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Mathematics Teacher Leader Session 1: The National Mathematics Strategy & Modelling Exemplary Teaching 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics Teacher Leader Session 1: The National Mathematics Strategy & Modelling Exemplary Teaching 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics Teacher Leader Session 1: The National Mathematics Strategy & Modelling Exemplary Teaching 1

2 During this session, Teachers will:  Unpack the National Math Strategy - Reviewing the five key strategies  Create a vision for Mathematics Education  Discuss our values and beliefs about Mathematics Education  Observe a lesson – analyzing the use of the framework, linking to the vision of mathematics instruction Assignment: Reading, Focus on Instructional Practice, Reflection Key Understandings 2

3 3 An Overview of the Primary Teacher Leader Endorsement Programme

4 National Mathematics Strategy Ensure common framework for teaching emphasizing problem solving Ensure access to effective, proven interventions Ensure opportunities for rigorous, relevant tasks Establish standards for use of high quality texts and resources Provide professional development for coaching, content and instruction 4

5 Identify attributes of an effective math lesson. A Vision for Learning Mathematics 5

6 How does this lesson speak to the vision we created? Observing a Mathematics Classroom 6

7 Mathematics Instruction ~Our beliefs 1.Only ‘gifted’ children should be encouraged to problem solve and think critically about the mathematics they do. 2.Students should always have opportunities to share their mathematical thinking. 3.Students should understand the mathematics by constructing their own ideas. 4.A good indication that my students are good in mathematics is when they can quickly calculate/state basic math facts (add/subtract/multiply/divide).

8 …where students are confidently engaged in doing mathematics, problem solving, reasoning, critical thinking, collaboration and inquiry. This classroom will feature teachers who intentionally facilitate a community of students with rigorous and relevant tasks, building on student understanding and strategies to develop procedural and conceptual knowledge. - National Mathematics Strategy A Vision of Mathematics Education 8

9  Engaging all students in mathematics for understanding, ensuring a balance of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency  Mathematics as something one participates in and does, seas, hears, and touches in meaningful ways  Student expectations for doing mathematics include the following mathematical processes: Problem solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections, and Representation, which all highlight ways of acquiring content knowledge Mathematics Reform Who should learn mathematics? How should we learn mathematics? What should we learn about mathematics? “It is important for students to build on their prior learning and knowledge of key math concepts and make connections to their own world. Inquiry, problem solving, discussion and question posing are all important parts of mathematics learning” (loc 227) 9

10 “Teachers’ own beliefs about mathematics, how children learn mathematics, and what constitutes good teaching affect the way teachers choose to teach mathematics and what they choose teach.” (loc 344) How Teachers Change 10

11 Read and Share 1.Understanding and Doing Mathematics (p.1-2) 2.Process Standards (p.3-4) 3.How Do Students Learn? (p.4-6) 4.Teaching for Understanding (p.6-8) 5.Teaching Towards Instrumental Understanding (p.8-9) 6.The Importance of Student Ideas (p.9-11) 7.Mathematics Classrooms That Promote Understanding (p.11- 12) 11 Teaching Mathematics for Understanding

12 Bermuda Framework for Teaching Mathematics ENGAGE PHASE Activate student thinking (~20% of time in lesson DOING MATHEMATICS PHASE Students work on the task (~50% of time in lesson) REFLECT & CONNECT PHASE Students share understandings and strategies Teacher facilitates discussion (~20% of time in lesson) BUILDING SKILLS PHASE Mental Math/Skill Building (~10% of time in lesson) 12

13 Identifying Teacher Practices in Exemplary Mathematics Classrooms An effective mathematics learning environment Promotes positive beliefs and attitudes toward mathematics Values prior knowledge Makes connections between that knowledge, the world of the child, and the strands and actions of mathematics Encourages the establishment of a community of mathematics learns Focuses on important mathematical concepts or big ideas Explores concepts though problem solving Includes a variety of learning resources, tools, and manipulatives Is supported by strong roles of teacher, principal, and senior administrator Is supported at home 13

14  Reading: Chapter 1 & 2 of Teaching Student-centered Mathematics (Answer “Stop and Reflect” Questions)  Teacher Actions: Which instructional practice will you focus on in the next 5 instructional days before our next session?  Reflection: Reflect on the instructional practice that you have been focusing on. What did you do? How did it go? How did your students respond?  Before our next session: Go to Complete form - Teacher Leader Reflection – Session 1 Teacher Reflection & Assignment 14

15  Cambridge International Examinations (2011). Primary Maths Teacher Guide. Retrieved September 2012, from Cambridge International Examinations - Teacher Resources:  Guskey, T.R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 8, 381-391  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Process Standards of Mathematics. Retrieved September 2012, from  Ontario Principals’ Council. (2009). The Principal As Mathematics Leader (Leading Student Achievement Series). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.  Van de Walle, J., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2014). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally: The Professional Development Edition for Mathematics Coaches and Other Teacher Leaders. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. References 15

16 16 Resources

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