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The Modern Consciousness Science, Politics & the Arts Mr. Johnson World History Self-Portrait in Striped T-Shirt – Henri Matisse Created by Mr. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "The Modern Consciousness Science, Politics & the Arts Mr. Johnson World History Self-Portrait in Striped T-Shirt – Henri Matisse Created by Mr. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Modern Consciousness Science, Politics & the Arts Mr. Johnson World History Self-Portrait in Striped T-Shirt – Henri Matisse Created by Mr. Johnson

2 Objectives 7.02 – Examine the causes and effects of scientific revolutions and cite their major costs and benefits. 8.01 – Trace developments in literary, artistic, and religious traditions over time as legacies of past societies or as cultural innovations. 8.03 – Classify within the broad patterns of history those events that may be viewed as turning points.

3 Key Terms Charles Darwin Evolution & Natural Selection Social Darwinism & Racism Albert Einstein Relativity Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Marie Curie Radioactivity Nuclear physics Big Bang Theory Sigmund Freud Unconscious mind Psychoanalysis Carl Jung Archetypes Pavlov’s Dog Religious backlash stream of consciousness Impressionism Post-Impressionism Symbolism Cubism Dada Surrealism

4 Major Themes Technology & Mass Culture everyone doing the same thing Relativism & uncertainty nothing is absolute Secularism emphasis on science and reason, not religion Irrationality & the unconscious we do thing for reasons we don’t realize Religious backlash modern society is undermines faith in God

5 Mass Media

6 Technology & Mass Culture Radio Film Used by democracies & totalitarian states alike

7 FDR’s Fireside Chats

8 Triumph of the Will (1937)

9 Spectator Sports

10 Advertising & Marketing

11 Biology

12 Evolution Charles Darwin Beagle & Galapagos Islands Natural selection – “survival of the fittest” The Origin of Species (1859) The Descent of Man (1871)

13 Scopes Trial Religious Backlash

14 Social Darwinism Racial/national “survival of the fittest” German General Friedrich von Bernhardi: “War is a biological necessity… since without it an unhealthy development will follow… War is the father of all things.” Aryanism & Eugenics – Nazi Germany

15 DNA Watson & Crick Double-helix Blueprint for human life

16 Physics & Astronomy

17 Theoretical Physics Einstein –Theory of Relativity (1905) –Time and space are not absolute, but relative to the observer

18 Theoretical Physics Werner Heisenberg –“Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle” –The exact location and speed of subatomic particles cannot be exactly determined, only measured in probability –The act of observing alters the thing being measured… so not all things can be known

19 Radioactivity & Nuclear Physics Marie Curie – radioactivity Robert Oppenheimer – the atomic bomb

20 Astronomy The universe is much larger than previously believed, perhaps even infinite Earth, therefore, is a “mere grain of sand on a beach” Big Bang Theory – origins of the universe

21 The New Science: Psychology

22 Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud Human behavior and thought is not rational, but, like all animals, instinctive the unconscious mind – sex & aggression Repressed memories and urges Allowing patients to heal themselves through guided talking

23 Psychoanalysis Conscious – rational mind Preconscious – accessible memories Unconscious – bulk of the mind; memories that we cannot recall at will, but which still affect our thoughts & behavior Id (“it”) – inborn biological drives, immediate gratification Ego (“I”) – makes us act in socially acceptable ways; arguing a point rather than fighting Superego (“over the I”) – conscience, sense of right and wrong

24 Archetypes & Symbolism Carl Jung Collective Unconscious – memories passed down from generation to generation Archetypes –Self –God –Mother –Persona/Mask –Personalities: introverts/extraverts

25 Archetypes Hero vs. Villain Wise Old Man God/Spiritual Force Journey/ Adventure

26 Behaviorism Pavlov – conditioning “Pavlov’s Dog” Military applications

27 Politics & International Affairs

28 Great Depression

29 Two World Wars

30 Art & Literature

31 Literature James Joyce – Ulysses – stream of consciousness Hermann Hesse – Siddhartha, Steppenwolf – search for the self




























59 Review

60 Assignment Five minutes With a partner, reorganize your notes, putting three examples under each of today’s themes: –Technology & Mass Culture –Relativism & Uncertainty –Secularism –Irrationality & the Unconscious –Religious Backlash

61 Identify the picture and explain its significance to the Modern Consciousness. Identification Assignment Name: ______________________ Date:______________________ Period:______________________

62 The Modern Consciousness Relativism & uncertainty nothing is absolute Secularism emphasis on science, not religion Irrationality & the unconscious Religious backlash Technology & Mass Culture Biology Physics & Astronomy Psychology Politics & International Affairs Art & Literature

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