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Lesson 4: Using Input/Output Devices

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1 Lesson 4: Using Input/Output Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Lesson 4: Using Input/Output Devices input/output devices common input devices common output devices specialized devices how a device connects what a port is what a device driver is Pg 15 This outlines the topics to be discussed in this lesson. If possible, have actual input or output devices to show the students. For the most part, even if you don’t have actual hardware components, students should be able to recognize the devices from the pictures. Be prepared to answer questions at different stages from students regarding how to use certain devices (such as digital cameras or scanners), which goes beyond this course. You may also want to address how many of the newer input devices are designed for a specific purpose as driven by market requirements, e.g., ergonomics, disabled users who need technologies such as voice recognition for inputting data, flat screens to reduce glare or desk space, infrared and cordless devices that address issues such as space or technology advances, etc. Although this portion of the exam addresses hardware considerations, you may also want to briefly introduce some software considerations for the input devices such as device drivers, specific software, etc. You may want to include in your discussion issues such as how the software may influence how the device responds with existing software installed. For example, the device driver for the printer identifies the printer brand model and the operating systems it was originally designed for; if you upgrade your Windows version, you may need to also update the printer driver in order to be able to use the same printer with the new Windows version. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 1

2 What are Input/Output Devices?
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals What are Input/Output Devices? Enables communication between user and computer Three classifications of Input/Output devices: Send information to computer Display or transmit information from computer Communicate between computers Input device Anything used to enter data into computer Output device Anything used to display data on or from computer Pg 15 Objectives Discuss differences between input and output, and how some components can be either internal or external. Be sure to emphasize how important it is to make sure the plug and port match. Sometimes components don’t work because they were plugged into the wrong type of port, e.g., 9-pin versus 12-pin, matching “colors” with colors on new computers, not forcing USB port, etc. Briefly discuss possibility of bent pins as well and their effect on the device, e.g., may work initially but will eventually stop working. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 2

3 Using the Keyboard Input device used to send information to computer
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using the Keyboard Input device used to send information to computer Input alphanumeric data or instruct computer via series of keystrokes Windows Key Escape Key Function Keys Alt Key Ctrl Key Cursor Movement Keys Numeric Keypad Pg 15 Objective Check your classroom to see that all your keyboards are similar (e.g., [Windows] and [Application] keys available). If your classroom has a mixture, you may want to try and arrange to have only the newer keyboards available to your students. When discussing the keyboard, have students identify where these keys are on the keyboard, especially since there are some keys duplicated in different locations. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 3

4 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using the Keyboard Some keyboards ergonomically designed to reduce or prevent stress on wrists Some keyboards contain buttons to enhance multimedia experience Regardless of keyboard type, same keys are available for document processing Special keyboards can be purchased for game enthusiasts or for people with disabilities Pg 16 Briefly discuss the option of purchasing different types of keyboards for different purposes, e.g., easy/hard to press keys, sound keys make when pressed, standard versus cordless, extra keys, ergonomic, etc. Also briefly discuss how the prices will vary based on what options are selected. For instance, a standard keyboard (101 Enhanced keys with the cable) will cost approximately $20 whereas a cordless ergonomic keyboard may cost upwards of $50+. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 4

5 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using the Keyboard Executes typed command, performs selected option, marks end of line, or creates blank line. Deletes one character to left of flashing cursor; may show as left arrow (). Also on numeric keypad as ; deletes character above or to right of flashing cursor. Inserts blank space between words or sentences. Cancels current selection, or generates special code for computer; called Escape key. Advances cursor to right by specified number of spaces in word processing program, or to next cell in spreadsheet program. Selects uppercase letters for typewriter keys and punctuation symbols on number keys. Can use with other keys to perform function or task. Pg 16 Spend some time looking at the keyboard and identifying where keys are, how similar it is to typewriter keys (if applicable) except for Function keys, direction keys, and numeric keypad. Also spend time ensuring students understand where standard keys are (e.g., [Tab], [Spacebar], [Backspace], [Insert], [Delete], [Enter], and the arrow keys). These will be important keys for daily processing; recognition of the other keys seems to fall into place once they are comfortable with the location of these keys. Make sure students understand that [Ctrl], [Shift], and [Alt] by themselves do nothing, but when held down in conjunction with another key will perform a specific task. Be sure to provide some examples of same, and demonstrate these in the Windows section of this Module. While it isn’t necessary to go into too much detail about these keys right now, the main point here should be to ensure students know and recognize these keys. Many of them will be similar to those found on a typewriter, but for those who haven’t used a typewriter before, this will be a good starter and a refresher for others. Allude to the point that these are the most commonly used keys when working with files and each performs a specific task, depending on the software program. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 5

6 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using the Keyboard Locks letter keys to produce only uppercase characters. Provides secondary meaning or function for specific keys. Displays Start menu. Displays shortcut menu similar to right-clicking item. Options in menu depend on where mouse pointer was when key pressed. Move cursor up, down, left or right. Located between typewriter keys and numeric keypad. Captures information on screen and sends to Windows Clipboard. Toggle (start and stop) scrolling display of data on screen. + Stop or freeze computer, then continues when any key pressed; sends Break code to computer to unfreeze or unhang computer. Pg 16-17 Objective It may not be necessary to spend much time on the last three keys as they aren’t used that often. However, introduce them to the student so they know where the key can be found and its main purpose. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 6

7 Using the Keyboard Function Keys Located along top row
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using the Keyboard Function Keys Located along top row Labeled through to Each key assigned special meaning or function in application programs Primary purpose to provide shortcut for commonly used commands Cursor and Numeric Keypad Can toggle on and off by pressing key When on, pad becomes calculator or numeric pad When off, pad becomes arrow or cursor movement pad Pg 17 Spend time making sure students recognize these parts of the keyboard. While most of the function keys are not as popular as with past versions of application programs, they can still provide an opportunity to lead a discussion of how many people begin to combine shortcut keystrokes with the mouse to navigate or activate items, e.g., [Ctrl]+[S] to quickly save while using the mouse to scroll through the document. You may also want to provide an example of how the functions might be used outside of popular desktop applications, e.g., customized programs such as retail, insurance, etc. Provide examples of how advantageous using the Numeric keypad may be when entering numeric data, especially for those who have used the “10-Key” method for inputting values. Definitely make a point of having students understand the [Num Lock] key and how it affects data entry. You can also provide a bit of history here by discussing how earlier keyboards did not have the cursor movement keys to the left of the numeric keypad and how cumbersome it was to constantly turn [Num Lock] on and off as needed. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 7

8 Using Pointing Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Pointing Devices Enables you to select or activate items on screen by placing pointer arrow on item and performing required action Traditional pointer device is a mouse Move mouse on flat surface causes mouse to initiate movement reflected by pointer on monitor Traditional mouse uses ball that rotates to initiate movement as you move mouse device Trackball has ball on side where your thumb rests; rotate ball to move pointer Newer mouse models use optical light or diode technology to move pointer on screen Pg 17 Objectives Be prepared to spend time showing students how to hold the mouse, move it around on the desk, and use the buttons. This is a perfect time to practice using the left and right mouse buttons with the computer turned off, so there’s no chance of having to undo items on the screen. The pictures here show a traditional mouse and trackball. Briefly discuss optical mice that use infrared instead of a traditional ball. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 8

9 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using the Mouse Click Point mouse cursor at item, then press left mouse button once and release button to select item. Double-Click Point mouse cursor at item and then click left mouse button twice quickly to initiate programs or open files. Right-Click Point mouse cursor at item and then click right mouse button to display shortcut menu. Left Drag Press and hold left mouse button while moving mouse moves items or selects multiple items. Right Drag Press and hold right mouse button while moving mouse moves or copies items. When button released, shortcut menu appears for further command selection. Middle Wheel or Button Customize to perform certain actions, e.g., use wheel to scroll up or down. Thumb Buttons Customize buttons where thumb rests for specific tasks. Pg 17 Even though the machines may not be turned on at this time, have students try holding the mouse so they can become comfortable with how it should feel when they begin to use it. Many people who are new to computers are unsure how to hold the mouse and do not actually have a firm grip on the mouse, sliding it along the desk with a tentative hand. NOTE: This is especially true in classes for seniors who may have arthritis or are afraid of the mouse. Do not progress too far into the application part of the course if the students are not comfortable with the mouse. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 9

10 Using Pointing Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Pointing Devices To select items, grasp mouse with palm down and index finger gently resting on left button Slide mouse flat along desk and mouse pointer moves in same direction on screen If run out of space on desk, lift mouse and place in new position on desk, and continue moving To cancel any option, click left button anywhere on screen away from option being selected Available in traditional style or as wireless devices Can work with PC or Mac Pg 18 Provide demonstrations on how to hold the mouse, where to place and rest the fingers, as well as how to press the buttons once for a click versus twice for a double-click. Without the computers being on you can get them comfortable with the mouse so that when you get to the Windows section, they will be able to confirm where the mouse is moving on the screen now that they have the right “feel” for the mouse. This may be a bit difficult to do without having the computers turned on. You may want to delay this slide or further discussion of this topic until you have students start the computer and then “play” with the mouse at the desktop screen. Discuss what “running out of space” on the desk means; this is common for new users and then they want to know how to get the mouse cursor to appear on the screen without having to bump into other items on the desk. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 10

11 Using Pointing Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Pointing Devices Touchpad enables you to use finger to move pointer Has two buttons that work as left and right mouse buttons To move pointer around on screen, place finger on touchpad and glide in direction for pointer to move To select item, position pointer over item and then tap touchpad once or click left button To activate item, position pointer over item and then tap touchpad twice in quick succession or double-click left button To drag item, position pointer over item, press , and glide finger on touchpad to required location To display shortcut menu, position pointer over item and then click right button Can work with PC or Mac Pg 18 Objective This is a new sub-objective that has been added to the exam objectives and targets this pointing device. If possible, have a notebook available in the classroom that students can use to try the touchpad even if they aren’t using it on a regular basis. As notebooks are so popular, this pointing device now needs to be addressed. Take note that the Mac has only one button associated with the touchpad and you need to use that button to select and activate items; there is no matching option to tap the touchpad to select something, you must press the button to actually select or activate the item. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

12 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Microphones Record sounds and convert into digital format for use on computer Specialized software recognizes voice and converts what you say into text characters on screen Very beneficial for users with special needs Not usually included with computer Large variety and quality of microphones available for purchase Pg 18 Objective This was an addition to exam objectives as many new notebooks have the capability to record audio. Some computers will still need a microphone to be purchased but the ability to capture and edit sound is much easier than in earlier years. Be prepared to discuss how much microphones may cost and the different styles, especially with a Mac versus PC. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

13 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Looking at the Monitor Output device that enables you to view information computer displays All have power switch, brightness and contrast controls to adjust screen image Come in variety of sizes, resolutions, and types Resolution, or monitor’s ability to display images Measurement based on particular mathematical levels of sharpness and clarity Factor in price Flat screen monitors popular due to size as well for touch screen technology Pg 18 Objective Have students look for the buttons on the monitor as well as the two plugs at the back of the monitor. Have them follow the cables to the outlet and CPU. Briefly review different buttons on the front of the monitor, relating it to a television set, where you can adjust the color, brightness, and position of the display. Don’t have students turn the monitor and computer on yet; at this point briefly discuss the buttons and then return to this topic when they turn monitor and computer on for practice. Remind students that monitors will vary in size, screen size, and resolution (how clear is the picture). Big is not always better – flat screen, LCD display, higher resolution, etc. You may also want to tie in the specification for resolution types for monitors, i.e., dpi (dots per inch), lowest is 600X800, resolution size determined by monitor type and brand, etc. If students want a further explanation regarding resolution, dpi is the measurement distance between pixels of the same color, whereas resolution is a measurement of that display’s pixel dimension (actual number of columns and rows of pixels that create the display). Emphasize this so they understand how important it is to either have the screensaver or monitor energy-saving feature turned on, or to turn off the screen to extend the life of the monitor. There is also a debate among computer users about whether to turn off the monitor or not (along with the CPU) when finished at the end of each session. There is no right or wrong way; the important point here is to do what is best for the computer. For example, if the computer is in an area that is susceptible to power fluctuations, it would be best to turn off everything at the end of the day. However, if the computer is in a relatively safe area, after logging off the network, the user could leave everything on when they leave for the day. The company may also have a policy requiring all machines and equipment to be turned off at the end of the day. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 13

14 Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Printers Printers convert what is on screen into print using variety of print options Many home users have inkjet-type printers for printing simple documents Printers, ink cartridges, and paper lower in cost Print quality quite good and they can print several pages per minute For large amount of printing, laser printer set up on network for multiple users to share Can choose from black-and-white or color laser printers May contain several trays of varying paper sizes Specific types of printers include plotter, photo printer, or all-in- one printer Pg 19 Objectives 1.2.1, 1.2.4 If possible, have a printout from each type of printer to show the quality from each as well as recognize which might be the best printer to use, e.g., inkjet quality for home or sample documents showing color schemes versus color laser quality, how quality of paper affects output, etc. Be prepared to answer questions regarding which printer is best for home versus office use and types which would be acceptable. For instance, a common question students will ask is whether to buy a regular deskjet/inkjet printer versus a dedicated photo printer to print their photographs. You can build these types of questions into your discussions at those points in the book or course. You may want to mention that while an inkjet printer for home may be quite cheap in price ($30+), there is still the cost of the consumables such as cartridges that can be high, depending on the type of cartridge you want, e.g., high quality for photographs versus printing on paper. This can lead to a higher cost per page when comparing value for each printer. Build in the factor about volume though to help determine which could be good for a home user. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 14

15 Using Speakers Play sounds saved as digital files
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Speakers Play sounds saved as digital files Different forms of sound files Can be specific to music programs or generic for any player device File format used to save sound file determines quality of audio file Set of speakers may be included with computer as separate device to plug in, or may be incorporated into computer Can purchase variety of speakers of different qualities Pg 19 Objectives To complement the microphone, an output device is needed which generally includes speakers. Remind students that these do not always come with the computer, with the odd exception of a notebook. However, speakers can be purchased and connected to a computer for better sound quality or options. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 15

16 Looking at Input/Output Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Looking at Input/Output Devices Scanners “Takes picture” of original and then converts to digital format Software included with scanner determines degree of detail Bar Code Reader Scanner designed to reduce amount of data entry for routine transactions or verification of product Scans or reads thin and thick lines and bar codes Game Controllers or Joysticks Designed to use with games Variety of joysticks Pg 19 Scanners will be of interest to students who have wondered how they can get old photos on the computer, especially with the option of preserving the pictures and sharing with others. Be prepared to answer questions about choosing a scanner versus a digital camera or when having both may be advantageous, e.g., people into scrapbooking, historical documentation from old pictures, etc. Only one game controller is shown here but there are many more types for the huge variety of games, e.g., driver’s wheel with foot pedals, controllers that look and work similar to the dedicated game equipment like Playstation, Nintendo, or Sega, etc. The one to use will depend on the game and how easy it is to use for game (as well as special features for enhancing the game play). If you happen to have access to more than one, bring those for demonstration purposes. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 16

17 Looking at Specialized Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Looking at Specialized Devices Touch Screens Use pen or stylus to select or activate items Digital Cameras Captures pictures and transfer directly to computer View pictures using special cable on computer or television, or print using photo printer Use flash cards to store more files Webcam Type of digital camera connected to take pictures and video to share live with others Requires Internet connection and specialized software program Some notebooks have built-in Webcam or can purchase separately Pg 19-20 Objectives It would be helpful to have examples of some items for students to “see and touch”; however, if these aren’t available, use the diagrams in the book as a reference. Wherever possible, CCI has provided examples of multiple types of the specific device so students can recognize that devices come in different shapes, sizes, and costs. As you go through each of these items, identify them as either input or output devices and the reasoning for same. Do not spend too much time describing how a digital camera works or how to edit pictures or videos and it is difficult to generalize how digital cameras work and the software to use for editing depends on the features the individual wants available. Be prepared to discuss the pros and cons of using a digital camera versus using the camera included in a cellular phone such as a Blackberry, iTouch, or iPhone. Many people wonder what’s the difference, if any, in quality as well as whether they need both or just one. You may need to describe where the Webcam is on a notebook if built in, e.g., small clear circle usually in the middle of the top frame around the monitor. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 17

18 Looking at Specialized Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Looking at Specialized Devices Remote Control Can use to activate commands on projector or while running slideshow Improve accessibility for people with impairments Specialized Input Devices Certain industries use specialized software Work similar to other input devices to analyze data Security Devices Biometrics handle security issues for logon process and to maintain integrity of data on computer Require unique identifier before can access computer Pg 20 Objective Give examples of how the devices can be used. If you have access to a biometric device such as a thumb device or a card that can be shown as to how security is restricted. Most common place biometric devices are cards or keypads, e.g., swiping a card before you can enter a building. You may want to include other types of devices that exist which are not readily available as yet, e.g., retina scanners. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

19 Looking at Specialized Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Looking at Specialized Devices Accessibility Devices Numerous devices available for people with physical challenges to improve ability to use computers Voice recognition software Specialized keyboards with overlays for tasks Labels with Braille characters Wireless devices activated using head or mouth Pg 20 Objective Have a discussion with the class in regards to devices that are now more readily available for those with physical challenges. This is an example of how technology has enhanced the lives of those who previously had no access or limited ability to share information with others. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

20 Looking at Specialized Devices
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Looking at Specialized Devices Projector Connect to display presentation on screen only, surface such as wall-mounted screen, or both Photo Printer Print photographs on special photographic paper Plotters Specialized printers designed to print onto very large pieces of paper Specialized Output Devices Control devices to manage or control tasks Voice Synthesizer Assist people with physical challenges Pg 21 Objective Discuss these specific output devices, with examples of when or how they can be used, especially the last point dealing with devices for physically challenged users. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

21 Connecting Ports Parallel Network Serial
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Connecting Ports Parallel Serial SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) USB (Universal Serial Bus) Network Midi (musical instrument digitized interface) Wireless devices Adapters Hubs Pg 21-22 Objective If possible, have an item with each type of port connection (e.g., mouse with serial connector, keyboard with USB connector, printer cable, etc.) for students to see. When discussing connectors with pins such as for monitors or older printers, point out that pins may vary in number, depending on the type of connection. With some older computers, this is very important because pushing a connector in that is not compatible can cause the device to not work as a result of bent or broken pins. Discuss how newer computers are moving towards having more USB ports rather than multiple parallel or serial ports. For example, newer notebooks generally require a mouse with a USB connection instead of the traditional serial port connection. Be sure to discuss devices like hubs to connect multiple devices together. These are common in an office or specific workstations where multiple devices are set up, e.g., desktop publishing computer has scanner, dedicated printer, Web camera, digital camera, etc. all connected to a hub that’s connected to the CPU. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 21

22 Using Software Device driver Plug-and-play
Internet and Computing Core Certification Guide Module A Computing Fundamentals Using Software Device driver Mini-program tells operating system what kind of device it is, what make or brand it is, and its purpose Main purpose is to enable communication between operating system and device Plug-and-play Automatically identifies new device connected so it looks for and installs device automatically If cannot find right driver, will need to use software that came with device or search for driver on Internet Important to have correct driver for device to work properly If special features included with device, correct driver ensures features will be available Pg 23 Objective This objective discusses what a device driver is and why it is important to consider these, especially if updating software for different operating systems. Device drivers provide a translation function between the operating system and the device itself – they basically speak different languages and cannot understand each other without something to translate the commands and instructions into the native languages of the two. That’s why the same USB printer can be used on a Mac, Windows, and a Linux system – it uses different drivers for each operating system. You may want to give an example of upgrading to the new Windows 7 operating system. This new version enables you to work with Windows as if it was the XP version but with the Vista back engine. This can cause some issues for devices that may have been created specifically for Windows and new device drivers are not readily available, nor a previous device that matches what you have, e.g., printer purchased recently was released specifically to work with Vista systems. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

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