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High school of natural sciences - Split Prirodoslov tehnička škola - Split.

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Presentation on theme: "High school of natural sciences - Split Prirodoslov tehnička škola - Split."— Presentation transcript:

1 High school of natural sciences - Split Prirodoslov tehnička škola - Split

2 Here we are, on the third rock from the Sun

3 Let’s get little closer (Croatia)

4 Split You can’t see us yet

5 We’re almost there

6 Here we are

7 We share our wonderful building; full of sun and warmth, surrounded by meadows, and a large lobby enriched with greenery and birds ; with 3 other high schools.


9 Something about our school Prirodoslovna tehnička škola - Split is a school with a long tradition. It developed from Chemistry School founded in Kaštel Sućurac in 1955. In 1977 the school moved to Split. It survived several changes until 1992 when it moved to the new, modern building on present address: Matice hrvatske 11. Current name comes from 2002.

10 Today Today the school has over 560 students who are arranged in 21 classes with 4 educational programs. The school offers the following curricula: - Natural sciences high(grammar) school - Chemistry technician - Ecology technician - Nutritional technician

11 Natural sciences high(grammar) school High school as a four-year general education school allows each student to develop the interests and needs of general knowledge, which primarily represents a good basis for continuing education at higher education institutions. Natural sciences high school puts emphasis on knowledge in physics, biology and chemistry, and its specialty is the practical laboratory work that helps students to better understand the natural history.It also encourages independence, creativity and connections.

12 Chemistry technician Learning chemical group subjects is realized through theoretical work in the classroom, but practical work in the laboratory is often the most interesting part of the school for students. Chemical technician can work in laboratories, test facilities and establishments participating in the development and improvement of analytical methods, preparation and management of technical documentation, implementation and supervision of technological process, control of products and raw materials.

13 Ecology technician Ecological technician performs the testing, monitoring and process control in industrial, craft and utility services, public institutions, environmental protection and scientific research with special emphasis on environmental protection in order to preserve the environment, biosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere and nature protection. The work includes a wider range of activities and includes basic knowledge of natural (chemistry, biology, geology, physics and mathematics) and engineering (chemical, geological, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, metallurgy) science. A four-year education provides students an excellent foundation for further studies of the natural and medical sciences and engineering.

14 Nutritional technician Program for nutritional technician includes common and also expert content, but the most significat part is practical learning and professional practice. The student is trained for independent technician in the control - analytical laboratory and collaborator in development laboratories, handling and storage of raw materials, packaging and finished products. With employment in industry, nutricional technicians can open their own business.

15 We have 12 classrooms with computers and projectors And airconditioning also. (very important during hot days)

16 Our two chemistry laboratories and one biology lab are fully equiped with utensils, instruments and chemicals.



19 Our IT classroom is equiped with new computers and smart board.

20 Our school offers a few activities where the students can expand their interestes, be socially engaged or just hang out with their friends. We are currently participating in two Eramus+ projects which are funded by European Union. Students get a beautifull experience by visiting their shcool- partners in other countries, getting to know some new cultures and new friends. ‘’Schools for Africa’’ is a charity project in which students design activities to inform their colleagues with problems in the Third World countries and collect money for UNICEF to help build and equip schools for better education for children in Africa. Projects

21 There is a voluntary group in our school. We have just become one of the partners with association MoSt that fights against poverty by establishing social market SolidarnoSt. School is also included in UNESCO-s project SEMEP (South-Eastern Mediterranean Environmental Project). It’s an envirnomental educational project for teachers and students with aim of encouraging education for sustainable development on the Mediterranean. A hiking section ‘’Prirodoslovci’’ was established in 2013 in partnership with hiking club ‘’Mosor’’. It is a unique section in Split, where students learn how to survive in nature and how to cherish its gifts.

22 Our students are regular volunteers in environmental actions like ‘’Zelena čistka’’ (Green purge). They take care of one forest parcel in the city because they decided to support plan about inclusion citizens of Split on taking care of Split’s ‘’lungs’’. One of the most significant activities is participation in ‘’Science festival’’ where pupils and teachers, side to side with students and scientists perform various experiments from school labs and spread curiosity for science to young people.


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