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1 FY09 Commitment Accounting EFP Rollover June 4, 2008 School of Nursing- Room 140 (Updated post meeting version)

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1 1 FY09 Commitment Accounting EFP Rollover June 4, 2008 School of Nursing- Room 140 (Updated post meeting version)

2 2 Presenters Candace Chow- –Payroll Manager- Financial Services Pat Holmes- –Manager- Cost Analysis & Studies Susan Beckerman- –Enterprise Application Specialist- Financial Systems

3 3 Agenda Key Dates and Deadlines Before the EFP Rollover The FY09 Rollover Process After the EFP Rollover FY09 Distributions Funding Summary Report

4 4 Key Dates and Deadlines

5 5 FY08 Cut Off Dates- DRs When Received Pay Period Entered HRMS FY Post Financials FY Post Up through 6/20 08-262008 After 6/20 to 7/3 09-012009 Posted to GL in FY09 but JE in GL to accrue to FY08 After 7/309-022009

6 6 FY08 Cut Off Dates- DRs Reminder- a direct retro and a budget retro cannot be processed in same pay period- plan accordingly!!!

7 7 FY08 Cut Off Dates Tuesday- 6/24/08 – all EFPs for FY08 must be approved in eUMB before 2 PM –EFPs entered but not approved will be deleted that night –EFP rollover will occur overnight Reminder: PCAs should be zeroed out by end of the fiscal year

8 8 PP08-26 (6/8-6/21) Distribution Tues-6/24: Actuals Distribution process is run for PP08-26 with no encumbrances Weds-6/25: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using PCD Thurs-6/26: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using SPC

9 9 FY08 Redistributions No budget retros after 6/24 Direct retros for all projects* will be processed between 6/25 and 7/8 (posted in FY09 for HRMS but accrued in FY08 for GL) Direct retros for all projects* except for State & Physician Service Contract projects can be processed from 7/9 and forward (posted in FY09) * Subject to Cost Analysis approval

10 10 Checking EFPs Use Funding Summary Report (demo later in presentation) Use queries (recommend using pivot tables with download to Excel) –UMB_CA_EFP_BY_EMPL_ID (one employee) –UMB_CA_EFP_BY_DEPT_ID (all employees) –UMB_CA_NO_EFP (for missing EFPs)

11 11 Before the FY09 EFP Rollover (From today until Tuesday, 6/24/08)

12 12 Make sure all employees have a FY08 EFP Run Funding Summary Report and/or Run query UMB_CA_NO_EFP Administrative depts tend to forget to set up EFPs for new employees- means more work at budget time! What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24)

13 13 Review all funding sources that end 6/30/08 or earlier and determine redistributions Use EFP Query or Funding Summary Report Complete redistributions by entering & approving new EFP for a Budget Retro Approve new EFP by 2pm on Friday, 6/13 for PP08-25 distribution Approve new EFP by 2pm on Tuesday, 6/24 for PP08-26 distribution What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24)

14 14  Check ALL Funding End Dates: – No Funding End Date = no change required – Funding End Date > 6/30/08 = no change required What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24)

15 15 What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24)  Check ALL Funding End Dates: – Funding End Date < 6/30/08 = change now so that payroll expenses do not charge PCA – Funding End Date of 6/30/08 = OK to change now; must change later to avoid charging PCA

16 16 FY09 EFP Rollover (on Tuesday, 6/24/08)

17 17 Rollover of the Initial FY09 EFP EFP in effect on 6/24/08 will be used to programmatically: –Create the initial 7/1/08 EFP –Create the “fix” EFP to be used for any earnings associated with dates prior to 7/1/08 paid in FY09 (Note: Fix EFP will have a Funding Begin Date of 3/23/03, employee’s hire date, or date transferred to department -- whichever is latest)

18 18 EFPs will programmatically be created for both active employees and employees who were terminated after 1/1 –No action is required on your part for terminated employees (unless you have a payout in FY09) –Review initial EFP for active employees to be sure it is valid (check account codes, funding end dates, % distribution) Roll-over of the Initial FY09 EFP

19 19 After the Rollover (from Wednesday, 6/25/08 until 2pm on Tuesday, 7/8/08)

20 20  Prior to actuals distribution (Tuesday, 7/8/08) you need to create a valid 7/1/08 EFP for each active employee  Remember- we run the actuals distribution earlier than normal for 09- 01 What To Do After FY09 Rollover

21 21 Creating New FY09 EFPs 6/25, 6AM – 7/8, 2PM (Two week period): Departments review and create additional 7/1/08 EFPs as needed to reflect valid account codes, funding end dates, % distributions

22 22 Creating New FY09 EFPs EFPs created 6/25-7/6 will display the FY08 salary (with non-Leap Year change but before COLA/Merit/FYC) EFPs created 7/7-7/8 will display the FY09 salary (with Leap Year Change and COLA/Merit/FYC) Reminder- salary displayed on the EFP is informational only and may not reflect the actual amount distributed

23 23 Cost Sharing for Payroll Expenses NIH OTC Cap is $191,300- check employees who may have gone over the cap with 7/1 pay increases –Amount is based on annualized salary- Ex. FTE=.20 and amount paid at UMB= $40K  Annualized= $200K This only applies to NIH agencies- if you don’t know whether a sponsor is under the NIH umbrella check the following website:

24 24 Cost Sharing for Payroll Expenses Position owner creates EFP but may be unaware that project from another dept requires OTC- communicate!

25 25 Make sure all employees have a FY09 EFP Run Funding Summary Report and/or Run query UMB_CA_NO_EFP Administrative depts tend to forget to set up EFPs for new employees- means more work at budget time! What To Do Before FY09 Distribution on 7/8

26 26 FY09 Distributions (on 7/8/08)

27 27 FY09 Distributions If the EFP has a funding end date of 6/30/08 or earlier, at 2:01pm on Tuesday, July 8 th - the EFP will be changed A process will run to replace the account code with the expired funding end date with your department default account code- AKA your PCA

28 28 EFP Example FY08 EFP used in the rollover process Initial FY09 EFP created effective 7/1/08 (and same for “fix” EFP) with account codes expiring before 7/1/08 New FY09 EFP wasn’t created so the process run on 7/8 will remove account codes with funding end dates prior to 7/1/08 and add the PCA/Dept Default account code equal to percent of account codes removed

29 29 PP09-01 Distribution Two week period = 6/22-7/5 For PCD reporting purposes only we refer to period of 6/22-6/30 as PP08- 27 (AKA the payroll accrual) and 7/1- 7/5 as PP09-01 PeopleSoft does not recognize pay period #27

30 30  PP09-01 covers payroll expenses associated with both FY08 and FY09- when the actuals distribution process is run: – FY08 payroll expenses (based on pay earnings dates) will be distributed based on the “fix” EFP (ex. Shift, OVT, hourly employees) – FY09 payroll expenses (based on pay earnings dates) will be distributed based on the 7/1/08 EFP in effect PP09-01 Distribution

31 31  When a valid EFP is not set up before actuals distribution process is run: – Payroll expenses associated with earnings dates greater than the Funding End Dates on your EFPs will be distributed to your PCA – You will need to do a budget retro – You will have LARGE encumbrance balances on your PCA PP09-01 Distribution

32 32  Since we are using the real service dates on the PA form, the earnings will be distributed to the appropriate fiscal year according to those dates  Pay is calculated on 14ths instead of 10ths PP09-01 Reminders

33 33  If you are paying a new employee who was entered in eUMB AFTER 6/24 with an effective date prior to 7/1/08:  You will not be able to enter any hours in the WET pages prior to 7/1/08  You MUST submit a Retro Pay PA form for the retro pay with a HRMS Account Code PP09-01 (and forward) Reminders

34 34 Funding Summary Report

35 35 Using the Funding Summary Report Three key times to run it: 1. Before FY09 Rollover (now thru 6/24) 2. Before first FY09 Actuals Distribution (6/25 thru 7/8) 3. After 09-01 Actuals Distribution (starting 7/9)

36 36 New Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover The Funding Summary Report was modified to make it easier for you to identify the problems There is a Report Choice option so that you can retrieve all EFPs for your department or just the EFPs where there is an issue that will cause a charge to the PCA/Dept Level account code

37 37 Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover Run Funding Summary Report using an “as of” date of 6/30/08 and select the “PCAs Only” report choice. Only the following will be returned: 1. Lines marked as ‘DP’ 2. Lines with Funding End Dates of 6/30/08 or earlier

38 38 Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover The default setting (“No”) returns EFPs for active employees only. Select “Yes” if you also need to display EFPs for terminated employees. A new feature for this year is the ability to isolate the EFPs that will default to the PCA/Dept level Using 6/30/08 will help you insure that charges through the end of the fiscal year are using the correct account code.

39 39 Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover Displays problem EFPs in effect as of 6/30/08 Department ID – Department Name Employee Names appear here AP= Appointment Level Profile (EFP is in eUMB); DP= Department Level Profile (EFP is NOT in eUMB and payroll-related expenses will be charged to departmental PCA!) Empl IDs appear here Only the potion of the EFP that will be charged to the PCA is displayed- not the full EFP.

40 40 Checking FY09 EFPs Before Actuals Distribution Run Funding Summary Report using an “as of” date of 7/5/08 and select the “PCAs Only” report choice. Only the following will be returned: 1. Lines marked as ‘DP’ 2. Lines with Funding End Dates of 7/5/08 or earlier

41 41 Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Before First Distribution This report displays the “problem” EFPs in effect “as of” the last day of PP 09-01.

42 42 Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Before First Distribution Displays EFPs in effect as of 7/5/08 Department ID – Department Name Employee Names appear here ALERT! If Funding Level = DP (Department Level Profile), employee DOES NOT HAVE EFP in eUMB. Payroll-related expenses will be charged to the departmental PCA! ALERT! Funding sources expiring 06/30/08 and earlier require your quick attention or your PCA will be charged. Empl IDs appear here

43 43 Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Used in First Distribution This report displays the “problem” EFPs in effect “as of” the last day of PP 09-01.

44 44 Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Used in First Distribution Department ID – Department Name Employee Names appear here Empl IDs appear here ALERT! Funding sources expiring 06/30/08 and earlier were changed to charge your PCA Displays problem EFPs in effect as of PP 09-01 Example where no changes were made to FY09 EFPs

45 45 PCD vs. RAVEN PCD By Pay Period = SPC by Pay Period Affected PCD By Accounting Period = SPC by Pay Period Posted = RAVEN Ledger Inquiries Note: Check cancellations/overpayments do not appear in PCD or SPC- only appear in RAVEN Ledger PCD = Payroll Charges Detail Report in HRMS SPC = Statement of Payroll Charges Inquiry in RAVEN

46 46 Viewing RAVEN SPC Since 09-01 spans two fiscal years need to use “Fiscal Year” field to segregate amounts on report –To view period 6/22-6/30: use pay period 09-01 and FY 2008 –To view period 7/1-7/5: use pay period 09-01 and FY 2009 –To view period 6/22-7/5: use pay period 09-01 and leave FY blank

47 47 Viewing RAVEN SPC By entering the fiscal year, only amounts for 7/1/07-6/30/08 are displayed. If blank, the period 6/24/07- 7/5/08 will be displayed.

48 48 Questions? Please contact FS-Payroll if you have questions regarding the rollover process –Phone: 6-1243 –E-mail: Please contact Cost Analysis if you have questions regarding Direct Retros –Phone: 6-2987 –E-mail:

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