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Protecting Web 2.0 Services from Botnet Exploitations Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop (CTC), 2010 Second Nguyen H Vo, Josef Pieprzyk Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Web 2.0 Services from Botnet Exploitations Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop (CTC), 2010 Second Nguyen H Vo, Josef Pieprzyk Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Web 2.0 Services from Botnet Exploitations Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop (CTC), 2010 Second Nguyen H Vo, Josef Pieprzyk Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia Reporter: 游明軒

2 Outline  Introduction  API Verifier  Security analysis  Conclusion & discussion

3 Introduction  Web 2.0  Blog, RSS, Social networking sites, etc.  Web based bots  Use web 2.0 service as a C&C channel  Instead of traditional bots sitting on IRC channel, the connections between web based bots are not permanent  The authors implement a tool, API Verifier, to detect web based bots

4 Web based botnet

5 Botnet detection methods  Analysis of network traffic flows  Network traceback  Honeypots  These techniques do not cover web based botnet because the bot activities are indistinguishable and legitimate users and websites

6 API Verifier  Motivation  Because a web based bot must use Web 2.0 service APIs, API Verifier is implemented to verify whether a user is a person or a bot  Approach  Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA)  MAC address as identifier

7 API Verifier - architecture  Components  API Verifier Client  API Verifier Server

8 API Verifier - functionality  Authentication  User profile  Session key  Encrypt MAC address  Be generated independently each time when an API call is made  Permanent MAC address  CAPTCHA verification

9 API Verifier – work flow

10 Security analysis  Spoofing MAC address  API Verifier Client fraud  DDoS attack  By-passing CAPTCHA verification

11 Spoofing MAC address  Change MAC address (1a)  Hijacking OS kernel and modifying the OS communication with NIC is expensive  Cause the high risk of being detection  Change the encrypted MAC address (1b)  session key is generated each API call and is a combination of the secret key and a time token

12 API Verifier Client fraud  It is hard to recover the secret key of the API Verifier Client  AES 128-bit  it is hard to disassemble the API Verifier Client  Obfuscation technique

13 DDoS attack  Set limit on the number of verification attempts  Finite times to solve CAPTCHA  A time interval for next MAC address verification

14 By-passing CAPTCHA verification  Analyze the picture and extract characters on the image  send the image to attacker to solve it

15 System short coming  API Verifier cannot get permanent MAC address on virtual machine

16 Conclusion & discussion  Propose a novel approach against web based botnet. The main concept is to identify whether a user is a person or a bot  Implement a system, API Verifier, to detect the bots before they access to web service API  For security, the authors consider all possible attacks and defend  DDoS attack issue still exists  Lack for a convincing proof of statistics in real world

17 Thanks

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