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1. 2 3 Introduction Binary Thinking | Ethics |Philosophy |Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 3 Introduction Binary Thinking | Ethics |Philosophy |Questions."— Presentation transcript:

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3 3 Introduction Binary Thinking | Ethics |Philosophy |Questions

4 4 1. Should there be a law against Lethal Autonomy?

5 5 2. Is it intelligent to grant lethal autonomy to artificial Intelligence?

6 6 3. Will Lethal Autonomy become Anthropomorphically Lethal?

7 7 4. What are we teaching our child?

8 8 An Artificial Intelligence Insight Structure Seeing through the Hype

9 9 What is the Mind?

10 10 What is Consciousness?

11 11 What is the Self?

12 12 Qualia & NCC : How are phenomena experienced? Mental states are experienced subjectively in different ways by different people, e.g., seeing red or feeling pain

13 13 The Explanatory Gap Experience arises from a physical basis, but there is no explanation of why and how the physical becomes mental

14 14 The Hard Problem of Consciousness How does a lump of fatty tissue and some electricity give rise to the experience of perceiving, meaning, or thinking?

15 15 Knowledge is Understanding Know-how that informs Do-how

16 16 Understanding is Explanation is Data Compression, Rules & Modeling

17 17 Explanation is Description that fits the New into the Prevailing Paradigm

18 18 How does Information acquire Meaning?

19 19 What is Intelligence?

20 20 Artificial Intelligence

21 21 Emergent ▫ Reductive ▫ Contextual Contingent?

22 22 What is Artificial Emotion? Simulation of motor-driven behavior (laughing, crying) is programmable. But can AI have feelings without basis in organic neural sensation – the evolutionary origin of emotion? Is Artificial Emotion Supportive or Subversive?

23 23 What is Conscience? Moral compass faculty: Distinguishes personal right from wrong, with either remorse or satisfaction following action

24 Threat Assessment Authentic Non-biological Intelligence

25 25 Deployment of Lethal Autonomy

26 26 What are Cons of LAWs?

27 27 What are Pros of LAWs?

28 28 Is Lethal Autonomy Legal?

29 Machine Morality v. Human Morality

30 30 1 2 3 4 5 Human Morality as Measure: Unworkable Bans and Unenforceable Treaties

31 31 Superintelligent Self-Replication

32 32 What is Superintelligence?

33 33

34 34


36 36 Merge with the Child?

37 37 Initially design AI to learn human values by looking at humans, asking questions, scanning human brains, rather programming with fixed set of imperatives Lesson Plan

38 38

39 Future’s Greetings 39

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