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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Content Definition of AI Typical AI problems Practical impact of AI Approaches of AI Limits of AI Brief history.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Content Definition of AI Typical AI problems Practical impact of AI Approaches of AI Limits of AI Brief history."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

2 Content Definition of AI Typical AI problems Practical impact of AI Approaches of AI Limits of AI Brief history of AI

3 Approaches to AI Systems that think like humans. Systems that think rationally. Systems that act like humans. Systems that Act rationally. humans like performance. Ideal performance. (rationality) Thought /reasoning behavior. Turing Test. Cognitive Science rationality. Laws of thoughts/logic

4 System that Think like Humans " The exciting new effort to make computers think... machines with minds, in the full and literal sense“ (Haugeland, 1985)

5 System that Think rationally "The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act" (Winston, 1992)

6 System that Act like Humans "The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better" (Rich and Knight, 1 99 1 )

7 System that Act Rationally "The branch of computer science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior“ (Luger and Stubblefield, 1993)

8 8 Turing Test

9 9 The Turing Test: Result If the interrogator cannot distinguish between a human and computer Then computer system does possesses Artificial Intelligence

10 Typical AI Problems Everyday Planning route Recognizing(through vision)people, objects Communicate (through NL) Navigating Expert task Medical diagnosis Mathematical problem solving

11 Practical Impact of AI AI system are in everyday use detecting credit card fraud configuring products aiding complex planning tasks advising physicians copy machine


13 Deep Blue In 1997 the program beats developed at IBM world chess champion Gary Kasparov

14 RoboCup Robots must cooperate in… Strategy acquisition Real-time reasoning Multi-agent collaboration Competition against another team of robots

15 RoboCup Each robot has… Pentium 233MHz Linux OS Video camera and frame grabber Sensor System Kicker

16 Machine translation Phraselator speechlator Autonomous Agent Mars Rover spirit opportunity

17 Approaches to AI Strong AI Self aware and whose overall intellectual ability is indistinguishable from that of a human being Weak AI Simulate intelligent behavior Applied AI Make viable smart systems Cognitive AI test theories about how the human mind works

18 Limits of AI Today Today successful AI systems operate in well defined specific domains employing narrow or specialized knowledge Commonsense knowledge needed in complex open ended worlds understanding unconstrained natural language

19 19 What is AI What means “behave rationally” for a person/system: Take the right/ best action to achieve the goals, based on his/its knowledge and belief Example. Assume I don’t like to get wet (my goal), so I bring an umbrella (my action). Do I behave rationally? The answer is dependent on my knowledge and belief If I’ve heard the forecast for rain and I believe it, then bringing the umbrella is rational. If I’ve not heard the forecast for rain and I do not believe that it is going to rain, then bringing the umbrella is not rational.

20 20 What is AI Note on behave rationally or rationality “Behave rationally” does not always achieve the goals successfully Example. My goals – (1) do not get wet if rain; (2) do not be looked stupid (such as bring an umbrella when no raining) My knowledge/belief – weather forecast for rain and I believe it My rational behaviour – bring an umbrella The outcome of my behaviour: If rain, then my rational behaviour achieves both goals; If not rain, then my rational behaviour fails to achieve the 2nd goal The successfulness of “behave rationally” is limited by my knowledge and belief

21 AI History The concept of intelligent machines is found in Greek mythology. In 8th century: Pygmalion Hephaestus created a huge robot Talos to guard Crete

22 Foundations

23 Assignment 1 Write the brief historical background of AI along with its timely counter development. Requirements Need hard and soft copy Maximum 4 pages Should be in a proper format Last date of submission 29 October 2014

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