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Special Order by Consent Wastewater Collection Improvement Projects Mark Fisher and Dennis Asbury Final Report to City of Eden October 20, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Order by Consent Wastewater Collection Improvement Projects Mark Fisher and Dennis Asbury Final Report to City of Eden October 20, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Order by Consent Wastewater Collection Improvement Projects Mark Fisher and Dennis Asbury Final Report to City of Eden October 20, 2009

2 SOC Project –Linework and Pump Station (Phase 1 through 4) Items to be Reviewed

3 SOC Linework - Phase 1 Consisted of Pierce Street Sewer Collector and portion of Meadow Greens Western Outfall Separated from larger portion of work to prevent conflict with NCDOT widening and improvements of Pierce Street Provided cost savings since open cuts to install sewer in Pierce Street were overlaid by NCDOT Completed – October 2005

4 SOC Linework Phase 2 Consisted of 27,000 linear feet of sewer replacement (8 to 12 inches) – See Handout 1 Included numerous point repairs Provided new and up to date flow monitoring equipment to the City which have been critical in the assessing the performance of the repairs Completed – December 2006

5 SOC Linework - Phase 3 Elevated manholes adjacent to tributaries that are subject to flooding and submergence Replaced several small sections of deteriorated sewer including the replacement and relocation of the upper section of sewer on Mebane Street (Phase 2 involved the “lower” section on Mebane Street) Relocated and replaced the sewer crossing of Fairway 1 and Fairway 9 of the Meadow Greens Golf Club (existing sewer was routed through a large storm drain) Relocated a small portion of the Long Street outfall. Replaced vented manhole lids with solid covers in multiple street locations that were exposed to medium to heavy runoff. Completed January 2008

6 Project Objectives (Phase 1 – Phase 3) Reduced inflow and infiltration (I&I) Reduced sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) Secured sanitary sewer easements of approximately 125 affected parcels or properties. Prior to construction, the City did not possess recorded easements. The description of such an easement is prescriptive in nature and is not ideal for long term operation and maintenance. Removed several sewer conflicts with improved and or habitable structures. Bolstered water pressure and fire flow along Mebane Street with the 6-inch water main extension. Procured flow monitoring equipment that will be critical in identifying locations and extent of inflow and infiltration in other subsystems

7 Project Performance (Phase 1 – Phase 3) Flow Monitoring Results Representative Rainfall Rainfall Amount (inches) Meadow Greens Peak Wet Weather Flow (MGD) Covenant Branch Peak Wet Weather Flow (MGD) Dan River Peak Wet Weather Flow (MGD) Pre-construction (September 6-8, 2004) 3.35>1.802.73 Pre-construction (June 14-15, 2004 2.340.93 Post-construction (March 15- 17 and June 3-4, 2007) 2.111.15 Post-construction (October 24- 27, 2007) 3.520.610.87 Estimated Reduction (average 2-inch rainfall) 36%34%68%

8 Estimated 2.85 MGD of I&I reduced Project Performance (Phase 1 – Phase 3) Summary of Overflow History YearTotal Annual Rainfall (inches) Meadow GreensCovenant BranchDan River Number of SSOs Largest Single Event (gallons) Number of SSOs Largest Single Event (gallons) Number of SSOs Largest Single Event (gallons) 200360.22161,421,04016398,8607280,488 200443.791031,49766,375853,243 200538.11525,647834,8500- 200643.17416,5131034,4400- 200737.02350,3003280,488129,971

9 Project Status (Phase 1 – Phase 3) All improvements are complete and operational. The City and WK Dickson dealt with the usual restoration complaints and warranty issues. All known warranty issues are resolved. Project was closed out in May 2009 including record drawings and final payment to Contractor. Total Project Cost - $6,091,400 (Does not include land acquisition and legal costs) Rural Center Grant Reimbursement Received - $500,000

10 SOC Pump Station - Phase 4 Upgrades to Meadow Greens, Covenant Branch and Dan River Pump Stations (Kuder Street Pump Station was included to take advantage of economies of scale) Reliability and performance based improvements Increase to flow capacity at Meadow Greens and Covenant Branch to match peak wet weather flow (See Handout 2)

11 Project Performance (Phase 4) Peak Pumping Capacity Meadow Greens Covenant Branch Dan RiverKuder Street Existing (MGD)0.501.350.8352.520 to 3.6 Proposed (MGD) 1.001.5 to 1.70.8353.312 Confirmed (MGD) 0.9371.60.8963.638 Summary of Pump Station Firm Capacities

12 Meadow Greens (Phase 4) Meadow Greens - Before Meadow Greens -After

13 Meadow Greens (Phase 4) Meadow Greens - Before Meadow Greens -After

14 Covenant Branch (Phase 4) Covenant Branch - Before Covenant Branch -After

15 Covenant Branch (Phase 4) Covenant Branch - Before Covenant Branch -After

16 Dan River (Phase 4) Dan River - Before Dan River -After

17 Dan River (Phase 4) Dan River - Before Dan River -After

18 Kuder Street (Phase 4) Kuder Street - Before Kuder Street -After

19 Kuder Street (Phase 4) Kuder Street - Before Kuder Street -After

20 Project Status (Phase 4) All improvements are complete and operational. The project is under the One-Year Warranty. 11 th Month Warranty Inspection will conducted in July 2010. Project will be closed out in October 2009 including record drawings and final payment to Contractors. Total Project Cost - $3,882,900

21 SUCCESSFUL PARTNERSHIP OF CITY OF EDEN, ITS CITIZENS, NCDENR, CONTRACTORS AND WKD Acknowledgments WK Dickson Medlin Law Office Billings and Garret, Inc. Ralph Hodge Construction Company James E. Harris Construction Company Gilbert Engineering Company Mayor and Elected Coucil City Administration Environmental Services Engineering Planning/Inspections Finance North Carolina Rural Center NCDENR DWQ AND EMC

22 Where Are We and What’s Next SOC has been completed and has been terminated. Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES) needs to be completed in Bridge Street and Junction subsystems to complete sanitary sewer improvements prioritization.

23 Where Are We and What’s Next Continued improvements to rehabilitate and renew your system in a prioritized and proactive manner are recommended to mitigate another SOC. Priorities include: -Dry Creek Outfall Phase 2 -Smith River Outfall Phase 2 and 3 -Kuder Street Subsystem Improvements - Phase 1 through 3 -Bridge Street and Junction Pump Station Upgrades (Prioritized Improvements yet to be identified in Bridge Street and Junction)


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