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Regional Disaster Preparedness workshop and CAP planning workshop -- 27/28th August, Moroto.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Disaster Preparedness workshop and CAP planning workshop -- 27/28th August, Moroto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Disaster Preparedness workshop and CAP planning workshop -- 27/28th August, Moroto


3 Potential emergencies and their impact 1- Drought

4 Effects of drought ( impact 80%) Loss of life ( livestock and human) Increased conflict over access of pasture and water Displacement ( internal/esternal) Increased food insecurity Enviromental degradetion Water shortages ( human and livestock)

5 Potential emergencies and their impact 4 - Floods

6 Effects of floods (impact 40%) Increase of mortality, morbility ( water vectors borne diseases) Loss of property (increase of poverty) Disruption of basic services/infrastructure Loss of crops/ food stocks Increased displeacement (human/livestocks) Increased food prices /commodities Increase livestocks diseases Diversion/reallocation of resources Loss of soil fertility

7 Potential emergencies and their impact 2- Livestock and human epidemic

8 EPIDEMICS Impact human 30%, livestoks 60% Loss of life ( human and livestocks) Reduced productivity Poor quality of animals products Increased pressure on health/veterinary services Restricted movements Increased HH poverty Loss of alternative services of incame Increased malnutrition Increased disability and vulnerability

9 Potential emergencies and their impact Insecurity

10 INSECURITY Decreased acces by service providers Decreased access to basic services Population movement / out migration Limited movements Loss of life, assets, property Increased prices/commodities Increased tension between the population and government authorities

11 INSECURITY (impact 75%) Increased negative pubblicity Increased protection/violtions + abuses Reducted productivity Overcrowding of livestock

12 Health interventions OBJECTIVES: reduce mortality and morbility (water, sanitation, diseas, malnutrition) to accetable minimum standard ACTIONS 1.Estimation nutritional and disease surveillance ( Resp. Gov, WHO, UNICEF, NGOs) 2.Management and treatment of malnutrition and diseses 3.Stockepile of essential medical supplies

13 4. Mobilasation and sensitisation ( Resp IRC, Communities) 5. Training of health personnel in preparedness 6. Est Coordination structures for response (Resp. IRC, OCHA) 7.Secondment of staff recruitment & training of extra staff

14 8. Estenal Mobile clinics 9 Clear and coincise exit strategy ( do no harm, avoid duplication)

15 “Floods” Vector borne diseases, malaria measles 10- Immunization programme 11- IRS ( indoor residual spraying)

16 “INSECURITY” ( trauma, HIV/AIDS, GBV, STDs, PS) 12. Incease number of surgical staff 13. Increase counselling services 14. Protection of access to health services (supplies, buildings, staff, patients) CROSS CUTTING ISSUES ???

17 Potential emergencies and their impact 5 - Fires

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