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Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology CRACOW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology CRACOW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology CRACOW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY

2 About the Faculty

3 Structure of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology C-1 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology C-2 Division of Physical Chemistry C-5 Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers C-4 Institute of Chemical & Process EngineeringC-3 Chair of Biotechnology and Renewable Materials C-6

4 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Environment Technologies and Waste ManagementIndustrial and Environmental AnalyticsTechnology of Organic Specialty Chemicals Technology of Polymers Chemistry and Technology of Cosmetics (Oil and Gas Technology)* * not available for the next academic year CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING Engineering of BioChemical Processes Engineering of Chemical Processes(Engineering of Renewable Energy Sources)*

5 BIOTECHNOLOGY Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology CHEMISTRY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Chemistry of Civil Engineering NANOTECHNOLOGY AND NANOMATERIALS Technology of Nanomaterials Nanostructure Engineering

6 STUDY LEVELS Doctoral Program Ph.D. (up to 4 years) Masters Program M.Sc. (3 semester) Bachelors Program B.Sc. (7 semester)

7 POKL.04.01.02-2012 „Biotechnologist – Engineer of the XXI Century” POKL.04.01.02-2012 „Chemical Technologist – Engineer of the Future” POKL.04.01.02-2012 „Process Engineer – Knowledge in Practice” EU Projects at WIiTCh

8 BILATERAL AGREEMENTS within ERASMUS CRACOW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY VŠB Technical University of Ostrava CZECH REP. University of Applied Sciences Münster GERMANY Universidad Polytecnica de Valencia SPAIN Institute of Chemical Engineering Prague CZECH REP. Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin SLOVAKIA...there is still a place to add more University of Applied Sciences Krefeld GERMANY

9 The Study Program offered in English

10 MASTERS PROGRAM OFFERED IN ENGLISH (3 semester, starting in spring) * only one of these specialties can be run at a time → students select which one CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING Engineering of BioChemical Processes Engineering of Chemical ProcessesEngineering of Renewable Energy Sources THE PROGRAM Specialties*


12 The scariest moment in a student life: …when an experiment goes out of control...and some students claim the scariest are exams !!!

13 The happiest moment in a student life: GRADUATION !...and nobody questions that !!!


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