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P SYCHOLOGICAL R ESEARCH * Research Methods QuizResearch Methods Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "P SYCHOLOGICAL R ESEARCH * Research Methods QuizResearch Methods Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 P SYCHOLOGICAL R ESEARCH * Research Methods QuizResearch Methods Quiz

2 For knowledge’s sakeSolve Problems Basic ResearchApplied Research

3 E LEMENTS OF RESEARCH : Hypothesis Independent Variable Dependent Variable Theory Operational Definition

4 G OOD RESEARCH IS : Measures what the researcher set out to measure Content Criterion Predictive The results are consistent and can be replicated. ValidReliable

5 S AMPLES Why are samples used? Population (Target Population) Participants (Subjects) Sample Random Representative Stratified Generalize *Which of the following is random sampling? I. Picking out of a hat to assign each of 3 classes to an experimental condition. II. Having a computer generate a random list of 100 high school students. III. Approaching any 50 students during 6 th period lunch. A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and II E. I, II, and III


7 E XPERIMENT : C AUSE & E FFECT IV/DV *Scientific Method: VariablesScientific Method: Variables Confounding Variables Random Assignment CONTROLS Double-blind Procedure Controls for researcher bias Single-blind Procedure Controls for Response, Participant Bias & Social Desirability Bias Experimental Group Control Group (Placebo Method) * Sponge Bob Ex.Sponge Bob Ex Counterbalance

8 C ORRELATION : P REDICTS RELATIONSHIPS Often surveys are used for data Positive Negative Correlation Coefficient


10 P OSITIVE OR N EGATIVE ? As the number of hours a person sleeps increases, her violent behavior decreases The less sleep a person gets, the lower her grade- point average The more television a person watches the less he reads The older a person gets, the more books he reads The higher the high school GPA, the higher the college GPA

11 C ASE S TUDY In-depth of a few cases Can’t generalize. Why?

12 N ATURALISTIC O BSERVATION Observe participants in natural habitat Give up control to obtain realistic picture NO manipulation

13 Charlotte, a nursery school student, hypothesizes that boys have fights with the finger paints more than girls do. She tests her hypothesis by casually watching the finger-painting table for three days of nursery school. Vincenzo wants to know whether fear will make mice run faster through a maze. Jen collects survey data that indicates students who spend more time preparing for the AP test tend to score better than other students. Trevor was recently in a car accident that destroyed part of his brain. You want to know if heat increases the desire to watch violent media. Design your research approach.


15 Describe the data set Frequency Distribution & Polygon Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode Normal Distribution Outliers: Skewed Dist. Range Variance Standard Deviation (square root of variance) Can findings be applied to total population? Statistical Significance: p=.05 DescriptiveInferential



18 E THICAL G UIDELINES : No Coercion Informed Consent Confidentiality No harm (temporary discomfort allowed) Debriefing Animals

19 1.Theoretically, random assignment should eliminate: A. sampling error B. The need to use statistics C. Concerns over validity D. Many confounding variables E. The need for a representative sample 2. Which hypothesis would be most difficult to test experimentally? A. People exposed to the color red will be more aggressive than those exposed to blue. B. Exercise improves mood C. Exposure to violent television increases aggression D. Studying leads to better grades E. Divorce makes children more independent 3. Sandy scores a perfect 100 on a test that everyone else fails. If we were to graph this distribution, it would be A. symmetrical B. normal C. positively skewed D. negatively skewed E. a straight line

20 1.In an experiment studying the effects of alcohol on memory, subjects’ tolerance levels relating to alcohol consumption would be considered: A.Dependent variable B.Independent variable C.Confounding variable D.Random assignment E.Participant bias 2.In an experiment, the first 25 participants (of 50 total) to arrive at the lab were assigned to the experimental group. The remaining 25 to arrive were assigned to the control group. Is this a problem?

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