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PLANTING COLONIES IN NORTH AMERICA 1588-1701. Frontiers of Inclusion New Spain  Conquest and conversion: “mining gold and souls”  Indian labor: mines,

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Presentation on theme: "PLANTING COLONIES IN NORTH AMERICA 1588-1701. Frontiers of Inclusion New Spain  Conquest and conversion: “mining gold and souls”  Indian labor: mines,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Frontiers of Inclusion New Spain  Conquest and conversion: “mining gold and souls”  Indian labor: mines, plantations (tobacco, sugar)  “Missionary” colony: Santa Fe New France  Fur trade monopoly: learn Indian languages and customs  Limited emigration- Huguenots not allowed  Subsistence farms, modest exports


4 Frontiers of Exclusion New Netherlands  Agricultural advancements  supply urban growth  1581- independence from Spain  Stock exchange & investment banks  2 areas- Hudson River & Manhattan Island  Ally w/ Iroquois for furs, defense

5 English Settlements  Frontier of exclusion  Jamestown, Virginia: named for King James I  Founded by Virginia Company, profit driven  Joint-Stock company: shares the cost and risk among numerous investors  Chesapeake Bay: Fort, mostly men and boys (merchants & wealthy), Capitan John Smith imposed military discipline  1 st Permanent English settlement  Trade & defense alliances w/Indians  Hated physical labor, saw themselves as above it  Almost didn’t make it, of 500, 60 survive the winter and drought & only w/Indian help  English considered Indian men lazy – hunting a sport in England  Indians view Englishmen as effeminate

6 Tobacco  Gaining popularity in Europe  Sellable cash crop, Virginia becomes agricultural settlement  Poor growing methods  soil depletion  territorial expansion  Head Right System: New arrivals who pay own way and way of others receive land, 50 acres/head  1624 Virginia Co. broke due to Indian conflict, King converts territory to royal colony  Population doubles every 5 years  Demand for labor: African slaves $$, Indian pop. too powerful  Indentured Servants  Poor, mostly men, 2-7 year contract, 70-80% of pop in Chesapeake Bay  High mortality rate, many survivors return to England  Unusual position of power for women due to scarcity  Crude, strange community life  Maintained close ties w/England


8 New England  North of Chesapeake & Jamestown  Religion as primary motivation, not profit  Puritans aka Separatists,  Providence-will of God, mission to settle and grow  Believe Protestantism has not gone far enough  Come to New England after living in Holland, thought Dutch society was corrupting  Go to New England w/permission of Virginia Co.  Leave Plymouth, England in Mayflower 9/1620, arrive at Patuxet, Massachusetts Bay, find it abandoned, name it Plymouth  Community mentality, not individual gain  Mayflower Compact- document of self-government November 1960  Create Massachusetts Bay Colony

9 Restoration Colonies  Charles II creates propriety colonies - owned by individuals who control government  Carolina, attracts English Caribbean settlers, bring their slaves  Seize New Amsterdam  New York  New Jersey, Delaware  Pennsylvania, western NJ  William Penn, Quaker (Society of Friends): religious toleration, pacifism  Frame of Gov.- civil liberties, religious freedom, elected representation, fair dealings w/Indians  Indians from other locations come to Pennsylvania

10 Bacon’s Rebellion  Chesapeake, Upper Potomac  Yeoman: lower class landholder farmers  Population growth  unauthorized expansion for land  Nathaniel Bacon (wealthy settler) raiding Indian lands, wants authorization to seize Indian lands  Governor William Berkeley suppresses land seizures  Bacon leads rebellion that attracts yeoman, former servants (lower class v upper class)  Burn Jamestown to the ground  Realization that indentured servitude  class struggle  Slaves become preferable

11 African Slavery  All non-Christians could be enslaved under Virginia policy  By 1700 Chesapeake becomes slave colony  1492-1720, more Africans than Europeans to the Americas  Atlantic Trading System (Triangle Trade) based on West African slaves  Demand for tobacco & sugar continues to grow  Mass. Supplies hardwood for slave ships  Slaves have expertise in rice, maybe tobacco cultivation  Lives horrible, lonely, speak various languages  2.5X the cost of indentured servants  Gap between rich and poor increases  Race- white v black, covers up class struggle

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