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OTHER ILLICIT DRUGS… Ms. Kelly 7 th Grade Health.

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Presentation on theme: "OTHER ILLICIT DRUGS… Ms. Kelly 7 th Grade Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 OTHER ILLICIT DRUGS… Ms. Kelly 7 th Grade Health

2 JOURNAL: Let’s talk about drugs…  What is a drug?  How might drugs affect your physical, mental, and social health?  Why do people choose to use drugs? (Is it a choice? Why or why not?)  Are all drugs bad for you? Explain.  List as many types of drugs that you know about or have ever heard of…

3 What is a Drug?  Any chemical or substance, other than food, that changes the way the body works and/or that alters normal body functioning

4 Routes of Transmission (They Ways Drugs are Taken)  Mouth (pill, liquid)  Nose (sniffing, snorting)  Inhalation/Smoking  Injection (IV needles)  Drops  Absorption (patches)

5 JOURNAL:  Share a time when you or someone you know (or someone you read about read about in an article, saw in a movie, on TV, etc.) used a drug (with or without a prescription). Discuss the scope of the situation and the effects this drug had on the individual who used it. Consider physical, mental, and/or social consequences.

6 Are there good reasons for drug use?? ABSOLUTELY!!! LET’S NAME A FEW…

7 Good Reasons for Use  Treat illness  Get sleep  Relieve pain  Prevent disease  Help function normally  Treat depression/anxiety  Anesthetic  First Aid  Treat addiction  Improve appearance**  Lose weight** **could be “bad” reasons, too!

8 What about the bad reasons?

9 Bad Reasons for Use  Peer pressure/dares  Low self-esteem  Dependent  Forget problems  Lonely/boredom  To get high  To “be cool”  Curiosity/new experience  Parents/community members do it  Advertisements  Build muscle (anabolic steroids)

10 Drug Use, Abuse, and Misuse  ABUSE The intentional, repetitive and willful use of a drug for another end aside from its original or prescribed intention or use  MISUSE Improper, unintentional use of prescribed or non-prescribed medications  USE Ingesting a drug the way it was prescribed or intended

11 Journal:  What are alternative things someone can engage in to get the effects they desire from drug use/abuse?

12 Alternative Solutions for Bad Reasons  Join a sports team or club  Get a job  Volunteer  Talk to someone  Make new friends

13 JOURNAL: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why??

14 JOURNAL:  If you had to describe yourself as a color, which would you choose, why?


16 What are they?  Drugs that slow down body systems

17 Drugs Involved…  Barbituates  Tranquilizers  Alcohol  Barbs  Ludes  Downers

18 Common Route of Transmission  Swallowed

19 Effects  Calmness  Slurred speech  Blurred vision  Impaired judgment  Loss of coordination  In larger doses…. blackouts, coma, or death

20 Medical Uses  Relieves anxiety  Helps with sleep/insomnia


22 What are they?  Drugs that cause the body systems to speed up

23 Drugs Involved  Nicotine  Ritalin  Caffeine  Ecstasy (MDMA)  Amphetamines  Ephedrine  Methamphetamines  Speed  Uppers  Meth  Crank  Chalk  Ice

24 Common Routes of Transmission  Swallowed  Snorted  Injected  Smoked

25 Effects  Increases heart rate  Increases breathing rate  Decreased appetite  Brain damage  Insomnia Faces of Meth

26 Medical Uses  Weight control  Hyperactive children (ADD, ADHD)


28 What is it?  White powder from coca plant  Beige pellets of crystaline rocks in small vials

29 Terms  Cocaine  Crack Cocaine  Coke  Snow  Nose candy

30 Common Routes of Transmission  Snorted (inhaled)  Injected  Smoked

31 Effects  Increased heart rate  Increased breathing rate  Increased blood pressure  Runny nose, damaged cartilage  Loss of appetite  Heart attack  Stroke

32 Medical Uses  NONE


34 What are they?  Drugs most commonly from the opium poppy plant (found predominantly in Asia)  Used to relieve pain

35 Drugs Involved  Heroin  Methadone  Codeine  Morphine  Opium  Oxycontin  Horse  Junk  Black tar  Shoots  Dope

36 Common Methods of Transmission  Injected  Snorted  Smoked  Swallowed

37 Effects  Depresses breathing center in brain  Nausea, vomiting  Convulsions  Coma  Death  Unsterile needles…. HIV/AIDS

38 Medical Uses  Pain relief  Cough suppressant


40 What is it?  The dried leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the Cannibis sativa plant… HEMP  Contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)… the active ingredient

41 Marijuana Terminology  Marijuana—leaves, stems, flowers  Hashish—resin (sap), chunks  Pot  Grass  Weed  Reefer  Mary Jane (MJ)  Chronic  Indian rope

42 Common Methods of Transmission  Smoked  Eaten

43 Effects  Increased heart rate  Increased appetite  Bloodshot eyes  Amotivational syndrome (“I don’t care…”)  Loss of time  Short-term memory loss/ Lower IQ  Lack of coordination  Impaired judgment 1 joint = 15 cigarettes

44 Medical Uses  Chemotherapy  AIDS  Glaucoma  Pain relief


46 What are they?  Drugs that distort the senses and cause visual and/or audible hallucinations

47 Drugs Involved  LSD  Peyote  PCP  Psilocybin  Acid  Sugar cubes  Buttons  Angel dust  Magic mushrooms  ‘Shrooms

48 Common Methods of Transmission  Swallowed  Injected  Smoked  Licked off paper

49 Effects  Super-human like feelings  Distorted senses  Bizarre behavior  Flashbacks  Visions

50 Medical Uses  NONE


52 What are they?  Dangerous fumes concentrated in a bag or on a cloth that are inhaled….. HUFFING

53 Drugs Involved  Glue  Nail polish remover  Gasoline  Nitrous oxide  Whipped cream  White out  Butane  Duster 2  Air fresheners  Markers  Laughing gas  Whippets  Poppers  “Bagging”  “Ragging”  “Glading”

54 Method of Transmission  Vapors inhaled through mouth and/or nose

55 Effects  Nausea  Decreased heart rate  Decreased breathing rate  Impaired judgment  Long term abuse… Sudden Sniffing Death:  Nervous system damage  Suffocation  Brain damage

56 Medical Uses  NONE, BUT….  Nitrous oxide used as numbing agent


58 What are they?  Drugs used to increase muscle mass and strength  Similar to the male hormone, TESTOSTERONE

59 Drugs Involved  Synthetic human growth hormone  Performance enhancers  Andro  Creatine  HGH  Roids

60 Methods of Transmission  Swallowed  Injected into muscle

61 Effects  Violent tendencies (“Roid Rage”)  Depression  Heart attack  Stroke  Liver cancer or other liver diseases  Acne  Reproductive problems  In men— breast development, decreased size of testes  In women— deepened voice, growth of facial hair

62 Medical Uses  NONE, BUT….  Corticosteroids are used for allergies, poison ivy, and burns


64 What are they?  Drugs prescribed by a physician to free patients from symptoms of medical conditions (i.e. depression, ADHD, etc.) in order to help them live healthier, more productive lives  They are abused by individuals both with and w/o a doctor’s recommendation  Often abused by changing the FORM of the drug or by combining with other drugs— “pharm parties”

65 Drugs Involved…  Opioids  Oxycodone (OxyContin)  Hydrocodone (Vicodin)  Meperidine (Demerol)  CNS Depressants  Pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal)  Diazepam (Valium)  Alprasolam (Xanax)  Stimulants  Methylphenidate (Ritalin)  Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine (Adderall)

66 Methods of Transmission  Swallowed  Snorted  Injected

67 Effects VVomiting MMood changes DDecrease in ability to think CChange in heart rate CChange in respiratory function AAddiction SSeizures CComa DDeath RRisks increase tremendously when mixed with other substances

68 Medical Uses  Opioids  Pain relief, cough suppressant, diarrhea  Depressants  Anxiety, tension, panic attacks, sleep disorders  Stimulants  Narcolepsy, ADHD

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