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Development of the Republic Unit I: The Colonial Experience: Early Colonial America & The Settlement of Jamestown.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of the Republic Unit I: The Colonial Experience: Early Colonial America & The Settlement of Jamestown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of the Republic Unit I: The Colonial Experience: Early Colonial America & The Settlement of Jamestown

2 Take a few minutes….. What motivations did Englishmen have for leaving England and moving to the new world?

3 Native American Groups in 1600

4 The Importance of Land Land=Basis of Liberty How did this draw settlers to the new world? Land as a Reward Is it fair? What are the benefits? Drawbacks? Land and Native Americans How did colonists view Indians?

5 Jamestown, 1600

6 Virginia and Maryland

7 A few thoughts on Primary Source Documents 1. What is this document about? 2. Who produced this document? 3. Who was the intended audience? 4. Why was this document created? 5. What type of document is this? Is this document a primary source? 6. Is the evidence clear, reliable, first person or second- hand/hearsay?

8 Developing a Republic Unit I Puritanism and New England

9 Take a few minutes… In Give Me Liberty, the author says that Puritans felt that “Inequality was considered an expression of God’s will.” What insights does this give us about the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts Bay?

10 Massachusetts Bay Colony

11 Puritan Townscape

12 Early New England Colonies

13 Native Americans of New England

14 Developing a Republic Unit I New England Divided English Concepts of Liberty and Freedom

15 Take a few minutes… How did Puritan self-righteous superiority affect relations within the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

16 Connecticut-1600s

17 New England Tribes 1636

18 Developing a Republic Unit I English Concepts of Freedom & Liberty

19 The Mercantilist System Colonies exist to serve the interest of the motherland Main Goal: increase the money in a country’s treasury by creating a favorable balance of trade Favorable balance of trade=more exports than imports Cromwell passed the first Navigation Acts Certain goods must be transported in English ships

20 Let’s Discuss… Under mercantilism, what did a country need to do to become rich? Discuss the way colonies enriched a country according to mercantilism.

21 The Middle Colonies

22 The Southern Colonies

23 Developing a Republic Unit I The Colonies in Crisis

24 Colonial Government after the Glorious Revolution Which officials were appointed, and which were elected? How were lawmaking powers shared?

25 Developing the Republic Unit I The Growth of Colonial America

26 13 British Colonies

27 New England Long Winters & Rocky Soil Mainly settled by the English Farmers practiced subsistence farming Produced enough food for themselves Economy based on the sea: Fishing Boat Making

28 Middle Colonies: Breadbasket Colonies

29 Diversity in the Middle Colonies

30 Settlement by Ethnic Group

31 Southern Colonies Warm Climate and Good Soil English Settlers and African Slaves Plantations were self- sufficient Major Crops: Tobaccos, Cotton, Rice, Indigo Elite planter class controlled the South

32 The Backcountry

33 Economic Production

34 British America in 1763

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