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1 The CAA Options: Current Status and What May be in Your Future Ron Donovan and Robert Butts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Cathy Fromme.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The CAA Options: Current Status and What May be in Your Future Ron Donovan and Robert Butts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Cathy Fromme."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The CAA Options: Current Status and What May be in Your Future Ron Donovan and Robert Butts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Cathy Fromme Puget Sound ESD WERA Spring Conference March 28 - 29, 2007

2 2 Objectives Describe the approved CAA Options Collection of Evidence PSAT/SAT/ACT Mathematics Comparison WASL/Grades Comparison Discuss additional options that are being considered Math WASL delay and requirements for taking additional classes AP, SAT, norm-referenced assessments, appeals Segmented Mathematics Discuss what you need to do

3 3 Why are you here? Who are you? Why did you decide to spend your afternoon at this session? Segmented mathematics? Collection of Evidence? Update on the current status of the options? New proposals from the Legislature? To get out of your classroom or office? How much do you know? Have you been to other presentations on these topics?

4 4 CAA Options What’s Currently in Law?

5 5

6 6 Which students are eligible for these options? Taken the WASL twice and did not meet standards For COE and WASL/Grades, student has met any attendance and remediation requirements in their Student Learning Plan  Requirement may be waived by principal for special, unavoidable circumstances (as defined locally) Currently eligible: Took the WASL in Spring 2006 and August 2006  In mid-June, there will be many additional students eligible New Eligibility for the COE only:  Students who have taken the WASL once and are registered for the Spring ’07 WASL may also develop a COE and submit it June 15, 2007

7 7 Collection of Evidence: What is it? A selection of student work (work samples) that the student has developed over time in academic and career/technical classes Must clearly demonstrate a breadth and depth of WASL skills and knowledge in the content area State guidelines on number and types of submissions ensure coverage of knowledge and skills on WASL Each work sample includes a sign-off sheet that attests to its authenticity as the student’s work They may be on-demand samples, independent samples, or classroom samples with limited teacher direction Scored at the state-level by teachers See CAA Options: COE Guidelines and Protocols

8 8 CTE Path for Using the CAA Option 1)Follow the same guidelines as established by the general Collection of Evidence 2)Develop a Collection of Evidence related to: - a CTE pathway; or - a CTE sequence of courses leading to an industry certification

9 9 The COE…Implementation A “bank” of prototype work samples has been created and posted for all of the content areas Can be used by teachers working with COE students Can be used by students/parents to better understand scope of work involved

10 10 The COE…Registration Registration is open until May 15 Registration completed by the District Assessment Coordinator Form available at: Download and fax return to CAA Options Office (360) 725-6332 Also available on WAMS 1,400 students have been registered

11 11 The COE…Trainings - Regional Trainers: - Regional Training Teams of 4-8 content trainers delivering technical assistance, directions for work sample trainings, and local sufficiency reviews in March, April, May and June

12 12 The COE…Submission Collections are due June 15, 2007 Schools send district student collections Districts send collections to OSPI Scoring process Sufficiency review mid-June Rangefinding late-June Scoring early-July Standard Setting late-July Reporting of scores mid-August

13 13 PSAT, SAT, and ACT Mathematics Comparison Allows a student's PSAT, SAT, or ACT score to be used as an alternative to the WASL in mathematics Students must take WASL twice and not meet the mathematics standard. Students not required to meet attendance/remediation requirements in their Student Learning Plan Mathematics Cutscores PSAT: 47 SAT: 470 ACT: 19 The PSAT, SAT, or ACT score may be earned before or after taking the WASL

14 14 PSAT, SAT, and ACT Mathematics Comparison continued A form and process to document the student’s score and record it in the state student information system is available at: Required Steps: Complete form online or download/complete Form and score report faxed or mailed to OSPI OSPI verifies and e-mails school/District Assessment Coordinator Student’s state assessment record modified District also may need to update its student record Form and score report put in student’s cumulative folder

15 15 PSAT, SAT, and ACT Mathematics Comparison continued Fee waivers and reimbursement are available for students taking the ACT and SAT Intend to use the test as an alternative assessment Must have taken the mathematics WASL twice Must have not met standard on the WASL or the PSAT/SAT/ACT Comparison Available for tests administered between November 2006 and June 2007 (funding beyond June not certain) How to apply  Waivers form sent in with the student’s mail-in registration; or  Reimbursement form sent in after student has taken the test Forms online:

16 16 WASL/Grades Comparison: The Law Compares grades of the student with the grades of other students in the school: Who took the same mathematics or English/language arts courses in the high school; and Who met or slightly exceeded the standard (Level 3) on the WASL If the student’s grades in the classes are above the mean grades of this “comparison cohort,” the student meets the standard Must have at least six students in the comparison cohort

17 17 WASL/Grades Comparison  Highest Math WASL score = 390  Took Algebra I and Geometry  Average grades for the two classes: 2.9 Frank Students in the high school who took Algebra I and Geometry The “Comparison Cohort” Students who scored in Level 3 on the mathematics assessment Mean grades of “Comparison Cohort”: 2.7 Frank’s average grades: 2.9 Meets the mathematics standard

18 18 WASL/Grades Comparison: Proposed Guidelines OSPI directed to identify courses and allowed to establish additional eligibility criteria Proposed guidelines were distributed in January Proposed guidelines: Applications may only be submitted after Junior Year Student must be in Level 2 on the WASL # of courses equivalent of two annual high school credits Courses must be eligible for mathematics or English/Language arts credits Level 3 students used to define the “comparison cohort” Superintendent Bergeson is requesting that the option be repealed or that the eligibility be limited to students with high GPAs Due to technical, logistical, and other issues, OSPI will not provide a centralized electronic tool to compile the cohort. Will work with districts, ESDs, vendors to assist in compiling the cohort lists. Will have a spreadsheet on-line. We will not know the status until the Legislature adjourns

19 19 Transfer student waivers SPI to implement guidelines for waiving CAA/CIA requirements for students who transfer in their junior or senior year from out-of-state or country Proposed Rules: CAA or CIA requirement may be waived for students who have met standards on a high school assessment in mathematics and English/Language arts in another state Assessment must be approved by the feds under NCLB  Considering also including Exit exams in other states Student eligible to graduate, but would not receive a CAA Plan to finalize rules in May after Legislature adjourns Suggested advice to transfer students: Take the spring WASL

20 20 CAA Options and Graduation Requirements What’s being considered by the Legislature?

21 21 HB 2327 and SB 6023 Class of 2008 and beyond, must meet the reading and writing standards For mathematics, for the next three years students must: Meet the standard on the WASL or an option Earn additional mathematics credits and annually retake the WASL  One math credit, Class of 2008  Two math credits, Classes of 2009 – 10  May also use CTE classes that increase math proficiency

22 22 End-of-Course Tests Both House and Senate are considering end-of- course tests for mathematics and science Algebra I, Geometry Biology Would be required for the graduating classes of 2013/2014 Would be on-line, multiple choice Many concerns have been raised Impact on improvement efforts, narrowing of standards, implementation timeline, etc. May, or may not, make a decision this session

23 23 Additional Options SB 6023 would add additional options Expand PSAT, SAT, and ACT to include reading and writing Advanced Placement classes Norm-referenced tests ESD Appeal Boards:  Student has the skills but due to special circumstances was not able to demonstrate them Would be able to access the options after taking the WASL once Would also require annual benchmarks in Student Learning Plans and meetings with parents, teachers and the student if the benchmark was not met

24 24 Segmented Mathematics Would divide the high school mathematics WASL into three segments  Number and Algebraic Sense embedded in process  Geometric Sense and Measurement embedded in process  Probability and Statistics embedded in process Offered as part of a course The three “segment” scores will be combined into one score Course and assessments are being developed  Plan to have it available in the 2007-08 school year Training to be provided later this spring  Spokane (April 30), Richland (May 1), Yakima (May 2), Wenatchee (May 3), Port Angeles (May 7), Mt. Vernon (May 21), SeaTac (May 22), Olympia (May 23), and Vancouver (May 24)  May register on-line through the OSPI Events Manager ( Plan is to offer it as an option after students take the WASL once Not yet a legislatively “approved CAA Option”  Will be a great intervention class even if not approved

25 25 But, when will we have answers? Decisions will not be made until the final hours of the Legislative Session… Legislature scheduled to adjourn April 22 Stay Tuned

26 26 Contact Information Certificate of Academic Achievement Options website: E-mails: (Segmented math)

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