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Know how. Know now. State Fair Update April 3, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Know how. Know now. State Fair Update April 3, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Know how. Know now. State Fair Update April 3, 2012

2 Know how. Know now. Agenda  State Fair Entry Process Update  Premier 4-H Science Award  Child Development  Questions

3 Know how. Know now. Premier 4-H Science Award  Objective  Objective: Recognize 4-H youth static exhibits incorporating or demonstrating concepts from the areas of 4-H Science (science, technology, engineering, or applied math) at the Nebraska State Fair.

4 Know how. Know now. Premier 4-H Science Award   What this means:   4-H Science can happen in all project areas   Think outside “traditional” SET projects   Projects DO NOT have to include ALL 4-H Science areas   Projects:   can be made using a science concept  Utilize the scientific or engineering design process  Showcase 4-H Science in action

5 Know how. Know now. Premier 4-H Science Award  Examples :  Decorate Your Duds: T-shirt embellished using a bleach pen or spray.   Photography: a photograph of technology (mist coming from a center pivot, or a robot performing a task) OR using technology to edit a photo (removing color or special effects)   Agronomy: crops poster showing how genetically engineered foods are helping feed the world   Child Development: Texture cards for toddlers to compare and contrast different textures

6 Know how. Know now. Premier 4-H Science Award  How to Enter:   Identify exhibits to be judged for the Premier 4-H Science Award.   Enter them along with State Fair static entries in FairPlus. * Under-development   Short answer worksheet, (encouraged, but not required) attached to project   Projects will be judged following regular judging

7 Know how. Know now. Premier 4-H Science Award OutstandingGood Needs Improvement N/A Exhibit demonstrates science concept or design. Exhibit demonstrates engineering concept or design. Exhibit demonstrates technology concept or design. Exhibit demonstrates applied math concept or design. Exhibit was created to solve or emphasize a problem. (science inquiry) Youth adopted and/or used new methods or improved technology to create exhibit or as part of the exhibit. Score sheet

8 Know how. Know now. Premier 4-H Science Award  Recognition & Awards   All projects: certificate attached to the exhibit.   Pictures of projects will be taken and potentially included on the State Fair App   Up to 20 top 4-H Science exhibits: $100 cash award sponsored by the Nebraska 4-H Foundation.

9 Know how. Know now. Child Development - Ideas for New 4-H Exhibits  Child Development and the 4-H outcome areas  career development, agricultural literacy, science, leadership/citizenship, and healthy lifestyles  Targeted teaching in one or more outcome areas  This could be a game that teaches them about healthy eating (healthy lifestyles); an activity where children role play being a farmer (careers/agricultural literacy); or a toy bug that relates to science.

10 Know how. Know now. Each exhibit will need to answer the following questions 1) Where did I get the idea for this exhibit? 2) What decisions did I make to be sure exhibit is safe for child to use? 3) What are children this age like? Give 2 examples that help in understanding the appropriateness of this exhibit for the age of the child (see project manuals). 4) What can the child learn from this exhibit, or how does it promote growth and development as it pertains to the outcome area?

11 Know how. Know now. Examples from past fairs Role play experience for preschoolers about agriculture Puzzles with picture of animals

12 Know how. Know now. Nutrition game with fruits and vegetables Science game based on insects

13 Know how. Know now. Youth activity to teach photography skills and explore this career Youth activity using a popular story to teach about insects, healthy eating, etc

14 Know how. Know now. Questions? Next Webinar May 1, 10:30 - 11:30 AM Central Time

15 Know how. Know now. Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska– Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture. The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.

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