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CONTENTdm Harness the power Jolie Graybill10 Nov 09 University of Nebraska Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "CONTENTdm Harness the power Jolie Graybill10 Nov 09 University of Nebraska Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONTENTdm Harness the power Jolie Graybill10 Nov 09 University of Nebraska Libraries

2 What faculty should know about CONTENTdm Access Preserve New Forum for Publishing Collaborate

3 Who’s Using UNL Libraries CONTENTdm How and Where

4 Faculty Use CONTENTdm Teaching – Course Lectures – Blackboard – Assignment Expectations – Research, students and faculty Purdue University Purdue University

5 Who, Where, Why, and How CONTENTdm Map

6 Stats


8 CONTENTdm 5.1 upgrade – August Gateway feature for WorldCat “Export Image” Feature Collections, Collection and image usage statistics Government Comic Collection Government Comic Collection What’s New

9 Blue Heron

10 Government Comic Books

11 Symphonic Band Wind Ensemble Index of Archival Recitals

12 On the Horizon Video and Audio play on metadata page within CONTENTdm example: Chuck Olin Digital Film Archive, U of IL at Urbana-ChampaignChuck Olin Shopping Cart Feature Digital Collection front page, and individual collection front page

13 Talking Points for use with Faculty Teaching and Research: course lectures, Blackboard, assignments Access via variety of Web 2.0 tools Showcases wide range of media types Preservation Project specific design

14 Take-away: for Faculty Contact – Jolie Graybill 472-5410

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