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Integrated Justice: The Big Picture Arizona Digital Government Summit Karl Heckart AZ Supreme Court May 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Justice: The Big Picture Arizona Digital Government Summit Karl Heckart AZ Supreme Court May 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Justice: The Big Picture Arizona Digital Government Summit Karl Heckart AZ Supreme Court May 2005

2 Sessions Integrated Justice : The Big PictureIntegrated Justice : The Big Picture Integrated Justice: Evolutionary StepsIntegrated Justice: Evolutionary Steps Integrated Justice: Operational RealitiesIntegrated Justice: Operational Realities

3 The Goal Provide complete, accurate, and timely information to justice system decision- makers, when, where, and how they need it –Identity –Location –Legal status –Background –Policy information

4 FELONY CONVICTION RECORD Crim Sex Conduct 1 12/98 Assault with Weapon 3/96 Burglary Occupied 6/94 Jon Lee Beasley 12/8/52 WARRANTS Dakota County Felony 1/1/99 Hennepin County Misdemeanor 2/5/99 Carver County Gross Msdr 5/5/99 MISDEMEANORS Domestic Assault 3/3/97 Assault 2/15/94 DWI 7/4/93 DWI 9/15/92 WEAPONS PROHIBITED PROBATION Hennepin Scott Dakota Domestic Restraining Orders: Y PRE-TRIAL RELEASE Ramsey 11/99 Hennepin 6/99 Dakota 5/99 JUVENILE FELONY RECORD YES NAME: DOB: SEX OFFENDER: YES

5 Why? Our justice system was designed in a time when people and information could move no faster than the speed of a horse. The volume and complexity of the work were much lower. A county-based justice system was good enough.

6 AZ Criminal Info Though based on positive AFIS identification, the individual’s AFIS record may be based on false information, such as incorrect names, dates of birth and social security numbers. As much as 65% of the charges made against individuals may not get into the ACCH repository at all. It is possible that an individual can commit a homicide, be charged, found guilty and sentenced, and never have it appear on their Criminal History Record Information. A person can be arrested and detained for a crime he/she did not commit, be completely exonerated, and yet still have a criminal history record for the crime. An individual can be arrested using anyone else’s name and demographic information, and cause an AZ AFIS record to be created and establish an unsuspecting and innocent person as a criminal.

7 AZ Criminal Info Of the charges that do get into the ACCH, only 60% or fewer of these charges are ultimately completed with a disposition, rendering the other 40% incomplete, thus unusable. The lack of charges with dispositions results in the release of repeat offenders who would have otherwise remained in custody or received enhanced charges. Of the charges that do get into the ACCH, many may be duplicated due to the manual processing of the information, resulting in falsely inflated records for individuals. Because the Disposition Reporting process is manual, and coupled to paper forms, the process has an indefinite time line to completion making it all but impossible to track or account for as cases can take from hours to years to complete.

8 Modern Factors Criminal activity is no longer confined to a single county or state. Criminals today can move much faster than the speed of a horse, while information moves much slower than the speed of a horse. Information is needed statewide and nationwide not just countywide. Paper cannot move information far enough or fast enough to meet justice system needs

9 Conclusions Justice system officials do not have the information they need to make informed decisions Justice and public safety is an information dependent enterprise that operates (at a cost of billions $$) with little or no information!!! The information that we do have often does not arrive in time to make a difference

10 Consequences? Treat career criminals as first-time offenders Release people who should not be released Sell handguns to people who are barred from purchasing handguns Inappropriate charging, plea agreement, disposition, sentencing, classification, treatment, placement, and other decisions

11 AKA Kerry Dean Geller Keith Allen Brummer Bob Stevenson Robert Mark Geller James Heidelberg Richard Lee Olson Bob Geller Robert James Stevenson Eric Allen Johnson Alias Dates of Birth: 03/29/55, 05/11/58, 01/24/61, 05/05/55, 04/29/55, 03/27/48, 04/24/54 Kerry Dean Stevenson Date of Birth: 04/29/58

12 YearConvicted of:CountyStatus:Crt file # 1983Indecent ConductHennepinCCHCAG# 83080022 1984DWIHennepinCCH1535155 1985Indecent ConductAnokaNot in CCHK1-85-1172 1986Indecent ConductHennepin CCH CAG# 86109522 1986Indecent ConductRamsey Suspense Pre-TCIS? 1986DWIHennepinSuspenseCAG# 86121271 1987Indecent conductAnokaSuspenseKX-87-7525 1987Indecent conductAnokaSuspenseK9-87-7967 1988Indecent ExposureHennepin CCH CAG# 87151375 1989Indecent ExposureHennepin CCH 89056658 1989Gross Misd DWIPine Suspense K8-89-534 1991Agg Viol – DL SuspHennepin CCH 91040704 1992Indecent ConductAnoka Suspense K8-92-8512 1993Indecent ConductRamseySuspenseKX-93-759 1993Indecent ConductRamseySuspenseK6-93-757 1993Indecent ExposureHennepin Suspense CAG # 93022196 1993Escape from custodyHennepinSuspenseCAG# 93511838 1994Theft by checkRamseyNot in CCHK7-94-82 1997Crim Sex Conduct 5 th Ramsey Suspense K2-97-2658 1998Crim Sex Conduct 5thHennepin Suspense CAG# 97208852 2000Crim Sex Conduct 5 th AnokaFound Guilty – Sentencing scheduled KX-00-6209 Total Offenses: 21 On State Criminal History Data Base: 6 Total Offenses: 21 On State Criminal History Data Base: 6

13 The Problem of Autonomy Over 500 criminal justice organizations in Arizona Over 55,000 criminal justice organizations in US Each makes independent decisions about work processes and data structure Every time we move information between two of these organizations, it is like lifting the train body off the wheel sets

14 The Problem of Autonomy Independent organizations –C–Constitution –P–Political –O–Organization –B–Budget Interdependent organizations –O–Operations

15 Consequences? Decisions about business processes and information are made independently in silos Decisions made in one justice organization often hurt other organizations There is no enterprise strategy for delivering information to justice system officials Automation may improve internal efficiency while impeding the overall performance of the justice system

16 The Real Problem 1000 felonies 500 not reported 400 not solved 100 suspects arrested (35 juvenile, 65 adult) 30 juveniles dismissed or probation 5 juveniles incarcerated 23 adults plead guilty, 4 convicted 18 adults incarcerated

17 Solution? Integrated Justice Information!

18 ACJC Integration Vision LawEnforcementJailBookingProsecutor Internet Justice Info Portal ACCH Interagency Case Index InfoRepositoryInfoRepositoryPre-BookingSystemPre-BookingSystem AZAFIS Disposition Report Mgmnt PublicDefender Trial Court Corrections Security Published Data

19 Benefits Improved operational efficiency. Increased accuracy and completeness of disposition reporting. Improved decision making through complete/accurate criminal history information. Increased accuracy and consistency of information being delivered throughout the criminal justice process. Increased accountability for actions, accuracy and timeliness.

20 Impediments Cost –$30 + million to build –$??? Operate Legacy Systems –Aging, Inflexible State Systems –So many Local Systems Coordinated Business Process Sustaining Political Commitment

21 Milestones Initiation and Governance Planning Performance Measures Analyze Information Exchange Standards Architecture Infrastructure Applications Interfaces Evaluate Success

22 Steps to Success Find Champions –N–Needed at all levels Get Stakeholders Committed Find & Utilize Leveragable Resources Map the Process & Data Flow Gain Momentum - Identify a significant problem that’s easy to fix & fix it. Evolution n nn not Revolution Emphasize Flexibility - Design for Change Focus on Interdependence

23 Resources: Az Criminal Justice Comm. Cheng, Eddy SEARCH

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