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Sprint 99 Review / Sprint 100 Planning January 28, 2013.

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1 Sprint 99 Review / Sprint 100 Planning January 28, 2013

2 CONNECT 4.0 Approved List of Features 2 Priority (#1) CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to increase throughput targeting increased numbers of PD, QD, RD, AD and DS transactions (GW-451) – Final Performance Testing In S99 (#2) CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to exchange and process large payload sizes of up to 1 GB (GW-473) (#3) CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to run on additional app servers such as WebSphere and WebLogic to meet environment needs (GW-2402) - WL FIPS Install Notes (#4) CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to get more comprehensive event logging and metric data (counts and duration) using improved logging in CONNECT (GW-2260 and GW-1252 ) (#5) CONNECT adopters shall be able to determine the state of a transaction across messages in order to better troubleshoot and analyze the operation of CONNECT and their trading partners (GW-2259) (#6) CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to minimize deployment load by supporting a lightweight gateway which allows smaller server footprint and use of system resources and allows the federal partners to maximize the use of their custom-built adapters (GW- 1593) (#7) CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to support Direct messages to allow for greater adoption and exchange. (GW-860) Approved by CONNECT CCB + FHA Managing Board, May 2012 & FHA June 14th ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

3 Sprint Resource Pages For this sprint, visit: ogress/Sprint+99 ogress/Sprint+99 For next sprint, visit: ogress/Sprint+100 ogress/Sprint+100 For information on the CONNECT 4.0 release, visit: CTWIKI/Release+4.0+-+In+Progress and ogress/CONNECT+4.0+Sprint+Planning CTWIKI/Release+4.0+-+In+Progress ogress/CONNECT+4.0+Sprint+Planning 3

4 Sprint 99 - Community Contributions Open forum for community members to share o Their work of the last two weeks o Their needs from CONNECT o Ideas and suggestions Community contributions o Conemaugh - pull request for Dynamic Document Generation work – Merged, with posts to forums. Published to: ocument+Generation ocument+Generation o CMS - CONNECT 4.0 Alpha 1 / WebLogic WebLogic FIPS Installation Instructions o UPMC - CONNECT 4.0 Alpha 1 / WebSphere o ONC VLER Support - 4.0 Beta IV&V Progress 4

5 Sprint 99 Summary - Cumulative Flow 5

6 Sprint 99 Summary - Burndown Chart 6

7 Sprint 99 Summary – Sprint Stats Points committed = 38.5 (11 points pulled into S99) Points remaining (unclosed) at end of sprint = 14 Points completed in sprint (velocity) = 7

8 Sprint 99 - Themes & Tasks Themes: Continue Release Testing Address Known Issues Perform Final Transaction Performance Benchmark test Continue Drafting Release Documentation Tasks Further FIPS work Work with ONC VLER Support on their IV&V Testing outcomes from the Beta tag 8

9 Sprint 99 - What We are Showing Today CONNECT 4.0 Release Testing Continue Release Testing –Regression testing –Interop testing WebSphere to WebLogic –Installation testing Solaris / WebSphere Solaris / Glassfish Linux / WebLogic Addressed Issues from Release Testing –Auditing Standard mode Passthru mode –DQ Fan-out 9

10 Sprint 99 - What We are Showing Today CONNECT 4.0 Transaction Performance Optimization Transaction Performance Benchmark test –Final Benchmark test moved to sprint 100 to be performed with re- verification on RC1 10

11 Sprint 99 - What We are Showing Today CONNECT 4.0 Release documentation Release documentation –Requirements Documents (completed, at Requirements Artifacts)Requirements Artifacts –Requirements Traceability Matrix –System Architecture Document (wiki) –System Implementation & Administration Manual (wiki) Installation instructions –Draft 4.0 Release Notes 11

12 Sprint 99 - Continuing Work: Work with Partners on FIPS Testing Continue working with Partners on FIPS testing –Document FIPS process for WebLogic We are currently working with CMS/CCSQ –Prepare for FIPS interop / release testing with WebLogic 12

13 Sprint 99 - What We are Showing Today - Alpha1 / Beta IV&V testing issues Tickets closed this sprint: –GATEWAY-3030 - mvn eclipse:eclipse fails to generate Eclipse IDE project artifacts for CONNECT Core Library - Closed –GATEWAY-3040 - on multiple JAR library files during GlassFish server startup - Closed –GATEWAY-3351 - Entity Query For Documents audit records do not get saved/written to the audit repository database on the initiating gateway - Closed –GATEWAY-3355 - Retrieve Documents NHIN audit records for a responding gateway do not contain a Home Community value - Closed –GATEWAY-3303 - Maven build output contains numerous WARN log output messages for missing "" runtime property - Closed –GATEWAY-3370 - Default GlassFish installation does not allow browser access via https - Closed –GATEWAY-3396 - Administrative Distribution request and response audit message records are inconsistent with known expected formats - Closed –GATEWAY-3395 - Document Submission Adapter - no audit records written on the responding gateway - Closed –GATEWAY-3401 - Deferred Document Submission Adapter - no audit records written on the responding gateway - Closed 13

14 Sprint 100 - Proposed Themes Complete Release Testing –Re-verification tests (performed on JDK 1.7 11) –Interop tests –GUI testing –Prioritize and address issues as necessary for RC2/GA Perform Final Transaction Performance Benchmark test Release Documentation –RTM completion –Test Summary completion (including final Benchmark Performance test results) –SAD completion –SIAM completion –Release notes completion –Draft webinar / blogs materials (Business & Technical) 14

15 Sprint 100 - Proposed Tasks Further FIPS work –Continue Working with CMS and any other interested partners Work with ONC VLER Support on their IV&V Testing outcomes from the Beta tag –Prioritize and address any issues per published procedure GATEWAY-3390 - Fails to run on IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.x - Open GATEWAY-3404 - CONNECT Consumer Preferences Profile GUI - Patient search throws exception - Open GATEWAY-3405 - CONNECT Deferred Queue Manager GUI - Process Queue and Search Queue functionality throws exception - Open GATEWAY-3406 - CONNECT Universal Client GUI - Attempts to access the deployed application throw exception - Open GATEWAY-3349 - Initialization of Hibernate framework throws java.lang.NullPointerException - Open Smoke Test CONNECT with JDK 1.7 11 Begin work on HiMSS 2013 Interoperability Demo materials 15

16 Ongoing Product Team Activities Code + Technical Improvements Partner and Community Support for CONNECT versions: –2.4.7 –3.1 –3.2 –3.3 Support C&A Activities Support Community Outreach and Nurturing –Through blogs, forums, webinars, onsite support, code-a-thons,, and the developer Wiki Development Process Improvements Transition Support 16

17 CONNECT 4.0 Development Timeline 3.3.1 Release (3) Remove Metro Dependency (5) WebSphere 8 (4) Alpha 1 July 16Aug 13Sep 10Oct 9Nov 5 June 18 Direct (5) Program Release Support (1) 4.0 IV&V (2) 4.0 Support / 4.1 Development (3 ½) GA Alpha 2 Nov 5Dec 10 Jan 14 Feb 11 Mar 11 Mar 31 Beta 4.0 Release Testing P1 & P2 (3) = 1 sprint (2 weeks) Large Payload (2) WebLogi c 12c (1 ) FIPS work with Partners (2) Transaction & Event Logging (2) Event Logging (3) Bench mark Prep(1) Benchmark Baseline & Throughput work (2) Final Bench mark (1) C-A-T, Trans. Logging (.5) CXF Optimiz ation (1) Lite weight Gatew ay (1) Large Payload (2) Lite wt. Gateway (2) C-A-T Direct (2) Re- verifica tion Test(1)

18 CONNECT 4.0 Major Milestones Alpha 1 - 10/22/12 - Code release (IV&V can conduct testing) - contains releasable source and binaries for Multi-Application Server Support with (WebSphere 8), Large Payloads, Transaction Logging, and Event Logging. Wiki design approach documentation for each of the features will also be complete Alpha 2 - 12/10/12 - Code release (IV&V can conduct testing) - contains releasable source and binaries for Multi-Application Server Support with (WebLogic 12c, Open Source App Server (Glassfish 3.1.2)), FIPS, Direct Integration, Liteweight Gateway, and Transaction Throughput Performance optimizations. Wiki design approach documentation for each of the features will also be complete, Test plan (Product team) Beta - 1/2/13 - CONNECT 4.0 having completed one cycle of Release Testing. Release includes source, binaries, Requirements specifications, wiki design approaches, Installation instructions, Test plan, draft Release Notes (Product team) GA - 2/11/13 - CONNECT 4.0 having completed three cycles of release testing and IV&V. Release includes source, binaries, Requirements specification, Requirements Traceability Matrix, wiki design approaches, System Architecture document, Installation instructions, Test plan (Product team, Test Summary report (Product team), Test Summary report (IV&V), Release notes, Release support activities (wiki, blogs, webinar materials), and C&A documents Note - Within each block where a feature is named with (x) after it, the (x) refers to the number of sprints the feature will take to complete in that block of time 18

19 CONNECT 4.0 Community Announcements CONNECT Awareness –Open sprint review and planning meetings  Next sprint meeting will be Feb. 11 th –Beta tag made available Monday Dec. 31 st –RC1 tag made available Friday Jan. 25 th –CONNECT 4.0 General Availability Feb 11 th –CONNECT 4.0 user group meeting being planned for Spring 2013 –HiMSS 2013 Mar. 3 rd - 7 th 19

20 Questions and Discussion 20

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