka Dataform) from the ProjectTypes table. Make an Ad Hoc Report to quickly obtain this information in the future.

39 Linking to a Non-Dataforms Workspace Link /default.aspx?Reason=8&Identifier={ProjectID} Organization Link /CRM/OrgDetail.aspx?key={OrganizationID} Contact Link /CRM/ContactDetail.aspx?key={ContactID}

40 Linking to a Non-Dataform Task Link /components_net/incident/incidentdetail.aspx?fkProject ID={ProjectID}&key={TaskID} Calendar Item Link /components_net/calendar/CalendarEvent.aspx?key={C alendarEventID}&start=12/2/2011 12:00:00 PM&end=12/2/2011 12:30:00 PM

41 Linking to a Non-Dataform Activity/CRM Note Link /CRM/NoteDetail.aspx?key={NoteID}&orgid={Organizati onID} Pricing Console Link (PEO only) ++ /custom/FOLDER_NAME/PricingConsole.aspx?fkProjectI D={ProjectID} ++ FOLDER_NAME is a variable in Application Settings

42 Running Ad Hoc Reports

43 From Inside a Workspace A Dataform Header Link Link Row Section Report Section A Table of Content Link From a Dashboard Module

44 Running Ad Hoc Reports Regardless of the location, the URL is the same /AdhocReporting/ReportViewer.aspx?rn=Support\\Client+ Sprint+Schedule+2 Note: The double "\\". This is necessary to create a backslash in the URL.

45 Smart Filters

46 #CurrentWorkspace Filter Use on reports to only return data from the workspace it is lunched from.

47 #CurrentUser Filter Use on reports to only return data associated with the current user.

48 Ad Hoc Dashboard

49 Adding Dashboards Display Data from many reports in one place.



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