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The Planting of English America Chapter Two. Elizabethan England North America largely unexplored by Europeans before 1600 Spain controlled the New World.

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Presentation on theme: "The Planting of English America Chapter Two. Elizabethan England North America largely unexplored by Europeans before 1600 Spain controlled the New World."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Planting of English America Chapter Two

2 Elizabethan England North America largely unexplored by Europeans before 1600 Spain controlled the New World Protestant Reformation after Henry VIII broke from Catholic Church Rivalry with Spain intensified when Elizabeth I became first Protestant Queen

3 A Rocky Start King James I divided North America between the London Company and the Plymouth Company Joint-stock companies Governed the colonies on their own, investors kept most of profit Sir Walter Raleigh sent group to find site for English colony in America and they named it Virginia after Elizabeth Roanoke was founded but had a tragic end

4 Someone expected the Spanish… Armada Philip II of Spain had created an Armada of ships to invade England England’s ships were smaller, faster, and well prepared to easily overtake the Spanish fleet This began the end of the Spanish empire They had overextended themselves in the New World and in Europe Helped ensure England’s dominance in the North Atlantic


6 A Land Ripe for Change Puritanism taking strong hold Primogeniture still in existence Failing job market Monarch wished to show the world that England could dominate

7 Permanent Virginia 1606 – VA Company of London received charter from King James I Gold Site was poor choice, named it Jamestown Jamestown was first successful English colony Many settlers died of malaria or dysentery Spent more time looking for gold than growing food and the harsh winters took their toll As colonists were about to leave, Lord De La Warr (new governor) imposed military regime Tobacco was planted in Jamestown by John Rolfe who was taught to plant it by his wife Pocahontas


9 Concerns with the Natives Tension between colonists and natives Colonists raided food supply of natives Series of attacks on both sides As in Spanish colonies, disease killed off many of the natives Indian population began a move westward Lakota Sioux benefitted from the horse Assimilated (both sides) in some cases

10 Virginia Grows Tobacco not wisest crop choice Land leached of nutrients Slaves Formation of House of Burgesses First parliament in America King James I grew hostile Hated tobacco Revoked VA Company charter

11 Maryland Lord Baltimore wanted place to make money and serve as haven for English Catholics Despite tension between local protestants, Maryland thrived Tobacco initially grown with labor from indentured servants Act of Toleration (1649) Guaranteed toleration for all Christians Execution for Jews or atheists

12 The West Indies Sugar Labor and capital intensive crop African slaves brought to Caribbean By 1700 slaves outnumbered white settlers 4 to 1 Other types of agriculture suffered Had to rely on imports of food from North America Farmers who were forced out of sugar planting in Caribbean moved to North America

13 The Carolinas and Georgia Carolinas were land gifts from King Charles II South based on plantations, depended on slave labor North mainly small farmers Eventually the king divided them into 2 royal colonies South Carolina began enslaving Indians Rice and indigo emerged as major export crops With French to north (Canada) and Spanish to south (Florida), England wanted buffer zone which led to establishment of Georgia Slavery initially banned Debtors colony

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