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Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Processing electronic literature: CERN case study C. Pettenati (ETT-SI) M. Draper.

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Presentation on theme: "Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Processing electronic literature: CERN case study C. Pettenati (ETT-SI) M. Draper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Processing electronic literature: CERN case study C. Pettenati (ETT-SI) M. Draper (ETT-DH) CERN

2 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Presentation plan (1) u The CERN Library u Definitions u Grey literature management u Current services u CERN grey literature collection u Submission & Acquisition services u Consultation & Dissemination services

3 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Presentation plan (2) u Tools available to the readers u Future perspectives for grey literature at CERN  Architecture u Hardware configuration u Software architecture u Re-usability

4 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research u European Laboratory for Particles Physics u Fundamental research u Founded in 1954 in Geneva, Switzerland u 20 member states u 540 universities and laboratories, 7000 researchers, 90 nationalities u 5 accelerators, more than 1000 experiments and collaborations u Current year budget: 939 MCHF

5 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 The CERN Library u A central unit and four satellites u Few monographs, less than 40,000 u 500 open subscriptions to scientific journals u 400 titles available electronically in full text u A very important collection of grey literature, more than 350,000 documents (with full-text electronically available from February 1994 onwards)

6 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Definitions (1) u The CERN grey literature collection is composed u Documents prepared to be submitted to scientific journals u Documents submitted to conferences u Theses u CERN internal notes (Committee papers, Proposals) u External reports u Pictures (photos & diagrams) u Videotapes on academic training (partly “webcasted”) u Administrative Documents (separate protected access) u CERN internal publication (weekly bulletin)

7 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Definitions (2) u Open Archive u A submission mechanism u A long term storage system u A management policy for submission and preservation u An open interface to let third parties collect data from the archive The CERN Preprint Server was an Open Archive a long while before this definition was set up last year in Santa Fe (see

8 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Number of accesses to the CERN Library catalogue

9 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 CERN Library collections

10 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Grey literature acquisition procedures u Direct electronic submissions u Official series u Open series u Theses u Downloading from other grey literature servers u Los Alamos, DESY, SLAC, Fermilab, etc.  Email based application: the Uploader u Digitization of paper documents u Exchange with other labs (Annual reports) Harmonization of the record description

11 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 E-Submission Web Submission options: u Bibliographic Notice Input/Update u Fulltext document Transfer or Link (TeX, Word, PDF, HTML) u Revised version Transfer u Alert an e-mail distribution list u Forward to Printshop and Mail Office u Ask for approval (internal & scientific notes)

12 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Provenance u More than 40,000 documents processed per year u Internal to CERN 10% u External 90%

13 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Document prepared for publication: Preprints u They are sent to the CERN Library and at the same time submitted to the publisher of a scientific journal u They are distributed via the Library Web server the day after submission u In general they will be published much later, after 8-24 months

14 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Submission to the Library Submission to a journal record, text, figures Visibility on Internet the day after Record updating Article publication INSPEC, conference proceedings, SLAC db, authors,... ???? 1 day 8 - 18 months 1 week Weekly list preparation Preprints processing procedure Input of the publication note

15 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000

16 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000

17 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000

18 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000

19 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Access to the preprint full text Access to the published text

20 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Record # 123 EXT: URL... CERN Preprint full-text server Pub. note Tit. AA, vol. pp... URL:..... Author:....... Title.... Electronic journal Publisher server CERN algorithm

21 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Document formats Accepted u Tex/Latex u Word u TIFF u HTML u... Distributed u PDF u PS u HTML u TIFF u GIFF u...

22 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Formats elaborated by the electronic submission u Conversion from Tex/Latex to PS u Conversion from Word to PS u Conversion from PS to PDF

23 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Text trasmission u FTP by the author him/herself u FTP requested by the CERN Document Server u Automatic transfer from a Web server

24 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Citations management u The document PS format is analysed and citations are automatically extracted u If the cited document is also in the CERN database a link is inserted next to the citation u The citations can not always be safely processed automatically

25 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Documents submitted to conferences u In general they are prepared at the last minute … u Often the submission to the Library is forgotten u These documents are published later u On the conference server or u As printed conference proceedings u As independent monograph or u Included in a specialized journal u Hard and intensive work to discover them

26 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Annual reports u In general received as exchange u More and more often available electronically u Now processed as periodicals u One record, several issues u Automatic claiming u Link to a new title if required

27 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Theses u Degree and post-graduate u Prepared u On CERN equipment and/or u Under CERN staff supervision u In general defended 12-18 months later u Difficult to retrace

28 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 ILAS Full Text server PC MAC X CERN LAN Aleph FTP TEX, LATEX, WORD, HTML,... Preprintselectronic submission TIFF

29 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 ILAS Full Text server Preprints distribution

30 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Architecture software Submission + Services EDS CDS CERN Document Server WEBLIB interface WWW Electronic document submission Aleph Metadata database DOCUMENT Link Manager QUERYACCESS Configuration DB (EDS) Configuration DB (WebLib) SUN SPARC 450 4 CPUs 250 MHz 80 GigaBytes SUN SPARC 450 3 CPUs 300 MHz (ORACLE DB) MySQL Database PHP/Perl scripting MySQL Database PHP/Perl scripting Aleph APIs C programming (CGI) Java interface C programming /hardware

31 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Re-usability u Complete system u Modular: parts can be re-used u Software: u All sources are freely distributed u Databases u Aleph integrated system: commercial (Oracle based) u MySQL databases: freeware u Existing configuration tools u New functions easy to attach

32 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Tools available to the end users u Need to involve directly the readers in the search u Four groups of tools to: u Search u Access u Transfer u Manage

33 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Consultation & Dissemination (1) u Graphical User Interface:WebLib u All catalogues with “Find” and “Browse” u Available indexes on authors, titles, subjects, report numbers, etc. u Words searchable on all fields (including abstracts) u Output sort options u Record metadata available in HTML, LateX or PDF u Navigation & Search can be set up by institute, year, subject, etc. u Search history available u Downloading mechanism for many formats (PS, PDF, GIF, etc.) u Linking capabilities for book records to booksellers' records

34 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Consultation & Dissemination (2) u Personal Virtual Library u Results displayed in various formats (brief, detailed or personal) u Individual Alert mechanism (SDI) to e-mail new records u Personal shelf (basket) to keep searches, items, formats & profiles u E-prints u Record description is updated with the publication notes (Journal title + vol/year + starting page number) u Dynamic linking from the notice to the published article u Dynamic linking from the citations of the document to the article u Availability of the link to users with a subscription to the e-journal

35 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Document access tools u Web u Z39.50 client/server u Different formats (PDF, PS, TIFF, GIF, HTML, …) u Document size continuously increasing u Strong need for increased bandwith

36 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Usage measurement u Statistics collection u By country u By IP domain u By IP number u By type of format u By slice of time

37 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 How to prepare a virtual library u The final goal is to provide the end reader with a complete toolbox to search, find, reach, download, use and manage the documents u There are no universal recipes u The CERN Library tries to find its own balance between traditional and electronic literature

38 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Basic components of the CERN virtual (digital) library u An integrated library automation system u A graphic User Interface u A network with enough bandwidth u A CD-ROM LAN u An electronic document delivery tool u A collection of external electronic resources u Electronic journals u Grey literature servers u Use of the protocols HTTP, Z39.50 (SR-U)

39 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Future of grey literature at CERN u Usage of the XML format u More intensive distribution before publication u Preparation of metadata done directly by the author u Use of specialized network search engine

40 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 website

41 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 Conclusion u More and more important role for the grey literature u Contraction of the number of traditional scientific publications u Exponential growing of spontaneous electronic journals

42 Processing e-literature at CERN Corrado Pettenati Mick Draper20 March 2000 QUESTIONS?

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