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All you need to know about Futurebuilders England Marianne Patterson – Senior Outreach Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "All you need to know about Futurebuilders England Marianne Patterson – Senior Outreach Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 All you need to know about Futurebuilders England Marianne Patterson – Senior Outreach Officer

2 Government backed investment fund to help build the capacity of the sector. Aims to invest in third sector organisations who are delivering public services and want to generate income by forming contracts with public agencies. What is Futurebuilders?

3 What do we mean by public service? 51% of the income from the scheme or project Futurebuilders has funded must come from a public source, such as: Local Authorities Primary Care Trusts Drugs and Alcohol Action Teams Learning and Skills Councils Job Centre Plus Direct Payments and other entitlements

4 Investments?! Investments are a bespoke mix of loan & grant finance Minimum investment £50k of which the largest part will be loan Grants may cover revenue, capital or capacity building Development grants for promising applications Investments can include repayment holidays and phased drawdown

5 Making loan finance easier Trustees are not personally liable – as long as they act in good faith! Most of our investees had never taken on a loan before We can and do lend unsecured Investments are designed for affordability and terms are negotiated on a case by case basis

6 Support for our investees More than just financial support Training in full cost recovery and winning contracts Consultancy support for pricing, negotiating and business planning skills Investee networking and support days A dedicated investment officer to work closely with each investee

7 Cross Herts Community Counselling Consortium of eight counselling organisations across Hertfordshire who want to implement a professional quality framework – Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluations £385,000 total investment which includes: –£285,000 loan for 16 Counselling Coordinators, running costs & evaluation of the service –£50,000 revenue grant to implement the quality framework –£50,000 overdraft guarantee for cashflow CHeCC has the support of Hertfordshire County Council & plans to contract with other statutory agencies as well

8 St. Albans Mencap £32,500 Development Grant to allow St. Albans Mencap to produce a proposal focussed on the establishment of the ‘Mencaf’, which will provide work experience & training for people with learning disabilities. The grant will allow research into potential purchasers and the market for the service as well as funding a business consultant to draw up a robust plan for the ‘Mencaf’ and the whole organisation. It will also fund a part time admin assistant to free up key personnel to work on the project.

9 Are you ready to apply? Can you improve public services with a Futurebuilders investment? Are you aiming to make at least 51% of your income from the public purse? Have you identified your purchasers? Does your constitution allow you to take on a loan or are you prepared to change it if not?

10 Application & Assessment Stage 1 – decision within 20 working days –Longlist –Reject Stage 2 process much lengthier –Phone conversation with Investment Officer –Business plan within one month –Investment Officer research –Usually a visit –IO makes recommendation & board makes a decision

11 What next? Marianne’s direct line - 0191 269 2871 Enquiry Line – 0191 261 5200

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