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Art Analyzing a Work of Art subject function cultural impact context

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Presentation on theme: "Art Analyzing a Work of Art subject function cultural impact context"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Analyzing a Work of Art subject function cultural impact context
How would you classify the subject matter? -pictorial choices -iconography -narration Why was it made? For whom was it intended? Who commissioned it? Where is it to be seen? subject function Art cultural impact How does the work reflect the time and place? -Chronology -Cultural Values context artistic decisions What is the works impact on the -history of art -cultural values -existing perspectives? How are the elements and principles used? What technique is used? What is the scope of the work?

2 Art Analyzing a Work of Art subject function cultural impact context
How would you classify the subject matter? -pictorial choices -iconography -narration Why was it made? For whom was it intended? Who commissioned it? Where is it to be seen? subject function Art How does the work reflect the time and place? -Chronology -Cultural Values Guernica, Pablo Picasso cultural impact context Mrs. Walker 8/2409 Resources: Picasso’s War by Russell Martin Gardner’s Art Through The Ages The Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich What is the works impact on the -history of art -cultural values -existing perspectives? artistic decisions How are the elements and principles used? What technique is used? What is the scope of the work?

3 Analyzing a Work of Art subject
How would you classify the subject matter? -pictorial choices -iconography -narration subject Subject: Historical - reacting to the events of the German bombing of the town of Guernica in Basque, Spain, 1937. Iconography - complex assortment of symbolic figures: mother and dead child, broken soldier, dying horse, and the massive bull witnessing the carnage. (partial list) The iconography shows the horrors of war. Narration: Using the imagery of the bull ring (bull and dying horse) and the carnage of Guernica, this painting narrates the horrors of death by war.

4 Analyzing a Work of Art subject
Picasso uses a complex assortment of symbolic figures: mother and dead child, symbolizing the death of innocence broken soldier, - brittle and hollow, the warrior is vulnerable and empty Dying horse- [perhaps] symbolizes the pain of Spain using the national sport of a picador’s horse as a metaphor. the bull -massive and brutal, a beast witnessing the carnage and may symbolize Franco The iconography shows senseless death, chaos and terror.

5 Analyzing a Work of Art function
Why was it made? For whom was it intended? Who commissioned it? Where is it to be seen? function Picasso was commissioned to create a painting for the Spanish Pavilion of the 1937 World’s Exhibition in Paris, France by a delegation that included a cultural delegate of the Spanish embassy and an architect from Barcelona. Clearly these patrons were not sympathetic to Franco whom they considered responsible for casting the country into Civil War. The bombing of Guernica had not yet occurred The purpose of the commission was to draw attention to Picasso’s Spanish heritage and promote patriotism. Picasso decide to paint Guernica as a form of social outrage at the bombing of Guernica. He wanted to draw attention to the horrific treatment of the Basque people.

6 Time and place & Cultural Values
Analyzing a Work of Art context How does the work reflect the time and place? -Chronology -Cultural Values Time and place & Cultural Values -modernist style of painting (1913 forward), -use of the bull and horse as a metaphor (Spain), -reaction to a contemporary event (bombing of Guernica), -stylistic reference to ‘news’ as means of conveying information (technology), -clear statement of moral outrage at the use of innocents as war targets (cultural value), -use as a patriotic tool by patrons (Civil War and rise of Fascism).

7 Art Analyzing a Work of Art artistic decisions
The use of black, white, and grey served to focus our attention on the ‘newspaper’ quality of ‘news’. There are no other colors in the painting. The overall composition is based on a pyramid with the lamp (illuminating the scene) being the apex and the hand of the fallen soldier and the foot of the victimized woman forming its base. Jagged shapes (overhead light fixture, mouth of the horse, broken sword) contribute to an expression of raw anguish. Linear elements bisect the entire composition, both unifying and dissecting images. The work is huge: 11 ft. high and 27 ft. long. Texture is used on the horse and it is meant to remind us of the newspaper which delivered the news of Guernica to the world. The scene takes place indoors and outdoors. Art How are the elements and principles used? What technique is used? What is the scope of the work? artistic decisions

8 Analyzing a Work of Art cultural impact
Guernica became the most important painting of the 20th century because it illustrated the horrors of war. It became an icon for the Peace movement. What is the works impact on the -history of art -cultural values -existing perspectives?

9 Art Analyzing a Work of Art subject function cultural impact context
What is the works impact on the -history of art -cultural values -existing perspectives? Why was it made? For whom was it intended? Who commissioned it? Where is it to be seen? subject function Art cultural impact How does the work reflect the time and place? -Chronology -Cultural Values context artistic decisions How would you classify the subject matter? -pictorial choices -iconography -narration How are the elements and principles used? What technique is used? What is the scope of the work?

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