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Richard Byrom Consultant RPC Data 9 th June 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Byrom Consultant RPC Data 9 th June 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Byrom Consultant RPC Data 9 th June 2002

2 Discoverer Overview

3 Presentation Purpose Provide you with an understanding of what Oracle Discover is and what it is capable of. Demonstrate the capabilities of the product on a test system.

4 What is Discoverer? Market leading end-user ad hoc query, analysis and reporting tool that is also web enabled.

5 What does it do?  Enables users at any level in an organization to gain rapid access to information stored in their transactional databases, data warehouses or data marts.  Provides powerful navigation and analytical capabilities such as pivoting, drilling, aggregations and calculations.  In an Oracle Applications environment, it provides and intuitive way for non technical end users (like execs and business analysts) to get rapid answers to business questions.

6 Discoverer Strengths  Ease of Use  Analytical Power  Scalability and Performance  Ease of Administration  Integration and Customization

7 Ease of Use

8 cl_addr1||','|| cl_addr2|','|| cl_addr3||', '|| cl_twn||', '|| cl_zipcode sum(nvl(qty* unit_price,0)) Business View of Database Information Hiding the complexity Database User’s View

9 Strong Focus on Customer Usability One Click Operations Wizard Driven Tutorials Reduced Learning Curve Drag & Drop Layout Interactive Dialogs

10 Single User Interface Discoverer for Windows Desktop Edition (c/s) Discoverer 3i User Edition Plus (java) Discoverer 3i Viewer Viewer (HTML)

11 Europe France Paris  Drill Down Drill Everywhere

12 Europe France Paris  Drill Down Drill Everywhere ExternalData  Drill Out

13 Analytic Power

14 Power and Simplicity You Demand Answers to Analytical Questions  “ What are my top ten products...”  “What is the 3 month moving average...”  “What is the cumulative sum of my sales by Region...”  “What is the ranking of my sales this year compared to sales last year?”

15 Analytical Power at your fingertips !...  Calculator functions (+ - * / )  Intelligent (Sub)Totals & Percentages  SQL functions: Financial, Arithmetic, Logical, Analytic  Enhanced Data Aggregation  Custom functions - PL/SQL registered  Leverage Analytical Calculations: use with Conditions, Sort, Pivot and nesting

16 Empower your users Ratios Subtotals Rank

17 Nesting Analytic Power Nested Calculations: 1 sales yr ago : lag(sales, 4) 2 growth: sales yr ago/sales this yr 3 rank growth: rank(growth)

18 Performance & Scalability

19 Discoverer Architecture Application Server(s) Clients Internet users Metadata in DB Database Server (s) Database EUL Metadata Oracle9i Application Server Oracle9i Web Cache Oracle9i Application Server Oracle9i Application Server DMZ internet Load Balancing Firewall Support Multiple Servers

20 Cubic Client Cache Performance Client Oracle9i Application Server Discoverer Services Client Session Database EUL Re-using cache OLAP type access Rapid drill & rotate

21 Re-using cache OLAP type access Rapid drill & rotate Incremental Drill Client Database EUL ? Oracle9i Application Server Discoverer Services Client Session Cubic Client Cache Performance

22 Advanced Query Prediction Performance Uses the resources without showing results! Reactive Query Governor Stops queries after a pre-set time Predictive Query Governor Predicts time a query takes before execution Does not waste valuable resources!

23 Batch Scheduling Wizard Driven User friendly scheduling Easy management Automatic notice when result set is ready or to expire

24 Select Store, Period, Product, sum(video_sales) From video_details Group by Store, Period, Product Slow Table Scans Machine Intensive Aggregation Detail RowsSummary Table Summary Redirection

25 Select Store, Period, Product, Sales From video_summary Automatic!! Detail RowsSummary Table Summary Redirection

26 Ease of Administration

27 Discoverer Administrator Easy End User Layer Management Easy Administration Bulk Load Wizard EUL Management Wizard Tutorial Installation Easy Administration Bulk Load Wizard EUL Management Wizard Tutorial Installation Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Populate Business Area Hierarchies Hierarchies Joins Joins Default Aggregates Default Aggregates LOVs LOVs Create/Delete EULs Sample schema and EUL for training Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Populate Business Area Hierarchies Hierarchies Joins Joins Default Aggregates Default Aggregates LOVs LOVs Create/Delete EULs Sample schema and EUL for training

28 Administrative Reporting Which Folders are users querying most? Which Items? Where are my long running queries? Who owns what workbooks? When were they last used? What are my users privileges?

29 Simplified Deployment Database Application Application Application Application X Oracle9iAS Discoverer Services Application Application Application Application BrowserBrowserJava

30 Centralized Metadata Database Reports Metadata Reports Metadata Reports Metadata Reports Metadata Reports Metadata X Oracle9iAS Discoverer Services

31 Discoverer Automated Summary Management Discoverer Summary Wizard recommends summary policies, create summary tables with a single click, allow users to view and fine tune policies as needed. Evolutionary solution for optimizing query performance!

32 Discoverer Automated Summary Management 100% Easy to use Customize Graphical : automated - summary policies : don’t need to be a DBA : the algorithm - tune for different policies : performance gain estimate

33 Customization & Integration

34 Discoverer Viewer Custom Look and Feel Standard Custom



37 Complete and Integrated BI  Oracle9 i AS OEM  Oracle9 i AS Reports  Oracle9 i AS Portal  Oracle9 i AS Web Cache  Oracle Single Sign On Server – Oracle Internet Directory  Oracle9i Warehouse Builder  Oracle e-Business Suite

38 Discoverer integration with Portal Worksheet Portlet: Graph Worksheet Portlet: Crosstab List of Workbooks Portlet

39 Oracle e-Business Suite Business Intelligence Solution Financial Applications Query/Reporting Tools Manufacturing Applications Business Intelligence System OLAP Applications Application Product Tables Logical Data Model Business Views Discoverer EUL

40 “Out of the Box” Oracle e-Business Suite Integration  Native Oracle Application Security – Respecting 100% Apps user accounts /responsibilities – No extra setup – The same level of multi-org access control – Reporting on cross organizations w/ users Apps grants  Applications Key and Descriptive Flexfields – Reporting on full apps data inc. customized flexfields

41 Meeting Requirements... Requirements Ease of Use Analytic Power Central Administration & SecurityIntegrationCustomizationPriceRequirements Ease of Use Analytic Power Central Administration & SecurityIntegrationCustomizationPrice Oracle9iAS Discoverer Single UI Instant Web Deployment Free SQL Analytics Centralized Metadata Single Sign On (SSO) Database, OWB, Reports, Portal, Web Cache, SSO, e-Business Suite XSL Style Sheet 4 Times Less Oracle9iAS Discoverer Single UI Instant Web Deployment Free SQL Analytics Centralized Metadata Single Sign On (SSO) Database, OWB, Reports, Portal, Web Cache, SSO, e-Business Suite XSL Style Sheet 4 Times Less

42 Benefits... Yes Benefits Empowered Users Reduced Administrative Costs Reduced Deployment Costs Reduced IT Dependency Competitive Advantage Better Decision Making Benefits Empowered Users Reduced Administrative Costs Reduced Deployment Costs Reduced IT Dependency Competitive Advantage Better Decision Making Oracle9iAS Discoverer Yes

43 Demonstration - Query Description of how to build an end user layer specific to user requirements and security specifications – different views for different people

44 Demonstration - Analysis  Tables, page detail reports and cross tabs  Show the use of conditions, exceptions and calculations and drag and drop  Show a graph with a drill through

45 Demonstration - Reporting Show how you can export the data to excel and express

46 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S

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