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New England Colonies Chapter 6

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1 New England Colonies Chapter 6
20 Questions!

2 ________ believed his people had to go to war to keep their land.

3 A ____________ is where people in a community vote on rules and make laws.
Town meeting

4 The New England ______________is short because winters are long and cold..
growing season hi

5 What was an important export the New England colonies sent to Europe?

6 Some colonists did not agree with their leaders
Some colonists did not agree with their leaders. They were called ______. dissenters

7 Many New England colonist made a living from the sea
Many New England colonist made a living from the sea. Some worked in the _____industry. shipbuilding

8 Why was farming difficult for New England colonist?
Soil too rocky and sandy, growing season too short

9 What was farming in the Middle and Southern colonies better?
longer growing season and better climate and soil hi

10 In the ______the water in rivers and streams rises and falls every day with the ocean tides.

11 Where did the tidewater region end?
At the fall line, about 100 miles inland

12 Why did the Puritans found their colony in Massachusetts ?
to practice their religion

13 What rivers helped make the Middle Colonies a good place to live?
the Delaware and the Hudson Rivers

14 Who was a well known dissenter in the Massachusetts colony?
Roger Williams

15 The new interest in religion in the 1730’s was called the ______?
Great Awakening

16 Two famous ministers during the Great Awakening were___ and _____.?
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield

17 The ______ made the New England economy strong.
Triangular trade route

18 By law, what had to be built when more than 50 families were in a town?
A school

19 What was the first college in America?

20 Why did Thomas Hooker decide to form a new colony?
So all men could vote, even if they were not church members

21 All the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service are called _____.

22 Goods sent our are called _____and goods brought in are called______.
Exports: imports

23 What was the voyage called from Africa to the West Indies called after slaves were captured ?
Middle Passage

24 triangular trade routes
Trade routes among Europe, Africa and North America, and the West Indies are called_____. triangular trade routes

25 Who was Olaudah Equiano?
an enslaved boy who later gained his freedom and became a writer about the horrors of the Middle Passage

26 For what religion did William Penn establish Pennsylvania?

27 Town meetings are where people sold goods. True or False?
False – they voted and made laws

28 What did the merchants in the New England colonies trade the fish and lumber for in Europe?
Tea and spices

29 What colony did Roger Williams start and why?
Rhode Island – where people could worship freely

30 A minister who founded Connecticut
Who was Thomas Hooker? A minister who founded Connecticut

31 What was the most important cash crop in Virginia and Maryland?

32 What shaped the lives of people in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Puritan religion

33 What is it called when people made laws for themselves?

34 What woman was banished from the Massachusetts colony?
Anne Hutchinson

35 What does banish mean? Forced to leave

36 What caused the Pequot War?
Conflicts over land

37 Who could vote at a Massachusetts Bay colony town meeting??
Male property owners

38 That’s All! Keep Sharp Minds!

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