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Session 15 NSLDS Update Ron Bennett & Andrea Wise.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 15 NSLDS Update Ron Bennett & Andrea Wise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 15 NSLDS Update Ron Bennett & Andrea Wise

2 2 HERA Related Updates New Overpayment types Fraud reporting PLUS Graduate/Professional Loan program Two New Grant types Changes to Annual Loan limits Updates to Postscreening reason codes

3 3 Additional NSLDS updates ISIR changes for 2007-2008 Transfer Student Monitoring/FAH processes and batch file layouts Security enhancements Additional Web enhancement Changes on the horizon

4 4 Overpayment changes NSLDS added two new Overpayment types –Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) –National Smart Grant (Smart) NSLDSFAP Web Site changes –Web page renamed: Overpayment List –New Web page: Overpayment History –Storing history to track lifecycle of each overpayment

5 5 Overpayments- Web site enhancements

6 6

7 7 Fraud related changes Utilize Overpayment Add/Update Web pages –By Type –New Indicator (Fraud) –Web: Icon to highlight Fraud –ISIR: NSLDS Overpayment Flag = F New

8 8 Fraud related changes Fraud reported by loan data providers –Loan status code driven FR – Fraud –FFEL: Lender held –Direct Loans: Direct Loans Servicer held –Perkins: School reported –DCS: CSB Collections held FD – Fraud Guaranty Agency held

9 9 Fraud related changes Community Awareness –Web: Icon to highlight Fraud –ISIR: NSLDS Loan Type Code = F –Postscreening process

10 10 PLUS Graduate/Professional FFEL PLUS Graduate/Professional Direct PLUS Graduate/Professional Student added to Enrollment Roster for both loan types

11 11 PLUS Graduate/Professional Aggregate Calculation impacts –GB/D3 loan types excluded in Aggregate Totals –2006-2007 reporting of PLUS Grad/Prof loans GB FFEL PLUS Graduate/Professional –Web site displays “GB” –Output to schools »“PL” FFEL PLUS loan type »Grade levels A, B, C, D or G D3 Direct PLUS Graduate/Professional –Web site displays “D3” –Output to schools »“D4” Direct PLUS loan type »Grade levels A, B, C, D or G

12 12 Aggregate Calculation impact (con’t) –Dynamically display Aggregate Loan Information row combined with PLUS OPB PLUS Graduate/Professional

13 13 Aggregate Calculation impact (con’t) –2007-2008 Web display and output to schools as “GB” and “D3” –Web/output for D3 Master Promissory Note (MPN) –Dynamically displays its own row PLUS Graduate/Professional New

14 14 New Grant types Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) National SMART Grant (Smart) Daily Data Provider: COD –Inaugural load on Dec. 17, 2006 Viewable in NSLDS as of Monday Dec. 18, 2006

15 15 Web changes –References to Pell Grant will be re-labeled as “Grants” All Grants located on same Web Page –Pell, ACG and SMART –Data Elements displayed for each Grant type –Student added to Enrollment Roster New Grant types New

16 16 Reviewing a Grant Alert Grant Page New

17 17 NSLDS Grants Web page data elements Display ElementsACGSMART Award Year OPEID Transaction Number Award Amount Amount Paid to Date (Disbursed Amt) Latest Disbursement Date Date Posted to COD Student's Grade Level Award ID School Submitted Eligibility/Payment Reason High School Program Code Student's Major Course of Study (CIP Code) New

18 18 New Grant types 2006-2007 ISIRS will not contain new grants Output to include new Grants types –2007-2008 ISIRS –TSM/FAH processes: Included on record layouts/reports after Jan. 1, 2007 –School requested Web Reports FAT001 - Request for financial aid history OVP001 - School overpayment report New

19 19 Annual Loan Limits changes NSLDS to increase annual loan limits (Award Year 2007-2008) – Subsidized Stafford Academic Level 1 increases to $3,500 Academic Level 2 increases to $4,500 –Unsubsidized Stafford Academic Levels A, B, C, D and G increases to $12,000

20 20 Postscreening changes 3 New Postscreening reason codes for 2007-2008 –“16” Changes to Direct PLUS Graduate/Professional MPN –“17” Borrower into Fraud –“18” Borrower out of Fraud

21 21 ISIR changes for 2007-2008 ACG Grants –Overpayment: flags and contacts –Ten data elements on ISIR Record layout: EDE Technical Reference –Maximum of 3 Grants sent to CPS

22 22 ISIR changes for 2007-2008 SMART Grants –Overpayment: flags and contacts –Nine data elements on ISIR Record layout: EDE Technical Reference –Maximum of 3 Grants sent to CPS

23 23 ISIR changes for 2007-2008 Applicant main record –Addition of Direct PLUS Graduate/Professional MPN EDE Technical Reference has layout Loan record –Based on sort order grouping, maximum of 6 loans sent to CPS –New sort group # 1 for ‘deceased’ loan status codes DD – Defaulted then Died DE – Death –Sort group # 2 additional loan status codes: FR and FD (Fraud) Reference Material: 2007-2008 ISIR Guide

24 24 TSM/FAH processes and batch file layouts Transfer Student Monitoring/Financial Aid History Processes and Batch File Layouts, dated Oct. 14, 2005 –Record Layouts current until Dec. 31, 2006 New TSM/FAH Batch File Layouts now available on IFAP –Document date: Oct. 24, 2006 –Becomes effective Jan. 1, 2007 –Includes HERA changes

25 25 TSM/FAH batch file layouts- considerations Request file –No change to the incoming 150 byte file layout Processed/Outbound file –TSM Alert/FAH Detail record type 1- Aggregate & Flags data Addition of PLUS Graduate/Professional MPN flag Addition of PLUS Graduate/Professional OPB and Total amounts New attributes added in the existing filler at the end of the record layout to minimize changes

26 26 TSM/FAH processes and batch file layouts Processed/Outbound file (con’t) –TSM Alert/FAH Detail record type 3- Overpayments Expand descriptions and valid values –TSM Alert/FAH Detail record type 4- Grants Expand descriptions and valid values for new Grant types New attributes added in the existing filler at the end of the record layout to minimize changes

27 27 TSM/FAH processes and batch file layouts Report/label changes on Page 1 –Overpayments and Flags section –Aggregate Amounts for PLUS Graduate/Professional OPB and Total Amounts –Grant data elements for ACG and SMART

28 28 TSM/FAH Report Layout PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 (AS AMENDED) Report ID: PSE001 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DATE: MM-DD-CCYY Page No. : ZZ,ZZ9 NATIONAL STUDENT LOAN DATA SYSTEM (NSLDS) TIME: HH:MM:SS Transfer Student Monitoring/Financial Aid History Report Report Parameters: Requesting Sch/Br Code: XXXXXXXX Sort Sequence: School/Branch Code, SSN Name: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX City: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX State: XX LAST: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FIRST: XXXXXXXXXXXX DOB: MM-DD-CCYY SSN: XXXXXXXXX -------------------- Name History -------------------- Enrollment Begin Date: MM-DD-YYYY LAST FIRST M ---- ----- - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX X ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overpayment: Award Yr: Contact: Fraud: X Discharged: X Defaulted Loans: X Loan Sat. Repayment: X Active Bankruptcy: X Pell: X XXXX XXXXXXXX FSEOG: X XXXX XXXXXXXX Aggregate Change: X Loan Change: X Pell Change: X ACG Change: X SMART Change: X Perkins: X XXXX XXXXXXXX DL Stafford MPN: X DL PLUS MPN: X DL Grad PLUS MPN: X ACG: X XXXX XXXXXXXX Exceeds Sub. Limit: X Exceeds Combined Limit: X SMART: X XXXX XXXXXXXX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aggregate Amount for Aggregate Pending Total: FFELP/Direct Loans: Balance: Disbursements: Subsidized Loans: $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 Unsubsidized Loans: $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 Combined Loans: $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 Consolidation Loans, Unallocated: $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 Graduate PLUS Loans: $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 PLUS Loans: $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 Perkins Loans: Outstanding Principal Bal: $ZZZ,ZZ9 Current Year Loan Amount: $ZZZ,ZZ9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pell Payment Award Attending Tran: Sch.Amt: Award Amt: Disb.Amt: Latest Disb. % Sch. Posted by EFC: Ver.Flag: Data: Year: Sch.Code: Used: COD: XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY ZZ9.9999 MM-DD-CCYY 999999 XXX # XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY ZZ9.9999 MM-DD-CCYY 999999 XXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY ZZ9.9999 MM-DD-CCYY 999999 XXX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACG Payment Award Attending Tran: Award Amt: Disb.Amt: Latest Disb. Posted by Award ID Grade Sch HS Pgm Data: Year: Sch.Code: COD: Lvl Rsn XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY MM-DD-CCYY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXX # XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY MM-DD-CCYY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY MM-DD-CCYY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SMART Payment Award Attending Tran: Award Amt: Disb.Amt: Latest Disb. Posted by Award ID Grade Major Data: Year: Sch.Code: COD: Lvl XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY MM-DD-CCYY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXX # XXXX XXXXXXXX XX $ZZZ,ZZ9 $ZZZ,ZZ9 MM-DD-CCYY MM-DD-CCYY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXX PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 (AS AMENDED)

29 29 Transfer Student Monitoring Alerts Alert triggers for new ACG and SMART Grants –Changes made by another school in: Award Amount Amount paid to date or Latest disbursement date changed –Alerts generated for Informing/New school

30 30 Transfer Student Monitoring Alerts Considerations/timing when Informing NSLDS –Review NSLDS Website for ACG/SMART Grants mid-December until Jan. 1, 2007 –Look for ACG/SMART Grant Alerts the 1 st week of January 2007 for 2006-2007 Award Year Grant data

31 31 Security enhancements Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) tool –Implemented Mid-August –DCL GEN-05-06 Automatic ID Deactivation process

32 32 Security enhancements- con’t TSM School Profile setup- verify SAIG TG Mailbox

33 33 Additional Web enhancement Servicer Code displayed on Loan History

34 34 Org Contact

35 35 Changes on the horizon New and improved Guaranty Agency Data Provider Schedule New

36 36 Changes on the horizon Online NSLDS Access to foreign schools –Available in 2007 –View student financial aid history information –Enrollment Reporting capabilities –Transfer Student Monitoring –eCDR –Reports New

37 37 NSLDS Customer Service We appreciate your feedback and comments. We can be reached at: Phone: 1-800-999-8219 Fax: 785-838-2154 Email: Web site:

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