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Unit18 Mainly revision. 1.Language points: 1. They found that they had a lot in common and got on well. They had a lot in common- they share the same.

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1 Unit18 Mainly revision

2 1.Language points: 1. They found that they had a lot in common and got on well. They had a lot in common- they share the same tastes, interests, experience or other things. (Have) in common (with) “ 与 …….. 有共同处 ” “ 和 ……….. 一样 ” 他们虽然是兄弟,但毫无共同之处。 They are brothers, but they have nothing in common. 他们的观点和我的观点有许多共同之处。

3 Their views have much in common with mine. 和许多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐,而不喜欢流 行音乐。 In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop. in common “ 共有 ” “ 共用 ” Real friends should have everything in common. Mr and Mrs Smith own the store in common. At that moment he remembered that all the tickets, passports and travellers cheques were in his jacket that he had left hanging next to his seat. leave sb /sth +-ing “ 让某人某物继续处于某种状 态。 ”

4 Don’t leave her waiting outside. Let her in. Leave the piano standing in the corner. When we entered her room, we saw her clothes that she had left lying around. 3. At about three o’clock Tina said, “I’m going to see what Dad is up to……..” be up to, “ 在干某事 ” 他现在在干什么? What is he up to now? 去看看那些女孩在干什么。 Go and see what those girls are up to.

5 4. She had gone through just a few carriages before she found herself at the front of the train. before “ (不多久)就 ” I hadn’t waited long before he came. They had talked only a few minutes before they found they were quite different in opinion. Find 后跟带介词短语的复合结构。 When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. I hope to find you in better health when we meet again. 5. The massage is this: you are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.

6 “be + 不定式 ” 是表示将来时间的结构。 用于第 二人称, 常含有转达别人的指示的意思。 Here is a message for you from your headteacher: you are to go to her office after class. 你的班主任带给你一个口信,要你下课后到他 办公室去。 Mother says you’re to wait here till she comes. “be + 不定式 ”, 表示命令,指示时常用于第三人 称。 “she is to be back before 11 o’clock,” said the manager. 经理说,他必须在 11 点钟以前回来。 The room is to be locked.

7 “be + 不定式 ”, 常用来表示计划,安排(做某事) They are to go travelling in August. 他们计划八月份去旅行。 We are to begin the work next month. book 订(票,座位,房间) booking office – 售票处 She has booked three seats on the plane. Seats for the theatre can be booked from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. He’ll be arriving at about eleven o’clock tonight. will be arriving 将来进行时,表示按计划,安排 将要进行或发生的动作。

8 I’ll be meeting Miss Black at the air port this afternoon. He won’t be able to come, because he’ll be doing his home work. 将来进行时常表示将来某一时刻或某一时间正在 或进行的动作。 -What will you be doing at 7 o’clock this evening? -probably I’ll be having my supper. 7. The hotel paid the taxi driver and put the charge on their hotel bill. charge, 名词 “ 收费 ” , “ 索价 ” -What’s the charge for a room? -30 dollars.

9 The charge for the taxi will be increased next month. 出租车费下个月要涨价。 charge, “ 收费 ” , “ 索价 ” What/how much do they charge for the suit at the store? The hotel charged me 50 yuan for a room for the night. Put the charge on the bill 把(某笔收费)记在 帐单上。 Let’s go and pay the bill for the electricity. 咱们去付电费吧。

10 of oneself “ 自动的 ” The door opened of itself. The candle went out of itself. by oneself “ 独自,独立 ” He always lives by himself You should finish homework by yourself. for oneself “ 为自己 ” Do you have anything to say for yourself.

11 1. We forbid______here. Who permitted you_____ here? A to smoke, to smoke B smoking, smoking C to smoke, smoking D smoking, to smoke 2. I am very sorry for______you the matter before. A not telling B not having been told C not having told D being told 3. The students did the experiment as_________. A careful as they can B careful as possible C more carefully as it is possible D carefully as they could 4. Only in this way_____it better. A do he can B he did C can he do D he can do D D C C 2.Choice:

12 5. She is a diligent girl, she never leaves her work half ________. A doing B done C to do D being done 6. Now I have a car _______my own. And I often drive______my own to work. A of, on B of, by C to, on D to, with 7. When I came to the door, it opened________. A for itself B of itself C by itself D on itself 8. The reason_____he was absent _______school is not clear. A why, from B what, of C that, to B how, at B B A A

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