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S519: Evaluation of Information Systems Introduction.

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1 S519: Evaluation of Information Systems Introduction

2 What is an Information System? A set of hardware, software, data, procedural, and human components that work together to generate, collect, store, retrieve, process, analyze, and/or distribute information.– William S. Davis (1994). Business systems analysis and design. Wadsworth: Belmont, CA An integrated set of components for collecting, storing, processing, and communicating information – Britannica A system of persons, data records and activities that process the data and information in an organization, and it includes the organization’s manual and automated processes. -- Wikipedia

3 Why IS? IS - our daily life Business firms Organizations Schools Individuals We rely on IS: Manage operations (process financial accounts) Compete in the marketplace (automate information processing) Supply services (governmental services to citizens) Augment personal lives (study, shop, bank and invest)

4 History The first large-scale mechanized information system – Herman Hollerith’s census tabulator (to process the 1890 US Census)

5 History Left to right: The circuit-closing press ("card reader"); diagram of press; hand insertion of card into a sorter compartment that opened automatically based on the values punched into the card; tallying the day's results. "Each completed circuit caused an electromagnet to advance a counting dial by one number. The tabulator's 40 dials allowed the answers to several questions to be counted simultaneously. At the end of the day, the total on each dial was recorded by hand and the dial set back to zero

6 History UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I) one of the first computers used for information processing. Used to process US Census in 1951

7 History Personal Computers (PC) Available to small business and individuals in 1970s Around 1Billion PC has been sold since mid- 1970s

8 History The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "Web") is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents that runs over the Internet. With a Web browser, a user views Web pages that may contain text, images, and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks. - wikipedia The Web was created around 1990 by Tim Berners- Lee and Robert Cailliau working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. As its inventor, Berners-Lee conceived the Web to be the Semantic Web where all its contents should be descriptively marked-up.

9 WWW: Basic Ideas Hypertext/hyperlink: Resource Identifiers unique identifiers used to locate a particular resource (computer file, document or other resource) on the network URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)/URL (Uniform Resource Locator): http or ftp http://somehost/absolute/URI/with/absolute/path/to/resourc e.txt ftp://somehost/resource.txt Markup language: characters or codes embedded in text which indicate structure, semantic meaning, or advice on presentation

10 WWW – Web 1.0

11 The current (syntactic / structural) Web

12 Was the Web meant to be more?

13 Social Web – Web 2.0 The term Web 2.0 was made popular by Tim O’Reilly: -is-web-20.html “Web 2.0 … has … come to refer to what some people describe as a second phase of architecture and application development for the World Wide Web.” The Web where “ordinary” users can meet, collaborate, and share using social software applications on the Web (tagged content, social bookmarking, AJAX, etc.) Popular examples include: Bebo,, digg, Flickr, Google Maps, Skype, Technorati, orkut, 43 Things, Wikipedia…



16 YouTube

17 Features / principles of Web 2.0 2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html 1. The Web as platform 2. Harnessing collective intelligence 3. Data is the next “Intel Inside” 4. End of the software release cycle 5. Lightweight programming models 6. Software above the level of a single device 7. Rich user experiences

18 Linked Open Data

19 From Web 1.0 to Web 3.0 Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Personal WebsitesBlogsSemantic Blogs: semiBlog, Haystack, Semblog, Structured Blogging Content Management Systems, Britannica Online Wikis, WikipediaSemantic Wikis: Semantic MediaWiki, SemperWiki, Platypus, dbpedia, Rhizome Altavista, GoogleGoogle Personalised, DumbFind, Hakia Semantic Search: SWSE, Swoogle, Intellidimension CiteSeer, Project Gutenberg Google Scholar, Book Search Semantic Digital Libraries: JeromeDL, BRICKS, Longwell Message BoardsCommunity PortalsSemantic Forums and Community Portals: SIOC, OpenLink DataSpaces Buddy Lists, Address Books Online Social Networks Semantic Social Networks: FOAF, PeopleAggregator ……Semantic Social Information Spaces: Nepomuk, Gnowsis

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