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Alan Turing Presented By: Tyler Romero CSCE 221-200 Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Alan Turing Presented By: Tyler Romero CSCE 221-200 Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan Turing Presented By: Tyler Romero CSCE 221-200 Spring 2014

2 Background  Born June 23, 1912 in London  Studied Mathematics at Cambridge University (1931-34)  Obtained Ph.D from Princeton University (1938)

3 Computability  Turing Machine  A hypothetical, formal computing device  Manipulates symbols (EX: 0s and 1s) on a “tape”  Could perform any math computation expressed as an algorithm  Used Turing Machines to show that not all math problems are solvable by computers

4 World War 2 and Cryptography  The English Secret Service Recruited Turing (1939)  Bletchley Park  Deciphering the “Enigma”, a German encoding machine  Developed the Bombe (1940)  A device that used crib based decryption  A “Crib” is a known section of plaintext  Used statistical techniques to optimize the code breaking process  His work in cryptography remained secret for many years

5 Secure Speech Device  Worked with Bell Labs to develop SIGSALY (1942)  A secure speech device that was used late in WW2  Developed “Delilah” (1944)  A machine that could encrypt and decrypt electronic voice communications  Was not used in war

6 Turing Test  A fundamental idea in the field of Artificial Intelligence  Introduced in the paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (1950)  “Imitation Game”  Can a machine imitate a human so well that an interrogator does not have good chance of being able to tell them apart  Closely related to the question, “Can Machines Think?”  The correct interpretation of the Turing Test is debated

7 Death and Recognition  Prosecuted for and convicted of homosexuality in 1952  Was still criminalized in the UK  Died of cyanide poisoning in 1954  Speculated that he committed suicide  A poisoned apple was used to administer the cyanide  Posthumously pardoned on Dec 24, 2013  In 1966, the Turing Award was established in his honor  Given by the Association for Computing Machinery  Awarded for lasting technical contributions to the field of computing  The “Nobel Price of Computing”  Accompanied by a prize of $250,000  Awarded the OBE by King George VI for wartime services

8 Works Cited     

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