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Fisheries Management Sustainability is our business BELL Conference 19 July 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Fisheries Management Sustainability is our business BELL Conference 19 July 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fisheries Management Sustainability is our business BELL Conference 19 July 2003

2 NOAA Fisheries Oldest conservation agency in the nation Part of NOAA/Department of Commerce Approximately 3,000 employees Regionally-based agency

3 Mission Stewardship of living marine resources for the benefit of the Nation through their science-based conservation and management and promotion of the health of their environment

4 Constituents Commercial and Recreational fishermen and related industries Subsistence fishermen Environmental groups Farmers, energy producers, timber industry, gravel miners, etc. General public

5 NMFS Field Structure

6 People, Dollars, Food 170,000 commercial fishers 17 M recreational anglers NMFS budget approx $800 M Commercial fisheries = $29 B Recreational fisheries = $25 B exp

7 …and Food Per capita seafood consumption 16 lb/yr Total landings = 4.3 M tons ($4.3B) Total imports = $10 B Total exports = $ 3 B Aquaculture production = $1 B

8 Florida Fisheries: Commercial fishing Nearly 8 thousand vessels Over 10 thousand jobs 260 thousand fishing trips Landings of 100 m pounds Over $700 m ex-vessel value

9 Florida Fisheries Recreational Fishing - 25 million trips - Over 5 million anglers - 59 m pounds landed - 2,600 jobs - Nearly $100 m sales

10 Stewardship Authorities Magnuson-Stevens Act (Sustainable Fisheries Act) Marine Mammal Protection Act Endangered Species Act Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act Implementing legislation for international treaties, RFMOs

11 Regional Fishery Management Councils Saugus, MA New England Fishery Management Council Charleston, SC South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Dover, DE Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Tampa, FL Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Hato Ray, Puerto Rico Caribbean Fishery Management Council Honolulu, HI Western Pacific Fishery Management Council Anchorage, AK North Pacific Fishery Management Council Portland, OR Pacific Fishery Management Council

12 The Regulatory Process Council process Public input Documentation for regulatory package - NEPA analyses - Small business impacts - Benefit-cost analysis - Protected species consultation

13 Where do businesses fit in? MSA call for sustainable fisheries MSA National Standard 8 Analyses under NEPA Regulatory Flexibility Act Benefit-cost analyses for EO 12866

14 Challenges: Overfishing, Overcapacity, Bycatch Fundamental changes of ‘96 reauthorization Multiple mandates Complex regulatory process Litigation and consumer boycotts

15 International Fisheries Management Mostly delegated to NOAA Fisheries, HQ and Regions Numerous Regional Fishery Management Organizations Numerous bilateral and multilateral agreements Scientific work with other countries and organizations

16 Regional Challenges Turtle/finfish bycatch in the shrimp fishery Slow growth in the recreational fishery Time/area closures for small swordfish

17 Challenges Ahead Pew Report, Nature article Presidential Ocean Commission MSA and MMPA reauthorization International management of seamounts Growing interest in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Ecosystems

18 Thank you!

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