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TOTOM 2014 WOU EMIL PROGRAM Cheryl Beaver, Math Laurie Burton, Math Rachel Harrington, Education.

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Presentation on theme: "TOTOM 2014 WOU EMIL PROGRAM Cheryl Beaver, Math Laurie Burton, Math Rachel Harrington, Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOTOM 2014 WOU EMIL PROGRAM Cheryl Beaver, Math Laurie Burton, Math Rachel Harrington, Education

2 Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization TSPC: Created/approved this specialization in Spring 2013 Many people here were involved!

3 Before EMIL (is awarded) The Multiple Subjects Examination Three complete years of teaching mathematics

4 Our Program Twenty-four quarter of coursework An EMIL practicum working with a range of students and teachers

5 EMIL Standards a) Content Knowledge EMIL professionals must know and understand deeply the mathematics of elementary school as well as how mathematics concepts and skills develop through middle school. This knowledge includes specialized knowledge that teachers need in order to understand and support student learning of elementary mathematics.

6 EMIL Standards b) Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics: EMIL professionals are expected to have a foundation in pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008). This section is informed by and draws upon the 2003 NCATE/NCTM Program Standards: Standards for Elementary Mathematics Specialists.

7 c) Leadership Knowledge and Skills EMIL Standards EMIL professionals need to be prepared to take on collegial non-evaluative leadership roles within their schools and districts. They must have a broad view of many aspects and resources needed to support and facilitate effective instruction and professional growth.

8 WOU program development Starting early fall term 2013 Cheryl Beaver (Math), Laurie Burton (Math) and Rachel Harrington (Education) collaborated to create: 1.The WOU EMIL program 2.The WOU EMIL courses 3.The WOU EMIL curriculum proposals Approved fall term 2013 4.The WOU EMIL TSPC proposal Presented and approved March 2014

9 WOU program and course design We mapped: The AMTE standards to a set of six mathematics and three education courses The K – 8 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics to the six mathematics courses

10 The WOU EMIL Program (24 cr) Content Knowledge 1.MTH 611 Counting and Whole Number Operations 2.MTH 612 Fractions and Proportions 3.MTH 613 Geometry and Measurement 4.MTH 614 Statistics and Probability 5.Choose one: MTH 615 Patterns and Algebraic Thinking MTH 616 Algebra and Functions Pedagogical Knowledge 1.ED 637 Advanced Content Pedagogy Leadership Knowledge and Skills 1.ED 673 Elementary Math Leadership Practicum I 2.ED 609 Elementary Math Leadership Practicum II

11 Course delivery Hybrid with 3-5 face to face meetings per quarter Does fully online increase access? One math course per term (F-W-Sp-Su) (or more?) Ed pedagogy course (W) Ed practicum courses (Sp)

12 Math course structure Introduction (to online learning, class, etc.) Four two-week modules (612 example) Understanding Fractions Competency (reading and quiz) Exploration (math) and Connections (common core) Evaluation (children’s work) and Recommendations (pedagogy) Fraction Operations – Ratios -- Percents Final paper

13 Ed courses Practicum I Reading Reflections Individual Mentoring Project Staff Development Project Community Development Project Practicum II Observations Action Research Project

14 Students Winter term 2014 (1 st WOU EMIL course) 11 students in MTH 612 Spring term 2014 (2 nd WOU EMIL course) 4 students in MTH 613 Types of students Working math coach Working teachers MSEd graduate students International students Fall 2014 (3 rd WOU EMIL course) At least 7 students in MTH 614

15 Extensions/Collaboration MSED with EMIL Can we collaborate? Map transfers for courses between programs Share our syllabi, TSPC proposal, etc.

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