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New York National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course Employee Assistance Program Module 16.

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1 New York National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course Employee Assistance Program Module 16

2 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP) Do you have any of these problems in your workplace? Chronic tardiness/absenteeism Frequent clashes with others Appearance of substance abuse Poor or no job production Frequent depression

3 HISTORY OF THE NGB EAP 1970: Public Laws 91-61 and 92-255 mandated employee assistance programs 1974: NGB’s “Troubled Employee Program” began for both technicians and AGRs 1978: TPR 792-2 governs the guard program and changed the technician program to Technician Assistance Program (TAP) 1980s: TPR 792-2 changed the program name to Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

4 GENERAL GUIDANCE FOR TODAY’S EAP Mental or addict problems will be considered an illness under the EAP The guard is not officially concerned with an employee’s personal problems unless/until they affect the job or efficiency of the service The agency does not condone illegal drug activity

5 GENERAL GUIDANCE FOR TODAY’S EAP No employee will have his or her job security or promotion opportunities jeopardized by requesting counseling or referral assistan ce.

6 SUPERVISOR’S ROLE IN EAP 1. Continuously observe technicians for adverse changes related to: Increased absenteeism or tardiness Lower job efficiency Diminishing or poor work quality Missed suspense/deadlines/appointments

7 SUPERVISOR’S ROLE IN EAP (continued) Unpredictable behavior Increase in accidents or safety violations Impaired personal relationship Evidence of financial difficulties Marital or family difficulties Unexplained illness or other emotionally- based behavior patterns

8 SUPERVISOR’S ROLE IN EAP 2.Document specific occasions, and maintain documentation in a secure room or container. 3.Do NOT diagnose. Focus on the behavior; not its causes. 4.DO tell an employee with a problem about your observation and his/her inability to do the job. (It may be necessary to advise the employee that you are sending him/her home.)

9 SUPERVISOR’S ROLE IN EAP 5.Do NOT draw conclusions, or say that you know the employee is on drugs or intoxicated. 6.May inquire about employee’s attendance at EAP activities, but NOT about treatment. 7.DO report any illegal activities to proper authorities.

10 SUPERVISOR’S ROLE IN EAP 8. Supervisor’s notes about the employee’s regular job performance, productivity and conduct are not subject to confidentiality laws and requirements; however the employee’s problems will not be discussed. -Confidentiality violations: subject to fines up to $500 for first offense; up to $5000 for each subsequent one.

11 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adverse actions may be deferred while in the EAP, if there is satisfactory improvement on the job Sick leave will be granted for treatment or rehabilitation The referral must NOT be recorded in the Supervisor’s Work Folder or place in the OPF

12 EAP CASE MANAGER’S ROLE Serves as the initial POC for employees who ask or have been referred Is familiar with numerous health/benefits programs and service that pertain to treatment/rehabilitation of the employee Provides EAP TRAINING

13 EMPLOYEE’S ROLE IN EAP Encouraged to attend EAP classes to increase awareness Encouraged to seek EAP counseling/assistance if experiencing problems that interfere with the job and/or affect behavior and attitude Encouraged to accept EAP referrals if found to be users/abusers

14 EAP TRAINING The EAP Case Manager provides: Supervisory training: related to proper procedures in your state for dealing with employees who have problems that are covered by this program Employee training: awareness training about how personal problems can cause job and other problems; and how the EAP can help

15 Military OneSource

16 What is One Source? Extension of existing services Accessed via telephone, online, or face to face Staffed by Masters level consultants At no cost to service members or their families

17 Who Is One Source For? People who don’t have time to access on base resource Individuals and families separated from installations Those who prefer the convenience of a phone call or an email Anyone needing support services - anytime

18 Eligibility Privacy  Deployed Civilians and their families  Active duty, National Guard, and Reserve Soldiers, and family members  OneSource may be used anonymously  You will get a privacy statement explaining the limits of confidentiality when you call or when you see a counselor Eligibility and Privacy

19 How the Service Works Phone Call toll-free or collect Consultants Master’s level One Source Consultants answer phones live 24 hours x 365 days Research Our research staff will get you the information you need Follow-up Within 7 days or as mutually agreed upon by by caller and consultant

20 OneSource Research Team Let us do the leg work for you Customized research to answer your questions  Military Life Dedicated research teams knowledgeable in:  Education  Child care  Elder care  Everyday Issues

21 In-person Counseling OneSource is the referral source 6 Counseling sessions per person per issue ~ in the individual’s community Licensed Counselors Short term problem resolution  Family issues  Adjusting to return from deployment  Grief counseling  Marital issues No charge to service members or family members

22 Military OneSource (24/7) 1-800-342-9647 (En Español 1-877-888-0727) Overseas Collect 1-484-530-5908 TTY/TDD 1-866-607-6794 Accessing the Service Direct feed to Army OneSource User ID: military Password: onesource (type onesource as all one word)

23 Online access: Password: onesource User id: Army URL: Password: ready User id: airforce URL: Military Once Source

24 One Source Online Online access: Life Workshop & Moderated Chat Self-Assessment Tool Calculators Online Locators Resource Rooms Other Military Resources Educational Materials

25 Army One Source TELEPHONE ACCESS En Español 1-800-375-5971 TTY/TDD 1-800-346-9188 From: From: Germany, Italy, England, and the Netherlands Toll-free: 00-800-4648-1077 From the United States 1-800-464-8107 Callers who experience any difficulty should call their local operator and ask to make a collect call to: 484-530-5889 From South Korea toll-free: From South Korea toll-free:  From a DSN phone dial 550-ARMY  Callers with DACOM as their local provider must dial: 002-800-4648-1077  Callers with KT as their local provider must dial: 001-800-4648-1077

26 Air Force One Source TELEPHONE ACCESS Callers who experience any difficulty should call their local operator and ask to make a collect call to: 484-530-5889 En Español 888-732-9020 TTY/TDD 800-346-9188 From outside the United States ONLY Toll free: 800-7075-7844 (please dial all 11 digits) From the United States 800-707-5784

27 Questions? John Willsey @ (518) 786-4807

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