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Neurological Problems
Dr Gillian Small Consultant Paediatrician
Neurological Problems
Congenital anomalies Cerebral Palsy Seizures Meningitis/encephalitis Encephalopathy Neurodegenerative Disorders Neuromuscular Disorders
Cerebral palsy Disorder of posture and movement due to non progressive damage of developing brain. First described 150 years ago Prevalence 2-3 per 1000 live births Slight increase in recent years due to increase in survival of sick preterms
Aetiology Preterm babies Perinatal cause in 90% of these
Periventricular leukomalacia Intraventricular haemorrhage Prenatal cause in 10% Brain malformation
Aetiology Term babies In 75% cause is prenatal Genetic
Cerebral malformation eg migration defect Intrauterine infection eg CMV, rubella, toxo Maternal – placental illness 15% perinatal eg birth asphyxia 10% postnatal eg meningitis, head injury, cardiac arrest
Neurophysiology Approx 40% of children with CP are preterm
Damage to extrapyramidal system causes dyskinetic CP (basal ganglia) or ataxic CP (cerebellum) Spastic CP results primarily from damage to pyramidal system (motor cortex/ internal capsule)
Neurophysiology Damage to pyramidal system causes
Loss of selective voluntary control Dependence on primitive patterns of mobility Abnormal muscle tone & weakness Agonist/antagonist imbalance – causes fixed joint positions & contractures Preserved primitive reflexes
Classification of CP Diplegia (44%) Quadriplegia (7%) Hemiplegia (34%)
Dyskinetic (9%) Ataxic (6%) Diplegia - mainly lower limbs. 65% in preterms due to perinatal cerebrovascular disease. Almost all are home or limited outside walkers Quadriplegia – severe spasticity of all limbs, usually worse in upper limbs severe disability Most non mobile and mentally retarded Feeding problems due to bulbar involvement, tendency to hip dislocation, scoliosis, constipation Hemiplegia One half of body affected, usually arm worse than leg 20% preterm 80%term Walking only slightly delayed Dyskinetic CP – mainly athetoid, some dystonic Choreoathetosis due to kernicterus is now rare Ataxic CP – most are born at term of which half are due to genetic conditions. Some have cerebellar hypoplasia seen on MRI
Associated Problems Vision Hearing Epilepsy Feeding Constipation
Diagnosis Made on follow up of at risk infants from neonatal unit in about half of cases Parental concern Routine surveillance Acquired from later severe illness in first year
Diagnosis History Obstetric, perinatal history Lethargic, irritable
Feeding problems, poor weight gain
Diagnosis Examination To identify motor delay/abnormality
Take gestational age into account for first 2yrs General Dysmorphism, head growth, length, wt gain
DIAGNOSIS Tone Hypotonia, hypertonia Movements Primitive reflexes
Normally Grasp gone by 4 months, Moro by 6 months Abnormal posture/positioning Persistent thumb adduction, fisting, head lag
Diagnosis Asymmetry If persistent, indicates hemiplegia Trunk control
General developmental delay
Investigations MRI Chromosomes Rubella/toxo/CMV titres
TFTs, creatine kinase Urine metabolic screen
Management Multidisciplinary team approach Physios
Speech and language therapy Occupational therapy Preschool support Dieticians Doctors
Febrile Fits Fits precipitated by fever not due to intracranial infection or other CNS cause and are not preceded by afebrile fits Common: 2 – 5% of children under 5 yrs
Aetiology Genetic factors important
Strong family history – 17-31% in first degree relatives Polygenic mode of transmission Fever usually high > 38.5 C Fits usually occur early in course of fever Perinatal factors do not play a role
Clinical Features Usually between 6 months and 6 years of age
Onset before 6 months suggestive of meningitis Fits usually brief, bilateral, tonic clonic Complicated febrile fits – if last more than 15 mins, if focal, those followed by Todds paresis. Higher risk of later epilepsy
Clinical Features Fits lasting > 30mins – Status epilepticus
May leave sequelae if untreated eg association with hippocampal sclerosis and consequent mesial temporal epilepsy EEGs poorly correlate with later occurrence of epilepsy
Clinical Features Differential diagnosis – meningitis encephalitis
Consider LP in infants, especially < 6 mnths Herpes encephalitis may present in infants with febrile partial seizures
Prognosis Favourable 60 – 70% have only 1 fit
Only 9% have more than 3 episodes Risk of recurrence greater if family history, aged under 1 year, had 2 or more episodes, had complex febrile fits. Partial epilepsy more common after long lasting focal fits Neurodevelopmental outcome usually excellent
Treatment Treat underlying illness
Cooling measures advised but no evidence that antipyretics prevent fits Treat prolonged fits Regular anticonvulsants are not advised
Prognosis Risk of developing afebrile fits – 2-5% (background risk 1%)
Risk low in simple seizures, increases with younger age, neurological/developmental abnormality, family history of epilepsy, complex febrile fits
EPILEPSY Definition of epileptic seizure
Paroxysmal discharge of cerebral neurones sufficient to cause a clinically definable event apparent to the observer or subject
Diagnosis Require Eye witness account Background history
General and neuro examination Causes of misdiagnosis Lack of eye witness Presence of clonic jerks/incontinence Positive family history Over interpretation of EEG
Predisposing Factors Genetic Developmental brain abnormalities
Acquired structural abnormalities - Perinatal insults - Intracranial infections/trauma - Prolonged febrile fits - Cerebral haemorrhage or infarct - Tumours or AVMs
Recurrence Recurrence after first seizure quoted between 71 – 82%
Chances of remission 81% 15yrs later (Goodridge and Shorvon) 82% achieve 2 year remission after 8 years (Elwes 1984)
Differential Diagnosis
Syncope and related disorders vasovagal episodes reflex anoxic seizures blue or pallid long QT Behavioural/ psychiatric disorders Neurological disorders Sleep related phenomenon
Types of seizure Focal (simple or complex) Generalised Absence
Myoclonic Atonic Tonic Tonic clonic Spasms
Absence seizures Sudden cessation of activity with blank facial expression & eyelid flickering Uncommon < 5yrs More common in girls Rarely longer than 30 seconds No postictal drowsiness Precipitated by hyperventilation EEG – 3/second spike and wave Treat with sodium valproate or ethosuximide
Infantile Spasms 3 – 12 months Aetiology
Cryptogenic (20%) normal development & CT Prenatal–Tuberous sclerosis, cong infection Perinatal-hypoxia, birth injury Postnatal-meningitis, encephalitis,trauma
Infantile spasms Flexor spasms – of neck, arms & legs on to trunk
Extensor spasms – extension of trunk and extremities & are least common Mixed Very brief, occur in clusters, may be preceded by a cry, occur when drowsy or awakening
Infantile spasms EEG most commonly associated shows hypsarrythmia
Treat with vigabatrin or steroids Associated with developmental delay
Floppy infant Marked hypotonia, lies in frog position, head lag CAUSES
Exclude systemic cause eg infection, hypothyroidism, inborn error of metabolism, congenital lax ligaments
Floppy Infant - Causes Central Encephalopathy
Chromosomal abnormalities eg Down’s, Prader Willi Ataxic CP
Floppy Infant - Causes Peripheral
Spinal cord; transection, compression . Ant. horn cell; Werdnig Hoffman (acute spinal muscular atrophy), A.R., lack of fetal movements, floppy at birth, muscle fasciculation esp of tongue. Diagnosed on EMG, muscle biopsy. Death before 18 months from resp failure. Milder forms exist.
Floppy infant - Causes Peripheral Nerve Guillain Barre neuritis
Neuromuscular Junction Myasthenia gravis. Transient in baby of myasthenic mother, or persistent
Floppy infant - Causes Muscle Congenital myopathy
Myotonic dystrophy; A.D., involves face and neck muscles producing myopathic face, ptosis, open/fish like mouth. Myotonia – difficulty in relaxing grasp. Also cardiac involvement and cataracts. Many die in newborn period, those surviving show some recovery.
Floppy infant - Causes Metabolic myopathy
Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe Disease) Muscular Dystrophy; Duchenne MD X linked recessive. Rarely symptoms in early infancy. Late walkers, hypertrophied calves, onset of weakness aged 2 yrs, Gower’s sign. Elevated creatine kinase Genetic counselling, prenatal diagnosis Death in late adolescence, early adult life
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