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Progress in implementation of the GF-supported R1 & 6 Grants by the ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine : 15 th General Meeting of Stakeholders.

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1 Progress in implementation of the GF-supported R1 & 6 Grants by the ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine : 15 th General Meeting of Stakeholders 28 August 2008 Andriy Klepikov Executive Director, International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine

2 Major achievements by 1 July 2008:  Start up of the methadone-based substitution therapy 273 patients (first patients from the end of May 2008) Total patients on ST: 1100 persons  AIDS mortality rate continues decreasing in 2008 New AIDS cases: 4 573 in 2007 vs. 4 723 in 2006 2295 over ½ 2008 (2372 over ½ 2007)  5 684 patients taking ART(63% of total number of 9005 GF+state budget)  9112 pregnant women received PMTCT (planned: 8575)  4 major indicators of the R6 Programme: IDU, FSW, MSM, inmates prevention coverage - exceeded  Start up of the STI screening and treatment among IDU, FSW, MSM (16 294 syphilis tests, joint action plan with the MoH)

3 1 Year R6: key achievements  94 grantees received funding 202 grant agreements with total budget of UAH 12 252 971 +58 organizations got condoms for prevention programmes (total number of sub-grantees: 152 organisations)  «Peer Driven Interventions»: intervention piloted by 5 NGOs till October 2007. 15 implementers in regions starting from May 2008.  Community centers for IDU and FSW: 27 in 22 cities of Ukraine  Pharmacy interventions: 30 pharmacies in 8 cities, 2000 clients, 15 000 visits  VCT with rapid tests: 42 274 rapid tests in prevention projects  14 mobile clinics (VCT+HIV rapid tests, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea): start up from 1 October 2008  HIV prevention among injecting stimulants users: start up from 1 October 2008

4 Open call for proposals: 2008-09 Programme year, interim results  12 prevention directions were announced  The CFP budget is $ 8,3 mln  93 NGOs out of 128 applied pre-approved DirectionBudget, $ # of NGOs with prior confirmation 1. HIV prevention among the IDUs, community centers for the IDUs $4 127 709,0067 2. HIV prevention among the IDUs-stimulants 3. HIV prevention among the FSW, community centers for the FSW$1 022 956,0036 4. HIV prevention among the MSM, community centers for the MSM$467 919,0014 5. HIV prevention in penitentiary establishments$309 600,0019 7. National advocacy of interests of HIV vulnerable populations $10 000,000 8. HIV/AIDS Information Center$240 120,009 9. Development of regular information materials for the HIV vulnerable populations on the national level$452 400,009 10. Mobilization and capacity building of the HIV vulnerable communities$195 000,002 11. Medical and social and psychological support for the substitution maintenance therapy programmes$842 654,0024 12. HIV prevention among the IDUs according to the “Peer Driven Intervention” model$700 000,0017

5 STI area: cooperation progress  The MOH Working Group established and action plan, to give access to the STI diagnostics and treatment for vulnerable groups, approved  4 regional trainings for the STI doctors (50 people) and All-Ukrainian joint meeting of the regional AIDS Centers chief doctors and regional STI doctors  66 agreements on diagnostics and treatment concluded between NGOs and STI clinics  Agreement with the Academic Institute of Dermato-Venerology signed to develop method guidelines on STI treatment among vulnerable populations  55 658 syphilis rapid tests procured and delivered to all regions  55 658 syphilis rapid tests procured and delivered to all regions (16 294 syphilis screening tests conducted )

6 Achievement of Rounds 1 and 6 main programme indicators * - Round 1 only ** - Round 6 only

7 Key targets on coverage: end of Year 2 of R6 Programme implementation IndicatorAchieved as of 01.07.08Target at the end of the 2 nd Year (01.07.2009) Number and percentage of IDU covered by the HIV/AIDS prevention programmes 162,583170,000 (52% of estimated number) Number and percentage of FSW covered by the HIV/AIDS prevention programmes 25,60123,000 (21% of estimated number) Number and percentage of MSM covered by the HIV/AIDS prevention programmes 13,41713,800 (7,8% of estimated number) Number and percentage of inmates covered by the HIV/AIDS prevention programmes 50,76143,500 (27% of estimated number) VCT and HIV rapid testing among risk groups 42,274158,600 STI screening tests among risk groups 16,294153,830 STI counseling and treatment courses among vulnerable groups 038,206 Risk groups visits to mobile clinics 030,000 Condoms distributed among the risk groups 8, 955,23023,980,000

8 Alliance Ukraine’s Expenses vs Budget of the Rd 1 Year5: October 2007 – June 2008 (USD) *Budget performance percentages Total: $13,399,566 or 82%

9 Expenses of the 1 st Year Rd 6 vs budget for August 2007 – June 2008 (USD) *Budget performance percentages Total: $3,520,253 USD or 68%

10 Summary budget by component of the Year 2 Rd 6 Grant: July 2008 – June 2009

11 AU Organisation development plans  Strategy for transition from the Country Office of Alliance to an independent Linking Organisation with a membership at the Global Alliance Partnership (statute reviewed and new governance bodies to be set up by the end of 2009 1 st quarter)  Strengthen internal compliance and programme oversight. New position of Senior Advisor on compliance and internal procedures (by the PR and sub-grantees)  Develop an action plan to respond to evaluation recommendations – after finalizing External Evaluation Report of the National 2004-2008 HIV/AIDS Response, incl. GF grants implementation.  Improve quality of work with sub-grantees (develop and implement a technical assistance provision plan, introduce and support development of new EFR reporting; better oversight and quality assurance of services provided by the Alliance-Ukraine sub-grantees within the GF and other donors’ programmes).

12 Major challenges: SMT  Slow enrollment of patients for the methadone-based SMT (the MoH Order № 295 of 04.06.2007 not implemented in the AR of Crimea, Zaporizhzhya, Mykolayiv and Kherson oblasts)  Lack of state health system structure to take responsibility for the SMT programmes. The health care settings lack staff to work with SMT patients; there is no state centralized monitoring system for the SMT projects including patients’ records and drugs for SMT. No unified system for SMT patients registration.  2007 state budget for buprenorphine-based SMT was not spent, while there is no money for SMT in 2008 state budget at all  Current legal regulations on narcotic drugs do not allow a comprehensive SMT implementation; they require urgent review. The SMT patients are “chained” to points of drugs provision; it is not possible to administer liquid methadone.

13 STI: challenges and responses  Late treatment start up: the MoH issued the Order № 325 „On distribution of STI treatment drugs among the risk groups procured with support of the GF grant” only on 18 June 2008  The current official STI management system of diagnostics fails to account for peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment of HIV vulnerable groups as well as for complexity of epidemiology; System requires urgent review. Plans:  Establish a national coordination centre of STI diagnostics and treatment among vulnerable groups  Develop Instruction on conducting STI screening tests among vulnerable groups  Procure and deliver the gonorrhea and chlamydia rapid tests for mobile clinics  Develop postgraduate training module for doctors on the STI among the risk groups

14 Prevention: challenges and responses  Risk of delays in procurement and supply of syringes and other medical goods by the MoH with the World Bank HIV loan to the projects supported by the GF;  Lack of national mechanism of coordination, analysis and adaptation of prevention programmes among the vulnerable groups as well as care and support. Plans:  Establish an external expert working group on HIV/AIDS prevention among the vulnerable groups (in coordination with current WGs on M&E, treatment and ST, STI, and prevention among MSM).  Initiate re-establishment of subcommittees of the National HIV/AIDS and TB Coordination Council

15 ART and PMTCT: problem areas  ART is offered to appr. 35% of those who need it;  Continuation of treatment and PMTCT after the GF funding is over (from 1 October 2008), incl.: ARV drugs for 6000 patients as well as HIV-positive pregnant women and newborns Laboratory follow up for treatment and PMTCT Multi-disciplinary approach and psycho-social support for the ART patients Training of medical staff in ART issues and other aspects of medical care of HIV-infected and AIDS patients, incl. palliative care Introducing the ART clinical monitoring system Provision of milk formulas for the PMTCT from local budgets

16 Education component handover to the GoU Achievements: in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education regular Health Promotion curricula introduced; course books developed and experts trained. Problem  The Ministry of Education has limited state support for continuation of prevention programmes from September 2008  Low priority for HIV prevention via education system at the operational level and in budget provision on the level of CabMin  Low institutional and financial capacity of the Ministry of Education Next steps  Special analytical report with practical recommendations on capacity building and budgeting of further prevention activities via education system  National round table on prevention via education system to develop practical steps on the component handover  Advocacy of the state responsibility for continuation and scaling up the prevention programmes via education system with the mass media involvement

17 Humanitarian aid status Problem  The Government refuses to grant a humanitarian aid status to the medical drugs and goods procured with the GF grant (Round 6)  Estimated amount of customs and tax duties - 50 mln. UAH by 2012. Progress: 0!  The CabMin Commission on Humanitarian Aid refused repeatedly the Alliance Ukraine in granting a humanitarian aid donor status with reagrd to medical goods procured with GF grant  Alliance Ukraine received no answer to the letters addressed to the Vice Prime Minister, the Minister of Health and the President during last months Possible steps:  Start a new advocacy campaign to attract media and public attention  Arrange meetings with the Prime Minister of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.  Initiate amendments to the relevant legislation of Ukraine

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