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Hard of Hearing People in Israel The State of Israel celebrates 60 years of independence.

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1 Hard of Hearing People in Israel The State of Israel celebrates 60 years of independence





6 Organization of Hard of Hearing and Deafened People in Israel Our declared mission is to advocate and act for the improvement of the welfare and well-being of all of the country’s 700,000 hard of hearing people (10% of the population).

7 Hearing Healthcare Three types of Audiology centers: Hospital Centers, community based rehabilitation centers and private clinics. A wide variety of hearing aids are available through these centers. Five academic training centers, which produce well-trained audiologists and communication therapists. Five academic training centers, which produce well-trained audiologists and communication therapists. Hearing Screening. Most of the new born babies have hearing screening. School hearing screening is well established too. Hearing Screening of people aged 65 and above is also gradually becoming the norm in Israel.

8 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Most of the Hearing Impaired Children ’ s Hearing Loss is detected before of the age of one year old. 5,200 Hearing Impaired Children (up to the age of 18). 80% in Inclusive Education. Academic training of teachers for Hearing Impaired children (B.A and M.A programs).

9 Vocational Training Any individual with a disability percentage higher than 20% is entitled for professional studies and obtaining vocational experience. Full funding of professional studies or undergraduate degree, funding of transportation expenses, housing (if relevant) and disability related assistive needs. For the Hard of Hearing, this includes purchasing of an FM system, captioning at real time or signed translation. For the Hard of Hearing, this includes purchasing of an FM system, captioning at real time or signed translation.

10 Upon graduation, career development services are available to help seek a work place. Once employed, the Government funds 90% of accessibility needs at the workplace. For Hearing Impaired this funding includes: Acoustic adjustments (such as an acoustic ceiling and wall-to-wall carpet, hearing assistive devices, a laptop to be used for captioning with a budget of $9,000. Employment

11 Coverage of Hearing aids in Israel 18,000 Hearing Aids are sold every year that mean that about 90,000 hearing aids are being used in Israel at a time (about 15% of our hard of hearing population use hearing aids). The average cost of an hearing aid is $US 1,200. For children till the age of 18 it is for free. For adults only 12% of the cost for the basic national insurance (80% have complementary coverage to 33% of the cost).

12 Coverage of Cochlear Implants in Israel Six Medical Implantation Centers. Since 1989 more than 1,200 Implantations, most of them are children. Up to the age of 18, Israel ’ s public health care gives full coverage of Cochlear Implantation costs (one side). After a successful campaign of Bekol and suing to our High Court, one and half year ago Adults receive assistance of all costs of the implant too!

13 Major Goals of Bekol To strongly advocate for equal rights and opportunities for HOH people in all aspects of life (Law for Equal Right for People with Disability 1998; Law for Subtitling on T.V 2005) To make Israel accessible for HOH people. To educate the general public, authorities, media, etc. about our problems & needs.

14 Johan arrived the day before the election in Israel Bekol ’ s staff with the Prime Minister National Hearing Day 2007

15 The Bekol Accessibility Center For most people technology makes things easier For people with disabilities it makes things possible

16 Hard of hearing members of Bekol give 200 lectures a year about Hearing Loss and accessibility. Self-help for HOH people all over the country. Educating hard of hearing people about their problems and needs, courses, professional services and publications. Outreach Activities

17 Information and support hot line for HOH people and their family members all over the country. Computerized information center: “Call Bekol”

18 With the support of Ministry of Social Affairs, the JDC-Israel and the National Insurance Institute, we opened last month five information and support centers in five big cities in Israel near audiologist clinics to help newly hearing impaired people to cope better with their hearing loss. New! Information and support centers for Newly Hearing Impaired People

19 Johan got an honorable membership in Bekol after lecturing to our members

20 A day tour in the old city of Jerusalem

21 … and even time to float in the Dead Sea – the lowest place in the world! You are all very Welcome too! Thank you!

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