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Welcome to 8 th Grade Physical Science! Andi Suter Rm. 112 Hand outs are available online but feel free to take them.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade Physical Science! Andi Suter Rm. 112 Hand outs are available online but feel free to take them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade Physical Science! Andi Suter Rm. 112 Hand outs are available online but feel free to take them.

2 This year in science…  8 th grade ~ focuses on the physical sciences  Chemistry  Physics  Astronomy  I emphasize study and organizational strategies, scientific problem solving, and observation skills through a Common Core, hands on-curriculum (with some life skills thrown in on the side!)

3 Teaching Format… This is middle school, they are still kids!! I use a diverse array of teaching methods and strategies:  Collaborative and individual lessons  Study strategies  Dog and pony show  Cornell notes, guided practice, and reinforcement for every chapter  Hands-on labs and fun demonstrations

4 Keys to Success… On the board everyday:  Due Today  Assignments  Learning Goal  Bellwork  Agenda In the Science Log:  Syllabus  Study Materials

5 Homework  Stamped  Stamped: Completed on time with effort, credit given in the log. Students are expected to fix errors in class. Focus on learning.  Graded  Graded: Corrected and individual scores recorded in gradebook. Focus on Evaluation.

6 Technology strategies  Chromebooks  Google docs via SaddlePort   BYOD

7 eCybermission & ScienceFair  Science Fair  Science Fair: Required for all 8 th grade students Feb 17 ( Family Night) and 18 (presentations during school)  eCybermission:  eCybermission: online STEM competition available for everyone this year! ( Required for Honors )  Christopher Columbus Awards  Orange County Science and Engineering Fair

8 Grades…  I will use the online grading system… please register to get email updates and reminders!  Categories are weighted  Tests, quizzes, projects, etc.40%  Lab activities and formal write ups 40%  Homework /class work 10%  Log10%

9 Citizenship and work habits…  I expect my students to follow the 3 R’s  Respect  Responsibility  Readiness  I promise that I will provide the same to them  Citizenship & Work Habits: see specific guidelines in hand out  “Outstanding” means standing out

10 Parent Support…  I love parent support!  You are welcome in my classroom anytime. Please contact me to make an appointment  If you have something scientific to share, please let me know!

11 Thank you!  I appreciate your time and attention this evening.  We are a team and I will work together with you and your child to ensure success.  Questions?

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