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Art teachers in a comparative perspective Preliminary results from the Talis 2013 Database Dr. Henk Vinken Dr. Teunis IJdens

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1 Art teachers in a comparative perspective Preliminary results from the Talis 2013 Database Dr. Henk Vinken Dr. Teunis IJdens

2 Talis The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey Surveys teachers and principals In primary and lower secondary education (compulsory education) “Who they are, where they teach and how they feel about their work” Strong emphasis on professional development activities, including informal learning 32 countries/regions in Database 2013 N cases varies from 14291 (Brazil) to 1773 (Alberta)

3 Talis 2013 Some results using the IEA IDB Analyzer First descriptives @ item level (Analyzer does not allow making constructs) Selected 10 ‘similar’ countries Comparing teachers in art subjects vs other teachers In lower secondary education Main issues: – Personal and work characteristics (Who are they?) – Prepared for the job? (Need for professionalization?) – Professional development activities (What do they do?) Data: IEA IDB Analyzer: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

4 Who are they? Countries% Teaching Arts subjects % Female Average ageWorking >90% fulltime hourse Australia1667 (59)4178 (84) Denmark156445 89 Finland177543 92 France116942 82 Netherlands 10 78 (55) 43 20 (43) Norway 22 624580 Sweden1965 48 75 USA166343 93 England (UK)1473 (63)39 83 Flanders (B)11673973 Mean1568 (63)4376 (81) Red if 5%-points above (between brackets all other teachers if <>5%-points difference from arts teachers)

5 Who they are, summarized About 15% teachers in lower 2nd education teach arts subjects (less so in NL, more so in Norway) About 2/3 of (art)teachers is female (more so in NL) (in Australia, UK and NL more than other teachers are) Average age of (art) teachers is 43 years (In Sweden art teachers are older: 48 years on average) Large shares of (art) teachers work almost fulltime (far less so in NL, more so in Denmark, Finland, France, USA, UK) (In Australia and NL less than other teachers do)

6 Feel well trained? Preparation 1 CountriesContent of the subject(s) I teach Pedagogy of the subject(s) I teach Classroom practice in subject(s) I teach Australia 63 73 Denmark 586152 Finland74 68 France 84 67 75 Netherlands 79 (85) 80 (87) 83 Norway 525351 Sweden797271 USA 84 (78) 7877 England (UK)7071 (76) 78 Flanders (B)74 74 (80) 72 Mean726970 Were the following elements included in your formal education or training: % yes

7 Prepartion 1, summarized Majority has formal training in content of teaching arts (less so in Australia, Denmark, Norway, more so in France, NL, USA) (in NL less so for arts than other subject teacher, in USA more for arts teachers) Majority has formal training in pedagogy of teaching arts (less so in Australia, Denmark, Norway, more so in Finland, NL, USA) (in NL less so for arts teachers, in UK and Flanders more so) Majority has formal training in classroom practice of teaching arts (less so in Denmark, Norway, more so in France, NL, USA, UK) (no differences between arts and other subject teachers)

8 Feel prepared? Preparation 2 CountriesContent of the subject(s) I teach Pedagogy of the subject(s) I teach Classroom practice in subject(s) I teach Australia 645462 Denmark51 42 (34) 52 (45) Finland 2615 22 France 37 (44) 1112 Netherlands51 (45) 32 40 (34) Norway 362532 Sweden 70 (64) 4758 USA 80 (72) 60 (54) 64 England (UK) 655060 Flanders (B)573640 Mean543744 In your teaching, to what extent do you feel prepared for the elements below: % yes

9 Prepartion 2, summarized Small majority feels prepared in content of teaching arts (less so in Finland, France, Norway; more in Australia, Sweden, USA, UK) (in France arts teachers feel less prepared; in NL, Sweden, USA more than other teachers) 1/3 feels prepared in pedagogy of teaching arts (less so in Finland, France, NL, Norway; more in Australia, Denmark, Sweden, USA, UK) (in Denmark and USA arts teacher feel more prepared than other teachers) 4/10 feels prepared in classroom practice of teaching arts (less so in Norway, more so in Australia, Denmark, France, Sweden, USA, UK) (In Denmark and NL arts teachers feel more prepared than other subject teachers)

10 Professional development activities (selection: 4/9 activities) CountriesCourses/ workshops In-service training PD Network of teachers Mentoring/peer observation Australia 842756 (51) 45 Denmark71 7 40 20 Finland 61 12 216 France 5542118 (13) Netherlands72 (78) 27 34 32 Norway 644 3631 Sweden 52 (58) 747 (42) 19 USA 841954 (47) 31 England (UK) 7722 34 53 Flanders (B) 79 1233 (23) 12 Mean70143827 During the laast 12 months, did you particpate in any of the following professional development activities: % yes

11 Professional development, summarized Majority participates in courses/workshops (less so in Finland, France, Norway, Sweden, more so in Australia, USA, UK, Flanders) (In NL arts teachers participate less, in Sweden more than other subject teachers) 1/8 participates in in-service training (less so in Denmark, France, Norway, Sweden, more so in Australia, NL, USA, UK) (no differences between arts and other subject teachers) 4/10 participates in PD Network of teachers (less so in Finland, France; more so in Australia, Sweden, USA) (In Australia, Sweden, USA and Flanders art teachers participate more than colleagues teaching other subjects) 3/10 particpates in mentoring/peer observation (less so in Denamrk, Finland, France, Sweden, Flanders, more so in Australia, NL, UK) (In France art teacher particpate more than other teachers do)

12 Overall summary: arts teachers… CountriesFeel well-trainedFeel well- prepared Participate in formal PD activities Participate in informal PD activities Australia --+++++ Denmark ---++-- Finland +--- France ++--+-- Netherlands ++-++ Norway -------+-+- Sweden +++--+ USA +++ +++ England (UK) +++++++ Flanders (B) ++- Red if 5%-points above

13 Conclusive remarks Talis is a rich dataset Making key comparisons possible Delivering basic questions for MONEAS project Few differences arts teachers and teachers in other subjects Lots of country differences: (arts) teachers are not a global unified group In itself a reason to do international comparisons among (arts) teachers Future analyses: linking items, scales and levels (country, classroom,teacher) Focus on explaining international variations

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