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HS-MASS 2 Project: Mathematics Overview of Sessions 1&2 for Teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "HS-MASS 2 Project: Mathematics Overview of Sessions 1&2 for Teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 HS-MASS 2 Project: Mathematics Overview of Sessions 1&2 for Teachers

2 Overview of HS-MASS 2 Big Ideas and Learning Goals Introduction to the Mathematics Clarification Document Using the Mathematics Clarification Document to identify big ideas and learning goals MMLA

3 High School - Mathematics and Science Success – 2 HS-MASS 2 Session 1 – High School Companion Documents for Science and Mathematics Session 2 – Identifying Targets (CE deconstruction) and Lesson Construction Session 3 and 4 – Balanced Assessment

4 Session 1 Goals: Gain familiarity with Science and Mathematics Companion/Clarification Documents and Content Expectations Determine the BIG IDEAS of High School Science and Mathematics Identify the Content Expectations and support leading to the BIG IDEAS.

5 Session 2 Goals: Deconstruct content expectations into clear, student friendly targets Identify and use specific strategies to teach the language of mathematics and science Use the targets and evidence-based instructional strategies to move toward understanding of the big ideas Develop student understanding of the progress toward the big idea

6 Target Ready Move from the BIG IDEAS to content expectations to learning targets to lesson development (Chapter 3 – Stiggins)

7 The world of information…. requires a map

8 The map has structures that represent GREAT BIG IDEAS

9 The GREAT BIG IDEAS are broken down into BIG IDEAS

10 The BIG IDEAs contain all the bits of information that lead to understanding

11 Effective Teaching “teaching needn’t be exceptional to have a profound effect…” Schmoker “teaching had 6-10 times as much impact on achievement as all other factors combined.” Mortimore and Sammons “just 3 years of effective teaching accounts on average for an improvement of 35 to 50 percentile points.” Sanders

12 Effective Teaching Effective Instruction Goal-Directed Teaching and Learning Clear, student-friendly targets Evidence-Based Strategies Effective Classroom Management Effective Curriculum Design Standards-Based Instruction & Assessment = Effective Pedagogy

13 Targets Foundation of Instruction, Learning and Assessment…… What is it we expect students to learn? What is it that students expect to learn? Do we have individual goals leading to comprehension of a BIG IDEA? Do students understand the progress toward the BIG IDEA?

14 Summative Assessment Reteaching & Enrichment Classroom Formative Assessment Learning Activities Formative Pre Assessment Learning Targets

15 Students can’t hit a target they can’t see…..

16 Curricular Priorities Worth being familiar with Important to know and do Enduring Understanding Endurance Leverage Readiness

17 ESSENTIAL TARGETS 3 criteria for each target: –Endurance – are students expected to retain the skills/knowledge long after the test is completed? –Leverage – is this skill/knowledge applicable to many academic disciplines? –Readiness for the Next Level of Learning – is this skill/knowledge preparing the student for success in the next grade/course?

18 TARGETS What do targets look like? Knowledge Reasoning Performance Product

19 Levels of Thinking (handouts) Recall –Do students know the information? Relate –Can students personalize the information? Connect –Can students connect the information to something else? Create –Can students do something new and different with the information?

20 Match the verb to its Level of Thinking You be the student: (handout) Teachers assign a level of thinking to each of the content expectations. Groups come to consensus regarding the levels of thinking required for understanding.

21 Goal-Directed Education What is a learning goal? –Content Expectations –Text and Materials What is the difference between a learning goal and an activity? –Students will know or be able to do……

22 TARGETS Science / Math –Identify your big idea for deconstruction, using the clarification/companion documents –Identify the content expectations that support that big idea –Develop specific learning targets leading to understanding of the content expectations –Organize the learning goals into a sequence leading to the understanding of a big idea –Put the goals into student friendly language

23 What is the clarification project for mathematics? –A series of documents intended to provide mathematics educators and assessment developers with a clearer understanding of the breadth and depth of the HSCE.

24 Format Organized by topic, not by units –No big ideas explicitly stated but they are talked about/implied throughout the standards and topics

25 Format Document begins with information on the Strand and Standard Followed by Topic information with each of expectations listed with any necessary clarification statements –On the web these expectations are hyper-linked to the clarifying examples and activities, found at the back of the booklet.

26 Format Background information, tools and representations A reference area that includes important formulas, properties, techniques, definitions and/or pedagogical tips for the topic in general. Similar to “Instruments, Measurements, & Representations” section of science document

27 Format –No vocabulary section Language students need to know stated throughout the document

28 Format Assessable content Specific information for assessment developers Resources Websites with more information on the topic or specific expectations; may have information for teachers or activities/applets for students

29 Format Clarifying Examples and Activities Helps to clarify what an expectation means or its parameters It can be: –Description of a classroom activity –Assessment items –Open-ended task

30 Review of the model lesson for math and the sample completed worksheet MMLA

31 Find your BIG IDEA (handout – targets and lesson building strategy) You be the student: Fill in the outline for your lesson (1-5) Choose a BIG IDEA from the discipline in which you are MOST interested. Find where that BIG IDEA is placed in the companion document. Find the content expectations that support the ENTIRE BIG IDEA.

32 Identify the Learning Targets You be the student: List the specific learning targets imbedded in the content expectations.(8) Put the learning targets into a sequence leading to understanding of the BIG IDEA.(9) Identify the vocabulary necessary for understanding the BIG IDEA. (6) Identify the Instruments, Measurements and Representations(7)

33 Use your Question Quadrant (handout) You be the student: Assign target verbs to a LOT quadrant (#10) Ask a question related to that level of thinking –Use Instruments, Measurements, and Graphic Representations –Examples:(see handouts) Data in a graph Interpreting tables Trigonometric graphs Develop questions for each of the targets at the level of thinking indicated. (#11)

34 Teach the BIG IDEA You be the student: Assign student-friendly language to the learning goals and place into a checklist for student record-keeping. (12 & 13)

35 CLEAR TARGETS – Ask Yourself: –Are the student learning targets stated and easy to find? –Are the student learning targets focused – are there too many? –Are they clear? –Do the stated learning targets reflect a bigger plan to cover all important learning targets leading to a big idea over time? –Do the students have a check list showing their personal progress?

36 Teach the BIG IDEA You be the student: Give an example of instructional strategies you might use for each target. (14) Use specific vocabulary strategies to insure student understanding of essential terminology (15)

37 Align by Design (handout) Intentionally designing lessons, instructional strategies, metacognitive strategies and assessments around important learning targets such that targets, strategies and assessments are aligned by the cognitive demand they require. (Walstrom)

38 Teach the BIG IDEA Begin and end labs and classroom activities with reflection exercises to extend understanding (jigsaw articles) Incorporate games into your instruction Follow your instructional sequence with information on progress toward a big idea. Culminating Activity – Visual SUCCESS!

39 For more information on the clarification documents contact: Ruth Anne Hodges, For more information on the lesson contact: Rose Martin Or start a discussion on the wikisite:

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