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National Sustainable Building Advisor Program Unit 8B Building commissioning Christopher Kerr, CxA Glumac June 4, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "National Sustainable Building Advisor Program Unit 8B Building commissioning Christopher Kerr, CxA Glumac June 4, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Sustainable Building Advisor Program Unit 8B Building commissioning Christopher Kerr, CxA Glumac June 4, 2010

2 What is Commissioning Why Commission Commissioning Process Benefits LEED & Commissioning Who Costs Commissioning

3 “The Commissioning Process is a quality-oriented process for achieving, verifying, and documenting that the performance of facilities, systems, and assemblies meets defined objectives and criteria.” -- ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 Commissioning Defined

4 Commissioning – What is it? Term derived from Ship Building – A commissioned ship is one deemed ready for service. Material, systems and staff have successfully completed a thorough, quality assurance process.

5 Commissioning – What is it? Building undergoes an intensive quality assurance process that begins during design, continues through construction, occupancy and operation.

6 Commissioning – What It Does Commissioning produces a Building that: Meets the unique needs of its owner and occupants. Operates as efficiently as possible. Provides a safe, comfortable work environment. Operated and maintained by a well-trained staff or service contractor.

7 Commissioning Don’t I already pay for that?

8 Commissioning Design Professional Agreement No “third set of eyes” No Start Up / Operational Issues Minimal field experience Problems = Conflict Don’t I already pay for that?

9 Commissioning Construction Contract Craftsmen, not Engineers No formal Cx program No performance criteria No witnessed tests No Component Testing No Systems Testing Problems = Conflict Don’t I already pay for that?

10 Commissioning Why do we need Commissioning? “..yeah, they’re substantially complete, but…”

11 Commissioning Architect Elec. Contractor Mech. Contractor Elec. Engineer Mech Engineer General Contractor Typical Project Team Configuration Up to the Mid 1970’s

12 Commissioning Gaps between disciplines resulting in: Poor coordination Lost details Costly change orders Delays in schedule Typical Project Team Configuration After the Mid 1970’s

13 Commissioning Commissioning helps fill the gaps in coordination Commissioning Encompasses “All” New Project Team Configuration with Commissioning

14 The Commissioning Process The Commissioning Process involves steps that are integrated into every phase of the project: Commissioning is NOT just testing at the end! PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING

15 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Select Commissioning Authority

16 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Scope & budget for commissioning Peer Reviews Construction Site Visits Warranty Period

17 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Document/Review Owner’s Project Requirements Form the basis for all design decisions Information for team to properly: Plan Design Construct Operate Maintain

18 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Owner’s Project Requirements Schedule & Budget Documentation Requirements Training Requirements Operating/Maintenance Benchmark Requirements Codes and Standards Sustainability Goals Restrictions/Limitations Occupancy/Schedule Energy Efficiency Goals Quality Requirements Future Expansion Indoor Environment Acoustical Requirements Security Accessibility

19 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Commissioning Plan Overview of process Roles & Responsibilities Communication Channels Detail Description of Cx Activities Milestone Schedules Verification Procedures Living Document Basis for Final Report

20 PRE-DESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONINGDESIGN The Commissioning Process Document/Review Basis of Design Narratives of Systems Assumptions Reference Make & Models Operational Assumptions Documents how OPR will be satisfied

21 PRE-DESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONINGDESIGN The Commissioning Process Perform Commissioning Review Continuous Review 50% CD Reviews Development of Cx Issue Log

22 PRE-DESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONINGDESIGN The Commissioning Process Include commissioning requirements in construction documents Include OPR as reference Basis of Design Division 1 Divisions 15 and 16 Contractor involvement Test Requirements Training Program

23 PRE-DESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONINGDESIGN The Commissioning Process Refine scope of commissioning Update Commissioning Plan

24 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Update Commissioning Plan & Schedule Cx Plan and Schedule are “Living Documents”

25 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Update Commissioning Plan & Schedule Review Submittals against Cx Plan, OPR, and BOD Concurrent with A/E Review Cx Review Does not Accept or Reject

26 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Update Commissioning Plan & Schedule Review Submittals against Cx Plan, OPR, and BOD Review control sequences Narratives Control Points Satisifies Design Requirements

27 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Update Commissioning Plan & Schedule Review Submittals against Cx Plan, OPR, and BOD Review Control Sequences Develop Test Procedures Based on Control Sequences Review with Contractors/A/E

28 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Update Commissioning Plan & Schedule Review Submittals against Cx Plan, OPR, and BOD Review control sequences Develop test procedures Document construction observations Periodic Site Visits Regularly Scheduled Cx Meetings

29 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Update Commissioning Plan & Schedule Review Submittals against Cx Plan, OPR, and BOD Review control sequences Develop test procedures Document construction observations Develop Systems/O&M Manuals CxA Reviews for Completeness Concurrent with A/E Review

30 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Functional Performance Testing (FPT) Documentation of deficiencies found during FPT’s Deficiency correction and retesting Training of O&M Personnel Final Report

31 PRE-DESIGNDESIGNCONSTRUCTIONWARRANTYCOMMISSIONING The Commissioning Process Assist with maintenance management program Adjust for occupancy/warranty period Off-season testing Optional: Lessons-learned meeting Optional: Periodic re-commissioning

32 Commissioning HVAC Electrical Plumbing IT, Fire Alarm, BMS, Envelope Special Spaces Any Building System Systems Commissioned

33 Commissioning Sets clear measurable goals for everyone –Verifies owner’s requirements are being met throughout the design and construction phases Establishes accountability –Changes the way people perform –Allows designers and contractors to measure success as well as deficiency Benefits of Commissioning

34 Commissioning Quality Process Prevents/resolves problems Discovers/correct s design issues early in design Improves specifications & design documents Prioritizes systems for early completion Reduces RFI’s & change orders Benefits of Commissioning

35 Commissioning Contractors focus on quality work Improves submittal process Provides resource for MEP coordination prior to construction Catches problems at the start of installation Tests finished work to verify proper operability Interfaces builders with operators Timely delivery of Systems/O&M materials Creates team atmosphere and accountability Benefits of Commissioning

36 Commissioning Improves Energy performance Comfort Air quality Occupant productivity Equipment life Maintainability Facility staff preparedness Benefits of Commissioning


38 LEED ® & Commissioning L EADERSHIP IN E NERGY & E NVIRONMENTAL D ESIGN FUNDAMENTAL COMMISSIONING ENERGY & ATMOSPHERE PREREQUISITE 1 Engage a commissioning lead Review the “owner’s project requirements” and “basis of design” documentation

39 LEED ® & Commissioning L EADERSHIP IN E NERGY & E NVIRONMENTAL D ESIGN FUNDAMENTAL COMMISSIONING ENERGY & ATMOSPHERE PREREQUISITE 1 Engage a commissioning lead Review the “owner’s project requirements” and “basis of design” documentation Develop Commissioning Requirements for inclusion in Construction Documents. Develop Commissioning Plan Verify installation, functional performance, training and operation and maintenance documentation Complete a commissioning report

40 LEED ® & Commissioning L EADERSHIP IN E NERGY & E NVIRONMENTAL D ESIGN ENHANCED COMMISSIONING ENERGY & ATMOSPHERE In addition to Fundamental Cx:  Perform Design Review  Perform Submittal Review  Develop Systems Manual  Review Building Operation within 10 months of completion

41 LEED ® & Commissioning Why does LEED require Commissioning? Improves: Energy performance Comfort Air quality Occupant productivity Equipment life Maintainability Facility staff preparedness

42 Commissioning Who is the Commissioning Authority?

43 Commissioning Who is the Commissioning Authority? Third Party Field Experience Engineering Background Project Management Project Experience Single vs Integrated Communicator LEED Requirements Not Under Contractor Can be on Design Team <50,000 sqft Can be in Design Firm > 50,000 sqft Cannot Perform Enhanced Cx

44 Commissioning Costs Different for Each Project Depends on Size, Complexity and Scope of Cx Accounts for Very Small Amount of Construction Budget Accounts for even Smaller Amount of Building’s Lifecycle Costs

45 Commissioning Costs Total Costs - $0.49 -$1.66/qft Average Equates to 5 Year Payback Value of Energy Savings - $0.02 - $0.19/sqft Value of Non-Energy Savings - $0.23 – $6.96/sqft 1 Commissioned Buildings have 8% – 20% savings in Operating Costs over Non-Commissioned Buildings 2

46 Finally

47 Questions

48 Resources  Building Commissioning Association –’’  1 California Commissioning Collaborative – ‘’  2 Building Commissioning Guide V2.2 – GSA  ASHRAE –’’  AABC Commissioning Group –’’  USGBC – ‘’  Glumac – ‘’

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