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A new expert software for a comprehensive nutrigation  program operated over the Web Offered to all fertilization experts, worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "A new expert software for a comprehensive nutrigation  program operated over the Web Offered to all fertilization experts, worldwide."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new expert software for a comprehensive nutrigation  program operated over the Web Offered to all fertilization experts, worldwide

2 Aimed to combine most nutrition & irrigation factors of any cropping system into an interactive retrievable detailed data-base

3 Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net Over the Web, exclusively To enable streamlined updating process while avoiding the need to send updating files I Operation platform :

4 1.Multi- lingual, currently: English & Spanish Other common languages to follow 2.Supporting most common units * Mass: metric ton, lb, bushel Area: hectare, rai, dunam, acre (feddan), mu * currently, operational on two main stages II Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net International :

5 20 Vegetable crops: beans, cucumbers, carrot, lettuce, melon, pepper, squash, tomatoes, etc. 20 Field crops: cotton, maize, pineapple, rice, soybean, sugar-beets, tobacco, etc. 20 Fruit trees: apple, vineyard, oranges, grapefruits, nectarine, olive, peach, pears, prunes, etc. 20 Subtropical & tropical crops: banana, café, durian, guava, kiwi, litchi, mango, papaya, etc. III Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net Ready nutrition functions of 80 common crops:

6 Recommendations are formulated considering several growth conditions: Open field, Tunnels, Greenhouse a broad range of yields to fit all local growth conditions III Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net Ready nutrition functions :

7 IV Only basic information available: Mean annual rainfall, soil type, soil pH Intermediate level of information : The A/M data + % clay, % active lime, % organic matter, P, EC, extract parameters: NO 3, K, Ca, Mg Highly detailed information available: The A/M data + analytic determination of K, Ca, Mg, Na & C.E.C Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net Three levels of soil data to amend original recommendations by soil- and water analyses

8 V Literature references closest to local conditions: A wealth of data characterizing nutrient uptake at a variety of growth conditions. Crop growth cases: A wealth of data characterizing the phenological stages of the crop and ETp data.  Sufficiency ranges of leaf Mineral analysis  Photos of nutrient deficiency symptoms Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net Very rich data-bases that can serve the user:

9 Agro-meteorological data-bank: A wealth of data characterizing climatic conditions at a large variety of meteorological stations worldwide. Select between a variety of irrigation equipment and field parameters Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net V Very rich data-bases that can serve the user:

10 VI Step by step development of the nutrition recommendations by taking into account all growth- and agrotechnical conditions Status report can be produced at any stage and sent to a remote location by e-mail, fax, etc. Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net

11 VII The nutrition scheme is built by stages, in accordance with the irrigation method: Pre-plant application Side / top dressing or Nutrigation™ (fertigation) Foliar feeding Nutrigation means combining irrigation with the application of pure fertilizers that contain nutrients exclusively Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net

12 VII If the nutrition program is based on Nutrigation, application program is further specifying relevant growth phases & days Yet, the user can, at any stage overrule the recommendations by his own preferences Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net

13 VIII A comprehensive irrigation program is built in accordance with: 1.Crop-specific water requirements, further specifying growth phases 2.Irrigation method and equipment available to the grower 3.Structure of root zone and water retention of the soil 4.Local agro-meteorological conditions 5.Irrigation intervals and doses Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net

14 IX A detailed nutrigation program is built in accordance with all previously mentioned parameters: Main features of Haifa Nutri-Net

15 Let’s practice step by step…

16 progress order step by step…

17 1.Select crop-group & crop - pepper 2.Select growth method: greenhouse 3.Fill in expected yield: 70 ton / ha 4.Hit: Enter Haifa Nutri-Net: step 1

18 1.Nutrition data are filled automatically 2.Units can be selected 3.Save data Haifa Nutri-Net: step 1

19 Haifa Nutri-Net: step 2 – Input of soil data INPUT 1. Select by soil data availability 2. Fill in soil data 3. Enter

20 default updated step 2 – consequent updated recommendations OUTPUT 1.Assessment of soil fertility 2. updated recommendations

21 2.Select fertilization method during growing season Haifa - Nutri-Net : step 3- fertilization 1.Select irrigation method Either or

22 Haifa - Nutri-Net : step 3 1.Dripping was selected 2.Nutrigation was selected

23 Haifa - Nutri-Net : step 3- fertilization It’s now the time to produce the Base – Dressing scheme

24 A Base dressing scheme is built by : 1.A best fit formula, based on common fertilizers or by ……… 2.Free choice between many raw materials

25 Step 4- producing a Nutrigation program: I Defining crop growth stages Ia Finding similar growth conditions in a database Major Growth phases

26 Step 4- producing a Nutrigation program: II Crop- & field- specific data are introduced by growth stages Root system profile Growth phases & irrigation parameters

27 Field- specific irrigation parameters Step 4- producing a Nutrigation program: II Crop- & field- specific data are introduced by growth stages

28 Step 5- producing an irrigation program: locating similar agro-meteorological conditions in database Regions Continents

29 Step 5- producing an irrigation program: Full agro-meteorological details of the location selected in the database

30 Step 5- producing an irrigation program: The agro-meteorological conditions are inserted in the crop water- requirement table

31 Step 5- producing an irrigation program: A detailed irrigation table is proposed

32 Step 6- producing a nutrigation program: Previously agreed- upon nutrients are recalled and expressed as fully soluble products

33 Step 6- producing a nutrigation program: The nutrients are allocated by growth stages

34 Step 6- producing a nutrigation program: The products are allocated by growth stages

35 Step 6- producing a nutrigation program: Total Fertilizers concentrations in the irrigation water is worked out by growth stages

36 Thank you for your kind attention

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