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Validation Study of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE) Amylou C. Dueck (Mayo Clinic)

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Presentation on theme: "Validation Study of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE) Amylou C. Dueck (Mayo Clinic)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Validation Study of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE) Amylou C. Dueck (Mayo Clinic) Ethan M. Basch (Memorial Sloan-Kettering) Jeff A. Sloan (Mayo Clinic) Additional Collaborators: NCI: Andrea M. Denicoff, Shanda Finnigan, Ann M. O'Mara, Bryce Reeve, Sonja Stringer FDA: Eugenio Andraca-Carrera, Mandi Yu MD Anderson: Charles S. Cleeland, Tito R. Mendoza Memorial Sloan-Kettering: Thomas Atkinson, Jennifer L. Hay, Yuelin Li Patient Advocates: Cindy Geoghegan, Diane Paul

2 More than one-third of adverse events in drug labels are symptoms (nausea, fatigue, sensory neuropathy) In clinical trials, adverse symptom information is reported by research staff, not directly by patients Health professionals underestimate incidence and severity of symptoms vs. patients’ own accounts Staff-based adverse symptom assessments occur at clinic visits, missing remote between-visit events Background

3 In oncology, standard instrument for AE reporting is CTCAE – Item bank of ~1000 AE items – Magnitude graded on ordinal scale – Created by consensus, never validated – About 10% of items are symptoms Purpose is adverse event screening, not endpoint evaluation CTCAE

4 10/08: NCI issued contract to create PRO-CTCAE Item development: complete – Identified 77 CTCAE items amenable to PRO Subset of “Core” symptoms – Drafted patient terms (sensory neuropathy = numbness and tingling) – Determined “attributes” of symptoms to be assessed Presence, frequency, severity, interference, amount – Determined response option scales (verbal descriptors) – Selected default recall period (7-day) Cognitive interviews: in progress Web administration platform: v1 complete Current study to assess measurement properties of items PRO-CTCAE Development

5 To assess measurement properties of newly developed PRO-CTCAE items – Validity – Reliability – Sensitivity – Recall period Purpose of items is adverse event screening, not granular assessment of symptoms as clinical trial endpoints N=400 to be accrued at 5 sites – Mayo, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, MD Anderson, Duke, Dana-Farber Objective of this Study

6 Types of PRO-CTCAE Items PRESENT/NOT PRESENT (18 symptoms): – In the last 7 days, did you have any ______ (e.g., unusual darkening of the skin): – ○ Yes ○ No FREQUENCY (24 symptoms): – In the last 7 days, how OFTEN did you have ______ (e.g., vomiting): – ○ Never ○ Rarely ○ Occasionally ○ Frequently ○ Almost Constantly SEVERITY (53 symptoms): – In the last 7 days, what was the SEVERITY of your ______ (e.g., pain) at its worst: – ○ None ○ Mild ○ Moderate ○ Severe ○ Very severe INTERFERENCE (20 symptoms): – In the last 7 days, how much did ______ (e.g., fatigue, tiredness, or lack of energy) INTERFERE with your (daily activities): – ○ Not at all ○ A little bit ○ Somewhat ○ Quite a bit ○ Very much AMOUNT (2 symptoms): – In the last 7 days, did you have any ______ (e.g., hair loss): – ○ Not at all ○ A little bit ○ Somewhat ○ Quite a bit ○ Very much

7 Types of PRO-CTCAE Items (con’d) Number of items per symptom varies from 1 to 3 – Pain has 3 items (frequency, severity, and interference) – Shortness of breath has 2 items (severity and interference) – Insomnia has 1 item (severity) Total: 77 symptoms; 117 items Items currently available in English – Future plan to translate/validate in other languages

8 PRO-CTCAE Web Interface Study staff view: Custom forms can be created per study by selecting from available symptoms.

9 PRO-CTCAE Web Interface Study staff view: Timing of assessments is also customizable.

10 PRO-CTCAE Web Interface Patient view: When a patient logs in, forms which need completing are displayed.

11 PRO-CTCAE Web Interface Patient view: For a symptom with multiple items, if “Never” or “None” is selected for the first item, the remaining items are not displayed.

12 PRO-CTCAE Web Interface Patient view: Additional items are displayed because “Occasionally” is selected for the first item.

13 Eligibility (Inclusions) ≥18 years of age Disease and treatment matching 1 of the 6 following cohorts: – Adjuvant breast: initiating adjuvant chemotherapy within the next 7 days or already receiving adjuvant chemotherapy within the first cycle of treatment – Lymphoma/Myeloma: initiating chemotherapy within the next 7 days or currently receiving chemotherapy – Metastatic prostate/bladder: initiating chemotherapy within the next 7 days or currently receiving chemotherapy – Metastatic lung: initiating chemotherapy within the next 7 days or currently receiving chemotherapy; OR receiving daily radiation therapy for at least 28 more days (concurrent chemotherapy allowed) – Metastatic colorectal: initiating chemotherapy within the next 7 days or currently receiving chemotherapy – Head/Neck/Gastroesophageal: receiving daily radiation therapy for at least 28 more days (concurrent chemotherapy allowed) Patient is expected to return to clinic in 1-6 weeks Patient can be reached at a single telephone number (daily phone call portion only) Able to complete web and paper questionnaires in English by themselves or with assistance Provide informed written consent NOTE: CAN BE ANY ECOG PS – We are particularly interested in accruing patients with ECOG PS 2-4!

14 Eligibility (Exclusion) Clinically significant cognitive or memory impairment in the opinion of clinical or research staff

15 Schema

16 For most patients… Clinic Visit 1: Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items Wireless touchscreen tablet or laptop in waiting room or private room Patient completes EORTC QLQ-C30 Coordinator completes 3 CRFs (clinical anchors) ECOG PS + treatment info (RT yes/no; surgery yes/no; chemotherapy yes/no + regimen) Concurrent meds (yes/no for each): hormonal therapy, opioid (narcotic) pain medications, laxatives, nausea meds, sleep aids, anti-diarrhea meds, antacids, anxiety meds, inhalers, depression meds CTCAE grades for 17 symptoms Clinic Visit 2: 1-6 weeks later Same as Clinic Visit 1 Except Patient Booklet has 3 additional items (Global Impression of Change items)

17 For willing patients with 5 weekly clinic visits… Clinic Visit 1: Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items Wireless touchscreen tablet or laptop in waiting room or private room Patient completes EORTC QLQ-C30 Coordinator completes 3 CRFs (clinical anchors) ECOG PS + treatment info (RT yes/no; surgery yes/no; chemotherapy yes/no + regimen) Concurrent meds (yes/no for each): hormonal therapy, opioid (narcotic) pain medications, laxatives, nausea meds, sleep aids, anti- diarrhea meds, antacids, anxiety meds, inhalers, depression meds CTCAE grades for 17 symptoms Patient is entered into IVR telephone system and will receive an automated telephone call daily to score symptoms Clinic Visit 2: 1 week later Same as Clinic Visit 1 Except Patient Booklet has 3 additional items (Global Impression of Change items) Clinic Visit 3: Another week later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically (2-week recall) Clinic Visit 4: Another week later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically (3-week recall) Clinic Visit 5: Another week later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically (4-week recall)

18 For patients receiving daily RT for next 28 days… (Head/Neck/Gastroesophageal + some of Lung) Clinic Visit 1: Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items Wireless touchscreen tablet or laptop in waiting room or private room Patient completes EORTC QLQ-C30 Coordinator completes 3 CRFs (clinical anchors) ECOG PS + treatment info (RT yes/no; surgery yes/no; chemotherapy yes/no + regimen) Concurrent meds (yes/no for each): hormonal therapy, opioid (narcotic) pain medications, laxatives, nausea meds, sleep aids, anti- diarrhea meds, antacids, anxiety meds, inhalers, depression meds CTCAE grades for 17 symptoms Patient is entered into IVR telephone system and will receive an automated telephone call daily to score symptoms Clinic Visit 1b: 1 day later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically For test-retest reliability Clinic Visit 2: 1 week after Clinic Visit 1 Same as Clinic Visit 1 Except Patient Booklet has 3 additional items (Global Impression of Change items) Clinic Visit 3: Another week later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically (2-week recall) Clinic Visit 4: Another week later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically (3-week recall) Clinic Visit 5: Another week later Patient completes PRO-CTCAE items electronically (4-week recall)

19 Statistics / Power Primary: Assess validity of each PRO-CTCAE item – Compare each item between patients with ECOG PS 0-1 vs 2-4 at the Visit 1 time point using t-tests – Adjust for multiplicity using Hochberg’s step-up method – Power Core items: 99% for large effect size, 63-91% for moderate effect size Non-core items: 49-99% for large effect size, 9-65% for moderate effect size Other planned analyses: – Assess the test-retest reliability of selected PRO-CTCAE items – Assess the responsiveness (sensitivity to change) and clinical significance of each PRO-CTCAE item – Investigate cut-points for notification of severe PRO-CTCAE symptoms – Compare clinician- and patient-reported CTCAE items – Compare daily, 7-day, 2-week, 3-week, and 4-week recall periods – Explore construction of an overall grade for symptoms with multiple items

20 Comments / Questions? Contact info: Amylou Dueck

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