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Tuesday, March 11 2008.  AIAA Updates  Science Olympiad Outreach  AIAA Trip Recap  Upcoming Events  Fermented Fluid Dynamics Brewery Tour  Air Force.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, March 11 2008.  AIAA Updates  Science Olympiad Outreach  AIAA Trip Recap  Upcoming Events  Fermented Fluid Dynamics Brewery Tour  Air Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, March 11 2008

2  AIAA Updates  Science Olympiad Outreach  AIAA Trip Recap  Upcoming Events  Fermented Fluid Dynamics Brewery Tour  Air Force ROTC Presentation  Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory Speaker  Science Olympiad State Competition  AIAA Distinguished Lecturer

3  Core group of AIAA’ers going to Toki MS  Thursdays, 2:15pm – 4:00pm  Provide technical knowledge for science competition  Raise money for AIAA and help the next generation of engineers  More volunteers are always welcome!

4  A BIG thank you to Ross for arranging the trip  Special acknowledgement to Derek and Jesse for driving us around all week













17  Capt. Scott Thompson  Requested to cover topics interesting to engineers  TBA After Spring Break  Likely a Tuesday night  Free Pizza on the Air Force!

18  Tour of Capital Brewery in Middleton  Don’t have to be 21 to go  Could organize carpooling  Thursday, March 20 – 5:15pm  Organized by regional AIAA  Family and friends are welcome to join

19  Gavin Giere, NASA Oceaneer at Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, Houston TX  Thursday, April 3 2008  1610 Engineering Hall  12:30pm & 3:30pm ▪ A Day in the Life at the NBL ▪ Various Job Duties of an NBL Diver  Pizza and refreshments available

20  Hosted by UW-Madison  April 11 th (Friday) – 12 th (Saturday)  On engineering and surrounding campus  100’s of volunteers needed  Many shifts available  Free t-shirt  Sign up at  More information forthcoming

21  Hosted by regional and student AIAA  Likely in late April / early May  Volunteers to help plan?

22  Capital Brewery Tour: Thursday, March 20  NBL Speaker: Thursday, April 3  Science Olympiad: Friday – Saturday, April 11 - 12  Air Force Presentation: TBA March / April  Next General Meeting:  Tentatively Tuesday, April 8 2008, 6:00pm  Have a great spring break!

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